Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment


Active Member
I don't see anything happening at IoA for years, but eventually contracts will come up, loopholes will be found. Contracts have out clauses, if they didn't Universal would be in trouble if something happened to Marvel. We'll see what happens, it's down the road, right now I'm more happy that Disney purchased Marvel, it works out for them if licenses fall through or not. It'll be fun to see how it all plays out.

@Skip There is if they have exclusive rights to those types of rides. Like I said who knows, maybe the Sentinel just worded that section horribly.


New Member
The Orlando Sentinel states "Marvel also has various deals with the two-park Universal Orlando. The agreements governing two of Universal's hugely popular rides, The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk roller coaster, appear to be virtually perpetual deals. According to Universal's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Universal Orlando retains American rights east of the Mississippi River for as long as its attractions are in operation."

Anyone know who to find that SEC filing? I'm curious what else it says!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If Universal thought Harry Potter would take down Disney...Then they lose their biggest IOA draw to Disney!

This round goes to Disney! :sohappy:

This assumes that Universal is required to make annual licensing payments for the attractions. Most assuredly they've been paying fees on merchandise sales, but as for the attractions themselves, it isn't clear.


Well-Known Member
Universal is NOT going to promote a Disney property. And once the Universal folks get over their hangovers they will start conceptualizing. Or making plans to sell the place.

You know as this sinks into my mind so much more is starting to make sense about what has been posted to this forum by the doomers. :cool:

If you are a fan of WDW this is a day to celebrate. :sohappy:

It definitely is a day to celebrate. Disney just acquired a great revenue producing brand.

To say that Universal won't promote a competitor's brand is a bit much. There is a certain quid pro quo. It's not just Universal promoting a Disney brand, it's also Universal benefiting from a Disney brand. None of us here are adequately able to do a cost-benefit analysis (as I know no one here knows both what revenue Universal generates as a result of the Marvel franchises in its park, and what it costs it to generate said revenue), so no one knows what the benefit to Universal is in having these properties. To look at it as "Universal promoting a competitor" ignores half of the equation.

What also must be considered is how Disney is going to brand the Disney name on Marvel's properties. If it's solely a matter of ownership, then Universal isn't really promoting Disney by having a Spiderman coaster (at least any more than it's promoting Sony--another competitor of Universal). If Disney does brand it "Disney-Marvel" or something to that extent, the impact is greater. Most people are too ignorant to see the connection or let it somehow matter to them. How many people in the general public do you think know Disney owns ESPN? How about Disney owning Touchstone?

In short, you can't just look at one side of the equation. Theme parks have in the past been willing to 'advertise' for competitors when the arrangement is mutually beneficial. No one here has any evidence suggesting anything to the contrary. Rather, the evidence suggests Universal will 'advertise' Disney's newest acquisition.


Well-Known Member
There won't be any Uni board meetings going on for awhile. But I'm sure Scotch sales will skyrocket.


Do you even consider anything that could possibly not affect Disney in the best possible way?


Well-Known Member


As you can see, I love this pic!:sohappy:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
If Universal and Disney work together its beneficial for both. They don't have to retheme a whole land while Disney makes money for essentially doing nothing. Will Uni eventually retheme that area probably but for the forseeable future I would imagine nothing would change.

But thats not fan boy logic. If land business doesn’t run to make money seemingly, or sense for that matter.

Perhaps its old age, but I cant see why anyone, even fan boys would be happy with a reduction in choice?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here heard the rumour about adding THE HULK
to It's a Small World?

Apparently, he would smash through walls and stuff, and be rendered
in faithful Mary Blair style.

Just wondering if anyone's heard about that.

Because I haven't. :p


Well-Known Member
The characters will fit in great at HS. They can even easily incoporate it effortlessly into the backlot tours. Everyone gets on a tram and it drives out the gates and down I-4 to Universal. There, just like that, HS is expanded by miles!


Well-Known Member
But thats not fan boy logic. If land business doesn’t run to make money seemingly, or sense for that matter.

Perhaps its old age, but I cant see why anyone, even fan boys would be happy with a reduction in choice?

It's not a reduction. I don't think Spidey will close, it will be rethemed IMO.

Transformers perhaps?


Well-Known Member
The characters will fit in great at HS. They can even easily incoporate it effortlessly into the backlot tours. Everyone gets on a tram and it drives out the gates and down I-4 to Universal. There, just like that, HS is expanded by miles!

Wow! I think you might have just figured out why they kept the BT. Could the Hulk rescue us from catastrophe canyon in the future?

Let the speculating begin!


Well-Known Member
It's not a reduction. I don't think Spidey will close, it will be rethemed IMO.

Transformers perhaps?

It's already been established that Transformers will not fit in Spider-Man's slot.

Nothing will be rethemed or replaced. :)


Active Member
LoL, I honestly would just love for Disney to collect money from Universal because really the thought of losing Spider-Man makes me weep. However who knows what's in store, Disney and Universal do not have a good history working together, from Oswald The Lucky Rabbit to current day stuff like Shrek 3D mocking Disney. The parks in Orlando all get along nice except for Disney and Universal. It's always been a little more personal between those 2 companies. We'll see how it works out, it'd be something if one day you see the same characters in both companies parks each done with their own flare.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It's not a reduction. I don't think Spidey will close, it will be rethemed IMO.

Transformers perhaps?

JT, you are not the only fan boy on this site :animwink:

Use of words like destroy, and crush as used by others, would seem to imply that some posters would rather Universal closed, because it doesnt suit their own narrow twisted point of view. But given we havent even established whats being discussed, beyond comedy/ fantasy value this thread is pretty pointless.


It's already been established that Transformers will not fit in Spider-Man's slot.

Nothing will be rethemed or replaced. :)

Purely hypothetical:

So you're saying in 7 years, when Potter has been open for a while, and there's not real expansion room in IoA, that they won't change it for a big draw?

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