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  • Please tell me what the green dot behind your name means? And who was in your previous profile pic?
    do you know if any cp kids get a chance to work the jungle cruise? Or are all the skippers long term cast members?
    Hey, I just thought of good schtick for your upcoming Cruises! When entering the temple at night, how about something along the lines of "Enjoy it, this as close to SPACE MOUNTAIN as you can get right now..."
    You're so lucky!!! Good for you. I bet you enjoy that job! I would love to work for Disney...The pay rate though is not so great. :(
    Maybe in the future things will get better and $$ there will be better too.
    Take care your posts are great! ~Lucille~
    Yer, some poor decision at the moment, I mean, I wouldn't mind stich's stage if it wasn't where it is. But if the show exceeds my expectations it may be worth it, I'll have to see on my June/July trip, must be crazy going at that time!!
    Do you work the Jungle Cruise on a seasonal basis? That sounds very interesting. Your posts a fun to read. Thx Tinkerchelli
    Even though I will truely miss him, thank you for the Harry Kalas picture. Phillies games will never be the same now. May he rest in peace.
    Hi, Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your JC video (even though it's no longer in your signature). Also, I feel sorry for you and WDW1974 seem to get prejudged, I tried to mediate but just got shot down... I dunno eh?
    Ah, very cool.

    I hope to head up to the parks sometime this summer...Gotta convince the parents.:lol:

    Anyway, heading to bed...Good luck, and see you around the boards.
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