Nice to hear from everybody!
My life has been crazy (nothing new there) but it's been extra crazy lately.
I'll give you the Reader's Digest version. Moved into my brand new house a year ago, three months later my washer (or dryer, didn't know which one at the time) starts ruining my clothes, fights with Sears for over a month and gets both of them replaced, three months later the new washer does the same thing, fights with Sears even more (I was accused of being crazy until I threw a hissyfit on a phone one day), months later gets another new washer and dryer (different brand and make this time), only got it installed a couple of weeks ago, had dental surgery last week (big job - lots of pain), I walk into my laundry room (after not using it for quite a few days b/c I've been heavily drugged) and it's flooded!!! A hose broke, flooded the laundry room, half bathroom, hallway (cork flooring ruined), poured into my electrical room and finished hall in the basement!

So yeah, that's how my month is going!!!
I could use a Disney Cruise right now! Anybody, in the mood to leave next week!?!