Extra Buns Now $1.99!

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Okay... so I know I'm really just a lurker, but...

It annoys me SO much that all of the infuriated people on this thread did not take the time to read all of the posts! WDWFigment clearly apologized and said he was wrong; that he understood the reason for the price increase. He did not want to "cheapen" Disney out of anything. So why is it STILL an issue??

(Now, I'm not saying that I think WDWFigment should have apologized or that he was wrong and a terrible person and the like--- I personally could care less because it's JUST A BUN!!!!)

*waits for the backlash of "it's not just a bun"*


I think some may think my comments about frugality later contradicted the earlier apology? (Although those frugality comments were only directed at one person who made a comment about 'staring at my money'). I understand the price increase and applaud Disney for taking steps to close "loopholes in the system", but as long as those loopholes exist, and don't fall into some legal grey area (or are downright illegal), I'm going to try to exploit them. In my opinion, just as they should make no apologies for being a successful company, I should make no apologies for being a savvy consumer.

--If I gave this thought before posting the thread (which I really should have), I would not have in the first place. This thread is no different than the parking at DTD or sharing refillable mug threads--sooner or later they all encroach on morality, and just like politics, morality is nothing to be discussed on a Disney message board...


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Okay... so I know I'm really just a lurker, but...

It annoys me SO much that all of the infuriated people on this thread did not take the time to read all of the posts! WDWFigment clearly apologized and said he was wrong; that he understood the reason for the price increase. He did not want to "cheapen" Disney out of anything. So why is it STILL an issue??

(Now, I'm not saying that I think WDWFigment should have apologized or that he was wrong and a terrible person and the like--- I personally could care less because it's JUST A BUN!!!!)

*waits for the backlash of "it's not just a bun"*


I agree, it always irks me that people don't read a thread before jumping on the bandwagon.


Well-Known Member
unbelieveable....never would hanve thought of splitting double in a million years...gives meaning to the term 'riff-raff'...please stay home and stare at your money.

"Riff-raff"...:lookaroun...Just because someone wants to save money by splitting a burger they are "riff-raff"? Wow...should I mention that we used to pack a tupperware container with PB&J sandwiches, some bottles to refill with water, and a bag of chips before we could afford the dining plan? We would have liked to have been able to afford a double cheeseburger to split a few years ago. Don't be so quick to say such snotty things.


New Member
What locations still offer toppings bars? I noticed that Electric Umbrella and Backlot Express no longer have their bars.

...that seems a bit more on topic...

True Knowledge

New Member
I think some may think my comments about frugality later contradicted the earlier apology? (Although those frugality comments were only directed at one person who made a comment about 'staring at my money'). I understand the price increase and applaud Disney for taking steps to close "loopholes in the system", but as long as those loopholes exist, and don't fall into some legal grey area (or are downright illegal), I'm going to try to exploit them. In my opinion, just as they should make no apologies for being a successful company, I should make no apologies for being a savvy consumer.

--If I gave this thought before posting the thread (which I really should have), I would not have in the first place. This thread is no different than the parking at DTD or sharing refillable mug threads--sooner or later they all encroach on morality, and just like politics, morality is nothing to be discussed on a Disney message board...
I'm with you 100% on finding loopholes. Personally,I think I've spent more than enough money on overpriced things at WDW, I think they've made there money off me. And of course I would never do anything illegal, or risk getting me kicked out (that would defeat the purpose). It's mostly just me asking for free cups of water, vs paying 1.50 or whatever it is for a bottle, things of that caliber.

Really the only reason why I try to save money there is so I can blow it latter that night for some fantastic meal.


another reason you would want an extra bun is that people who have weight loss surgeries cant eat as much so they buy the double burger and the extra bun split it with someone in their party.

I know we've done this.

lol so have we. when i've bought a double cheeseburger at cosmic rays my wife ate some lettuce and mushrooms off the toppings bar due to the fact that she cant eat more than a childs portion due to surgery. if thats wrong oh well i think its wrong to charge people $11 to park in a parking lot


Active Member
I got to thread # 80 and had to skip to the end, I can't believe this has gone on this long. And yes I know I am only contributing to the insanity:hammer:
Disney has good reason to charge so much for buns. Lately, they have had to make improvements to It's a Small World because the guests were too heavy. Money from the buns is probably being used to fund larger boats. It's either that or charge more for general admission and which is more fair? Oh, I guess Michael Eisner could take a salary cut, but that would never happen, even though he could afford plenty of Disney buns:goodnevil


