Magic Kingdom No Longer to be Dry


Well-Known Member
this has to be the worst photshopping I have even laid eyes on. Were you intoxicated creating this masterpiece?

For all the folks who say Walt would have been against this, I present the following extremely rare image, which was taken shortly before the Main Street parade sometime in the late 1950s,and which has not been altered in any way.

WARNING: The following image may prove upsetting!



A Long Time DVC Member
Just a reminder that the Magic Kingdom is not "dry". Disney has a permit to sell achochol in the park. If you want to have a private party at the Magic Kingdom you can have a bar set up. I had one planned for my next trip, but moved it to Hollywood Studios. I do not drink much any more, but I am gald to see that I will be able to have a glass of wine with dinner.


Premium Member
Sorry, I haven't read much of the thread really, but a good point is that didn't Walt specifically say that the MK should remain dry as it is a family orientated park?

No - simply that he wanted to keep alcohol out to keep away an undesirable type of crowd..the rowdy carny types. Not that others couldn't enjoy alcohol.

Remember at the time, DL was experienced differently than today. Cheap admission, etc.


Well-Known Member
This view though only works if you have some sort if predisposition against alcohol, seeing its non existence as better. Regardless if you drink or not, you can still think a world without is somehow better.

I'm not against drinking, but me anyplace where alcohol has ever been beneficial to society and I might not agree that perhaps the world would be better without it. Unless artificially planted, the body has no need for alcohol. Just as it has no definable need for nicotine. We create that need. I do think that in many instances the world would be better without it. For all others it really isn't an issue one way or the other. Alcohol does make a good disinfectant but only when used externally.


Well-Known Member
To recap:

Some people are happy with this
Some people are not
EPCOT is a great place to get drunk

Did I miss anything?

Thank You so much saving me time!

Have we discussed how long it will take before the wine is served in generic cups instead of goblets?

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I really don't want to get caught up in this quagmire of a thread, but I'll toss my thoughts in.

- I don't drink, so it really doesn't effect me. Overall...I don't care one way or the other.

- Of all the major issues at beer and wine really worth getting riled up over?

- Keep in mind, they aren't opening a bar in Fantasyland. It is a restaurant that will serve beer and wine with a meal. You cant just stroll in and buy a beer or three. Big difference. I'll wager that it will be a VERY rare occurrence for someone to come out of BoG intoxicated after a meal with the family.

It is my recollection this is how it started in Epcot Center. There were boundaries within the country pavilions past which you could not take your drink. My guess is in 10 years, you will be able to get alcohol with the same lack of restrictions as exist in other Walt Disney World parks. There will be a beer cart on Main Street and someone will place a trashcan at just the place where an average park guest would finish off the brew.

In honor of Walt, somewhere in Fantasyland should sell Scotch whiskey.


Well-Known Member
I'm not against drinking, but me anyplace where alcohol has ever been beneficial to society and I might not agree that perhaps the world would be better without it. Unless artificially planted, the body has no need for alcohol. Just as it has no definable need for nicotine. We create that need. I do think that in many instances the world would be better without it. For all others it really isn't an issue one way or the other. Alcohol does make a good disinfectant but only when used externally.
One could give alcohol a good bit of credit for us having this very conversation. Alcohol beverages became prevalent due to the disinfectant quality, making them often much safer than drinking water. Some have even argued that heavy agricultural development was in part aboit cultuvating crops for alcoholic drinks. This whole discussion however is not about alcohol for the purpose of intoxication. That is a misrepresentation of a drink at dinner.


Well-Known Member
Love this comment on the Disney Parks Blog:

"Tim on September 13th, 2012 at 5:16 pm

This is a fairly monumental announcement – the presence of alcohol at the Magic Kingdom.
Any word on whether or not “Gray Stuff” will be on the menu at Be Our Guest, the “dishes” keep hyping it."
Ha! I, for one, would love to see this on the menu. :D
Glad you approve


Well-Known Member
I dont see a problem with it. In all my trips to WDW, I have only seen one person drunk, not sick drunk, but wobbly. It was at EPCOT and was not a kid, but an older fellow. This is what is different about WDW, it is a family place, you dont see packs of 21 year olds running around and being stupid. Its either couples or families. Maybe I go at the wrong time year, but none the less, I still dont see this as creating a problem. WDW does a very good job at hiding things from the public, and what I mean, is they hide the smoking stations so those who dont smoke have to see it, let alone smell it. The same is true for alcohol in my opinion, you have to look for it to get it, with the exception of EPCOT, but even there you dont just see bars, they are hidden (Le Cava de Tequilaria). So in final, if BOG offers wine and beer, you have to go there to get it, and have a dinner reservation, not just walk up and start pounding them down. Besides, wine starts at $35 a bottle up to $100, it's too expensive to get drunk.


I didn't read all 28 pages of this as I dont' have the time. However, if you go to the WDW website you can pull up the drinks menu for Be Our Guest.............looks like some decent champagne is available if you have an important occasion!


Well-Known Member
When Walt opened DL, he wanted it to be a place where families could have fun together.
He didn't want to serve alcohol because in his experience with carnivals, Dad went off and had a beer on a bench instead of spending time with kids. The concept of theme parks didn't really exist yet and he wanted to ensure that people understood that this was a unique attraction.
The Magic Kingdom in FL was opened to be a huge theme park similar to Disneyland for the East Coast. Families have enjoyed their time together as Disney parks for well over 50 years now. We longer have to compete against the dirty carnival stereotype.
Allowing alcohol is breaking tradition, but I think that the reason for that tradition has long passed.


Well-Known Member
Wow I just finally looked at the menu. The're going to be pouring Chimay and Saison Dupont! Now I'm really impressed! Why can't they pour beers of this quality everywhere else?

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