Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment


Well-Known Member

Well when I talked about "4 for the 40th" it's not exactly what I was hoping for.

Well done but I need a tums.


Well-Known Member
Purely hypothetical:

So you're saying in 7 years, when Potter has been open for a while, and there's not real expansion room in IoA, that they won't change it for a big draw?

Spider-Man will NEVER leave as far as I'm concerned. It's Universal's top draw, a critically acclaimed masterpiece. Hulk would be far too hard to replace with anything - its footprint is prohibitively small. The same issue occurs with FearFall, assuring its status as "safe". Storm Force I could see being removed, but only as a possible gateway to a pretty sizable plot of land available behind it, which could in time be transformed into a new attraction.

And by the way, for some reason this just occurred to me - anyone who seems to be celebrating the idea of Spider-Man either closing or being rethemed clearly does not love theme parks. Just saying.


Spider-Man will NEVER leave as far as I'm concerned. It's Universal's top draw, a critically acclaimed masterpiece. Hulk would be far too hard to replace with anything - its footprint is prohibitively small. The same issue occurs with FearFall, assuring its status as "safe". Storm Force I could see being removed, but only as a possible gateway to a pretty sizable plot of land available behind it, which could in time be transformed into a new attraction.

It's the top draw until Potter opens.;)

I would never thing Hulk would be replaced, but Hulk and Doom could easily be rethemed. People don't ride the Hulk because of it being "The Incredible Hulk". They ride it because it's a kick a$$ coaster.

And Storm can go, I wouldn't miss it.:lol:

And by the way, for some reason this just occurred to me - anyone who seems to be thinking the idea of Spider-Man either closing or being rethemed clearly does not love theme parks. Just saying.

I don't necessarily want it to close. It's my favorite ride. But I'd love to see Spidey in a New Avengers ride at DHS.


Well-Known Member
For many months, that has added up to a couple of years... so many people on here wanted to know how Disney was going to respond to USF adding Potter World.

So much complaining and bellyaching that nothing new was in the pipeline other than a video shooter attraction based on a 1990's movie series.

Well it looks like ole Iger has been saving up his cash for the answer, and today was quite a surprise for many here.

And from many members of this board... There was much rejoycing.



Active Member
And by the way, for some reason this just occurred to me - anyone who seems to be celebrating the idea of Spider-Man either closing or being rethemed clearly does not love theme parks. Just saying.

I'm with you there Skip, a good ride is a good ride no matter where it is at.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Even if Universal had to retheme the rest of the Marvel area (which it hasn't even been established that they would), the idea they'd get rid of Spider-Man because "it wouldn't fit the theme" is not realistic in the least.

At most, you'd see some kind of generic theme like "Adventure Island" or "Hero Land," and Spidey would still be right in the mix. Seriously, Universal is going to WILLINGLY give up one of their biggest draws on the planet because they're worried about clashing themes? That makes no sense to me at all.

Hulk could become anything. It's just a green steel track. Spidey is a different story. Spidey will still be right there five years from now. I'll put a milkshake on it.*

*Guarantee good for one (1) milkshake in the event Spider-Man is removed before September 1, 2014, along with an unlimited number of straws.


For many months, that has added up to a couple of years... so many people on here wanted to know how Disney was going to respond to USF adding Potter World.

So much complaining and bellyaching that nothing new was in the pipeline other than a video shooter attraction based on a 1990's movie series.

Well it looks like ole Iger has been saving up his cash for the answer, and today was quite a surprise for many here.

And from many members of this board... There was much rejoycing.


These characters won't be in the parks for a long, long time.

The "bellyaching" is still valid, and fairly correct.


Well-Known Member
LoL, I honestly would just love for Disney to collect money from Universal because really the thought of losing Spider-Man makes me weep.

Exactly my thoughts! I also fear that if Disney did find some legal way to prompt the removal of the Marvel franchise from IOA that Disney wouldn't do anything in WDW with it, and if they did it would to small-scale and not explored to its full potential, and I don't want to loose Spiderman for that to happen.

Although I would highly doubt that Universal won't have protected themselves legally for something like this happening, and that the ball is in their court for if they want to promote Disney property. As long as their isn't a Marvel prescene in WDW I don't see why they wouldn't continue to heavily promote their Marvel land.

And on another point...

I think the point has clearly been made that Marvel characters will struggle to fit into parks that arn't DHS. No need to contiually repeat it over 23 pages of a thread!


Well-Known Member
Hell, try doing something someone else hasn't done for awhile like The Shadow

After the 1994 version with Baldwin bombed, no one rushed to make it a franchise. However, if I remember correctly, some big name has been tapped to write a new script, supposedly someone who has strong regard for the original pulps/radio show. Can't remember details though.


Well-Known Member
Even if Universal had to retheme the rest of the Marvel area (which it hasn't even been established that they would), the idea they'd get rid of Spider-Man because "it wouldn't fit the theme" is not realistic in the least.

