Kissing/Making out on rides!


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think it might be romantic to have your first kiss at WDW? :shrug::lookaroun

Also WDW is the honeymoon capital of the world (or was) so ya gotta expect some smoochin'. As long as they don't rub it in your face or go all the way in public I don't care.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a little bit of smoochin, but there's no need to make out. That's a little excessive. Can't enjoy the ride!:hammer: (the ride that Disney intended for us to enjoy)

Heck if you're discretely getting frisky, at least you can watch what's going on around you


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a little bit of smoochin, but there's no need to make out. That's a little excessive. Can't enjoy the ride!:hammer: (the ride that Disney intended for us to enjoy)

Agreed! Thats what your Disney hotel resort room is for! :lol: Do it there, not on Pirates!


Well-Known Member
Ok , I may be a huge nerd here, but when I am at WDW , I don't think about making out or doing that Nasty on a ride.
I am too caught up with being at my favorite place inthe world.

Now outside of Disney, I think about it 24/7.:cool:


New Member
I have to admit, I was guilty of being one of the obscene guests. When I was in my early 20's, I went on the old Journey to Imagination ride with my girlfriend at the time. I went on the ride before and knew exactly where the camera was. Well, we had the car to ourselves and I discreetly placed her hand down my pants. Second later, a flash goes off and a few seconds after that, our image was displayed on the TV. Needless to say, she wasn't to happy....LOL.

Now being more mature in my mid-30's...I would never do that today, but I guess it was the thing to do at the time.

Journey to Imagenation is a ride? Geeze I gotta start hopping on these C ticket's if i wanna b a tru disney fanatic!

n im sorry but thats halarious, i woulda been laughin at her n reminding her about it ALL THE TIME :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
i'm guilty of making out and maybe a little frisky hands on SSE.
the hands was more of a "to say that happened on SSE" but it was only for a few seconds. haha. no one else was in our car.

and my boyfriend and i kissed for our picture on buzz lightyear.

Me and my girl tried kissing for the picture on buzz around 4 times before we could get it lined up right. Made for a cute picture when it worked though. We also kissed for a few photopass pictures and all of them showed up on our CD.

Oh and the story about the mom giving her kids $100 and come back to the room when she called them is absolutely hilarious.


Well-Known Member
A little kiss is innocent and sweet!

I don't know if anyone has seen this, but there was an interview with Mario Lopez when he was named hottest bachelor (yeah, right) in People Magazine where he says in it that he had you-know-what on PoTC in DL! It really grossed me out...I hope that doesn't happen in WDW...


Well-Known Member
DLR is a much different park. A friend from high school told me she made out with her boyfriend on POTC once (they were the only people on the boat), and after the ride, all the CMs came out applauding them.


Well-Known Member
A little kiss is innocent and sweet!

I don't know if anyone has seen this, but there was an interview with Mario Lopez when he was named hottest bachelor (yeah, right) in People Magazine where he says in it that he had you-know-what on PoTC in DL! It really grossed me out...I hope that doesn't happen in WDW...


MY virgin ears!!:lol:
back in High School, i think this was summer '99. Key Club International Convention was at WDW. I was hooking up with this girl, we went around the park together.

We only made out on one ride though.. . .Haunted Mansion. Doom Buggies are private enough for teenagers. lead for the whole riding being make out time.

A year ago, in WDW with my current Girl Friend, did we make out on rides? nope we ran around like little kids and had the time of our lives! The room in All Star Movies however. . . .:sohappy:


New Member
okay my husband and i made out on just about every trip on the same dark ride. Spaceship earth at epcot. It's dark and long, but hen you get to the top you gotta cool it cause all the cars become visible. all in all we like this one the best for it.

i have to say to we dont get alot of time together during the year with work and crazy schedules so vacations are a god send to us.:ROFLOL:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Reminds me of Ross on Friends getting kicked out of Disneyland for going behind one of the sets with his first wife on IASW when the ride broke down... :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Right!!! Whats another 100$ down the tubes during vacation?

Well, there were 3 kids so it cost her $300. Makes you wonder, truly, what's it worth to you (monetarily). How much would you spend to have time to take care of..uh..needs?

Also, please, for heaven's sake NOT go for the gusto on your balcony at the Contemporary. Yes, my hubby went outside on our balcony with the MK view one night (and I know it was before midnight) when we were just there and guess what our neighbors were doing? Yep. And they weren't being discreet. We know they had at least one little kid because earlier the same day he was out on the balcony making friends with one of my boys. I guess this was their parental escape idea because they were both totally in the buff going for the gold with the kid probably inside sleeping. Think about that! On a balcony in front of the resort which ain't exactly dark with all the lights out there. What are people thinking? Well, I know what they're thinking but...sheesh! Use some sense. Thank goodness one of my boys didn't go out there for the surprise show. :eek: Oh! And when he realized what they were doing he cleared his throat, smiled over at them, they looked over at him, then ran back inside. He got a good laugh. We didn't see them for the rest of the trip. Odd, huh? LOL!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
No way! I didn't see that one! What season was it??? I gotta go look for that one!
He talks about it during an episode where they're all talking about their most... Umm... Unique, ambitious places. (I believe Rachel even ends up saying 'the foot of the bed'! :lol: ) Ross talks about Carol and him in college getting caught and permanently kicked out of Disneyland. He ends his anecdote by saying, "It really IS a small world after all..."


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