Are you serious about buying new boats? How mant people really ask for an extra bun? 1 in 100 people? If that. This is a horrible thread for $2.00
Actually, I think it makes some sense, based on what is going on here in the Pittsburgh area. Our public transit system, Port Authority Transit is in financial trouble. The fares have gone up and some routes have been cut but they are still in trouble. Young Luke, our mayor came up with the idea of an 18% alcoholic drink tax to pay for public transit so as to also cut down on drunk driving, why not use this tax to pay for buses and the trolley? The alternative would be increase the general taxes and no politician wants to do that. Disney could just charge higher admission to pay to deepen the "river" in Its a Small World, but don't you think its more fair to "tax" the high carbohydrate foods that are making people heavy? Who knows, maybe Disney will give out cucumber slices for free, they have very few calories. :D

P.S. People are soooooo upset about the drink tax, just as they are about the 2.00 buns. :mad:


Actually, I think it makes some sense, based on what is going on here in the Pittsburgh area. Our public transit system, Port Authority Transit is in financial trouble. The fares have gone up and some routes have been cut but they are still in trouble. Young Luke, our mayor came up with the idea of an 18% alcoholic drink tax to pay for public transit so as to also cut down on drunk driving, why not use this tax to pay for buses and the trolley? The alternative would be increase the general taxes and no politician wants to do that. Disney could just charge higher admission to pay to deepen the "river" in Its a Small World, but don't you think its more fair to "tax" the high carbohydrate foods that are making people heavy? Who knows, maybe Disney will give out cucumber slices for free, they have very few calories. :D

P.S. People are soooooo upset about the drink tax, just as they are about the 2.00 buns. :mad:

hello fellow pittsburghian, but the drink tax is 10%


Well-Known Member
I never heard of people buying extra buns. I have to admit I laughed when reading this.

My suggestion would to just bring food as it's cheaper likw other posters have said.


Active Member
there is absoutely nothing wrong with being frugal! you go figment!

in my earlier days of going to disney, i only wished i could afford the double cheeseburger in the first place.

i see nothing wrong with buying the extra bun and splitting a double burger. i do know though, that i would not bring my own bun into the park, mainly because i don't think it would resemble a bun by the time i was ready to use it.

i am just very thankful that i am finally at a place in my life where i don't have to worry about being frugal while enjoying a vacation at disney.

all those that are blessed by that fact should just be happy with that. why be rude to someone trying to cut a couple of corners to enjoy disney.

hey fig, i don't use the fixin's bar, so load up and enjoy my share. just don't fill up too much on the stuff, i would hate for you and your beautiful fiance to be weighted down and not beable to get out of my double strollers way running to goofy barnstormer! :lookaroun :ROFLOL:


Active Member
I think some may think my comments about frugality later contradicted the earlier apology? (Although those frugality comments were only directed at one person who made a comment about 'staring at my money'). I understand the price increase and applaud Disney for taking steps to close "loopholes in the system", but as long as those loopholes exist, and don't fall into some legal grey area (or are downright illegal), I'm going to try to exploit them. In my opinion, just as they should make no apologies for being a successful company, I should make no apologies for being a savvy consumer.

--If I gave this thought before posting the thread (which I really should have), I would not have in the first place. This thread is no different than the parking at DTD or sharing refillable mug threads--sooner or later they all encroach on morality, and just like politics, morality is nothing to be discussed on a Disney message board...

hear, hear!
I also didn't know that you could buy a bun for whatever cents before and now it whatever dollars. I say go for it because I think Disney does not care if you buy a double burger and split it in to two single burgers, otherwise they would not sell a bun.


New Member
Hah, it was done just to stop cheap people from doing just that. A lot of nice restaurants have "sharing" fees. You split an entree, you pay $5 or $10, and that is for nothing. So $1.49, instead of paying $8 for another burger isn't so unreasonable.

I gotta disagree!!!!!!!!! There is nothing in this world that would make me champion Disney's desire to view my wallet as their property for the duration of my visit!

Too many people are willing to forgive their money-grabs, mainly due to an affection for Walt and his way of doing things...both of which have been gone for more than a generation now!

Speak up! E-mail Disney. Call and complain. In the past few months they've been going over their food service prices with a fine-toothed-comb and hiking prices like wild. Don't agree? How about the new dining plan not including tips? How about the move from chicken strips to chicken nuggets...a decrease in the amount of food without a decrease in price. How about the entire months of June and July being branded a "holiday" so that character meal prices can be hiked through the roof?

For those of you who have so much money that you can ignore this...congrats! The rest of us, however, have every right to speak up. If enough of us do, Disney will know that they've found out just exactly where the elasticity of pricing ends and will respond.

As for my boys and I, we'll be eating all but one breakfast in our room...with groceries brought in and using a fridge that is costing me $6.25 for our week long stay (at a value resort...it can be done!) We'll also be eating dinner in our room at least 2 or 3 days of our stay.

I firmly believe that Disney's goal is to get as much of your money and provide as little in return as possible. It's up to you to decide whether to be a good lemming and fall in line or not!
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