At most, you'd see some kind of generic theme like "Adventure Island" or "Hero Land," and Spidey would still be right in the mix. Seriously, Universal is going to WILLINGLY give up one of their biggest draws on the planet because they're worried about clashing themes? That makes no sense to me at all.

Hulk could become anything. It's just a green steel track. Spidey is a different story. Spidey will still be right there five years from now. I'll put a milkshake on it.*

*Guarantee good for one (1) milkshake in the event Spider-Man is removed before September 1, 2014, along with an unlimited number of straws.

This is a very good point....

And what flavour milkshake? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Spider-Man will NEVER leave as far as I'm concerned. It's Universal's top draw, a critically acclaimed masterpiece. Hulk would be far too hard to replace with anything - its footprint is prohibitively small. The same issue occurs with FearFall, assuring its status as "safe". Storm Force I could see being removed, but only as a possible gateway to a pretty sizable plot of land available behind it, which could in time be transformed into a new attraction.

And by the way, for some reason this just occurred to me - anyone who seems to be celebrating the idea of Spider-Man either closing or being rethemed clearly does not love theme parks. Just saying.

They didn't tear down Dueling Dragons to retheme it to Potter. They won't have to tear down Hulk or Dr Doom to retheme them either. Spiderman could easily be converted to Transformers. Maybe not the Universal Hollywood version but, who knows, maybe something as good or better.


Well-Known Member
Spider-Man will NEVER leave as far as I'm concerned. It's Universal's top draw, a critically acclaimed masterpiece. Hulk would be far too hard to replace with anything - its footprint is prohibitively small. The same issue occurs with FearFall, assuring its status as "safe". Storm Force I could see being removed, but only as a possible gateway to a pretty sizable plot of land available behind it, which could in time be transformed into a new attraction.

And by the way, for some reason this just occurred to me - anyone who seems to be celebrating the idea of Spider-Man either closing or being rethemed clearly does not love theme parks. Just saying.

Not saying it will be forced to close... but its going to cost them some $$ to keep using it when the contracts are up for renewal. Does anyone seriously think that Universal would knock down rides that are less than 10 years old?


Active Member
MY word...twenty three pages of "no heroes in my parks"...:dazzle:

C'mon people...you never see the power rangers outside of DHS.

There was a long time ago...there were no characters in EPCOT for a long time. We still only see certain ones in AK...

I think people's intelligence will prevail...as it has in the past...proper characters will be in proper locations and parks...

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
For many months, that has added up to a couple of years... so many people on here wanted to know how Disney was going to respond to USF adding Potter World.

So much complaining and bellyaching that nothing new was in the pipeline other than a video shooter attraction based on a 1990's movie series.

Well it looks like ole Iger has been saving up his cash for the answer, and today was quite a surprise for many here.

And from many members of this board... There was much rejoycing.


Im obviously a bit thick, but why the rejoicing? Unless if the fan boy logic is to be believed this acquisition is to try and weaken a competitor who is now better in some areas, but Id have thought a desire to improve their own offerings would have been the most creative option. But as I have said maybe they are that weak now when it comes to innovation that trying to undermine the greatest threat is the only option. :shrug:

Hip Hip hoo rahh


Active Member
I think Disney could totally re-invigorate comics and make TONS of money if they also bought DC and combined the two universes.

Actually this is a horrible idea, they've tried many different crossovers in the past combining the characters and those issues traditionally haven't sold well. DC Comics deals with "gods" Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, even their humans Green Lantern given the most powerful weapon in the universe based purely off of will that can compete with the characters above or Flash who can bend the fabric of time and space essentially giving him god-like powers with a couple of characters like Batman who are humanistic in nature to anchor it down. While Marvel is humanistic in nature dealing with humans getting powers but being essentially human trying to live human lives and faced with human problems with a couple of gods to elevate. The two don't really mix....all attempts before have failed.

Besides, I don't see Warners giving them up anytime soon and with the Six Flags parks doing spotty and some downright closing I wouldn't be surprised if they would be willing to sell to Universal and counterbalance in a few years.


Active Member
to me not only will this increase any lost revenue from the corporation but will also act as Disneys answer to Harry Potter, smart move


Well-Known Member
They didn't tear down Dueling Dragons to retheme it to Potter. They won't have to tear down Hulk or Dr Doom to retheme them either. Spiderman could easily be converted to Transformers. Maybe not the Universal Hollywood version but, who knows, maybe something as good or better.

Dueling Dragons is being rethemed by Universal's choice to a property that makes sense given the location. You don't have to tear down Hulk and FearFall, but you do have to retheme them, which they don't have to (and won't) do. Spider-Man can NOT be "converted" to Transformers... it apparently requires a two story design and a different footprint for the ride building. Not to mention all of the massive sets and effects that are already in Spider-Man...

You can try to disguise your anti-Universal agenda here, jt, but it's painfully apparent. You don't care that Spider-Man is the most critically-acclaimed attraction in Florida - you just want Universal to "lose".

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