Extra Buns Now $1.99!

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I can't believe this. People spends thousands of dollars on Disney and they are too cheap to buy a bun? What kind of world do we live in today?:eek:


Well-Known Member
Whats the world coming to?

Psst! Hey Buddy, I notice you got kids with you. I got black market buns, only a buck!! 2 for 3!! Vitamin fortified!!(lol)
Whats the world coming to?

Psst! Hey Buddy, I notice you got kids with you. I got black market buns, only a buck!! 2 for 3!! Vitamin fortified!!(lol)

You would probably do very well if you did that, there certainly must be demand:ROFLOL:

Being a man I would not know, but I wonder how much Disney charges women for Tampax in the ladies room? You could sell those for less too!


you should...

That was incredibly rude of you. You should be more careful about what you say. Just because someone wants to save some money doesn't mean they're "riff-raff".
Wanting to save is ok..all methods of doing it are NOT the same,trying to scam WDW is dubious,,,as for rude, anyone show starts a sentence with an uncolicited "YOU SHOULD.." is.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Meh. If I'm in Disney, I don't care. You people are a bit too much sometimes.
There is truthiness in your words.

Disney is a luxury and not a neccessity. I never really feel too passionate about rising prices at a place that's sole purpose is to make money and provides no fundamental need.

Disney will continue to raise prices and once the benefit to cost ratio is unjustifiable, I will take my money elsewhere.


Premium Member
For the record, current one day ticket price is $71, plus tax; for non-expiring add $6.

Why would you buy no expiration for a 1 day pass? :veryconfu

While I understand trying to save a couple of dollars, the cost seems to be cosistantly passed off to those of us that either follow the rules or weren"t smart, or devious, enough to think of these cost savings ideas.:mad:

I don't understand how the cost is being passed down to anyone else here except the people purchasing the extra buns? I've never bought one, and I am not affected by this change at all.

And obviously if Disney was as exasperated as you are over this issue, they'd stop selling the buns a la carte. ;)

I can't believe this. People spends thousands of dollars on Disney and they are too cheap to buy a bun? What kind of world do we live in today?:eek:

An idiotic one apparently. Over the course of a week I doubt that people who do this purchase more than maybe 3 extra buns during the week. So OMG, they're trip cost just went up from $2,537.48 to $2,538.95!!! Guess they need to cancel their trips. That extra $1.47 spent is going to break the bank. :(


New Member
Gas and things are going up all the time now so a $1.99 for a extra bun I dont
think is to bad just buy one.


Well-Known Member
I respect the right for everyone to do as they please, I am just posting my opinion to see if others agree. Part of going on vacation for me is not worrying or trying to save money. I have to do that all year and so when I go to disney I do not concern myself with saving. I am on vacation to splurge and treat myself. Therefore, I spend the three dollars for a bottle of water(which I would not normally do) or get my own CS meal. I just feel that if I have to cut so many corners to go on vacation I would just as soon not go. :wave:


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the Mitch Hedburg bit:

"I saw a duck outside of a subway sandwich shop, so I went in to get him some bread. I ordered a bun, and they said they can't just give me the bun, so I told them to put some lettuce on it. Then she rang it up and said it was $1.99. "$1.99 it's for a duck." Oh, then it's free. See, I did not know that: Ducks eat for free at Subway. There's a whole bunch of ducks outside, and they all want sunchips"
why dont you just make yourself a nice pickle and tomato salad....

maybe Disney caught on to tall the people trying to nickle and dime them by sharing double burgers and wanted to get back at you.

it's just like printing the dates really big on the fast passes now.

youre favorite scams won't last forever


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know that you could buy just a bun. After reading this, I can see how it could save you money but really folks, complaining about this is a little much. We are talking a couple of dollars more on your vacation, to save yourself from buying another meal for someone. :rolleyes: When we are on vacation, I tend to enjoy it and not worry about every little dime that I spend. That would stress me out.


wow this is sort of ridiculous Disney why? its a roll not a loaf of bread

Because it's a themepark not Walmart. You expect to pay more. I can't belive they were selling them for 40c someone must have programmed the register with the wrong price.


Active Member
I don't understand why people are so offended by the idea. I never thought of buying an extra bun to split the double cheese burger, but now that the idea is out there I don't see anything wrong with it.

Why is cutting it in half to share any better? Why is it better to only pay for one meal and split it than it is to pay for one meal and one bun and split it? Are people really stealing when they put lettuce on that extra bun they bought? :shrug:


New Member
Can't believe this thread is up to 99 posts and 7 pages. Reminds me of when they got rid of the cheese sauce at Casey's and I tried to bring in my own. Not a good idea in mid August in Florida.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people are so offended by the idea. I never thought of buying an extra bun to split the double cheese burger, but now that the idea is out there I don't see anything wrong with it.

Why is cutting it in half to share any better? Why is it better to only pay for one meal and split it than it is to pay for one meal and one bun and split it? Are people really stealing when they put lettuce on that extra bun they bought? :shrug:

I agree with you. I don't buy an extra bun, because my hubby would never share a double with me. :lol: But I bet there are people like me whe never use any condiments on their burger. So if someone else uses the condiments that I could have used, I guess it all evens out in the end. Some people use more, some less. It's not like disney will be bankrupted by this. :shrug:
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