Well-Known Member
I've heard that several times, but the economic downturn just started to affect Disney. If Disney would have committed to the parks like Universial Harry Potter did, the attraction would be well down the path of completion. I hold the best bet for us Disney fans is a successful Universal. Competition is best. We hear about the great decade of 84-94, wasn't the the time Univeral came into play? We also need a leader like Frank was. He like the Disney brothers died too soon and their plans fell into the wrong hands.
Universal announced HP at a different time. If I remember right, it became official before we even knew about TSMM. Most economist would have told you this economic downturn was coming back at the beginning of the year. Which was around the time we last had a major announcement (AIE). I think that is why we haven't heard anything new from Disney. They are taking a wait and see strategy.
As far as Frank, I couldn't agree more! I wish to this day that he was still around. Heck! I wish Katzenberg was still around too. I still wonder where the company would be if those two would have been around for the whole Eisner era.