Disney Diet Buddies...


Well-Known Member
Have you thrown the cake out or given it away? My weakness is chocolate so I try to keep it out of the house or put it somewhere that I can't reach it. Every moment is a chance to start over. I tend to be an all or nothing type person and was stuck in the mindset of "oh well, I can have that piece of cake because I've already had one today so I've blown it. I'll start again tomorrow.". It's dangerous to think that way and has taken me a long time to temper it. You should have your (small) piece of cake but work out harder or cut back your calories somewhere else that day. Life is far too short to skip the things we enjoy altogether.

I'm definately watching and will be happy to call all of you out! :ROFLOL:

I'm totally all or nothing too! It took awhile to think long haul and overall picture not just a daily snapshot. I would always think "Well I had a piece of cake at work so when I get home I am haviing 7 beers and a bag of chips and will really buckle down tomorrow. Even worse I'd do that for a week. Well, I blew Monday and Tuesday so I'll start again next Monday. What was a 450 calroie hit on a diet in one piece of cake turned into a 3000 calroie blowout. Instead of thinkg well I had 2500 calories today but it will taper out over a few days of doing well, I'd think well 2500 calories ruins the diet for today.
I got into the mind set by dieting. The lifestyle change made me realize that I could have snacks every once in awhile and taper it with good eating and over the course of a week a few snakcs won't hurt and I didn't "ruin" my diet.


Have you thrown the cake out or given it away? My weakness is chocolate so I try to keep it out of the house or put it somewhere that I can't reach it. Every moment is a chance to start over. I tend to be an all or nothing type person and was stuck in the mindset of "oh well, I can have that piece of cake because I've already had one today so I've blown it. I'll start again tomorrow.". It's dangerous to think that way and has taken me a long time to temper it. You should have your (small) piece of cake but work out harder or cut back your calories somewhere else that day. Life is far too short to skip the things we enjoy altogether.

I'm definately watching and will be happy to call all of you out! :ROFLOL:

Yes, threw out the cake yesterday and told the family I would only be buying marshmallows for dessert (something I'll definitely stay away from) :lol:
I use to go to weight watchers and that diet / lifestyle change really works for me. But I have done this last bit of weight lose on my own using their point system. The problem with that is not being acountable to anyone (not weighing in) and I have let that piece of cake or bite of chocolate slip by and not "count" in my total points. Those points add up quickly though when you try to ignore them. I got too comfortable with a nibble here and there.

And please call me out on it! I need the tough love! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Although Sunday is the day that I take to eat whatever I want, this past Sunday was bad for me. My parents had a low country boil and invited a bunch of my family. I supplied the ice cream (my weakness). I didn't take any home to resist any further temptation. I will say that I do not keep ice cream in the house. If I want ice cream I will go on a Sunday to an ice cream shop. That way I can only get one and be done with it.

Something else that is throwing me off this week is that my schedule has changed. During the school year I could teach my first class and then eat breakfast. I know, I know, I shouldn't keep my metabolism slow during the day, but honestly it worked for me. I never got hungry until lunch doing that. Now, I'm finishing up my master's program this summer, and my schedule is just draining me. I have one class at 7:45 and another at 1:45 with a three hour break in between. I have a hard time coming home and not going to get a snack. Fortunately, we try not to keep snacks in the house.

In other news I decided to increase the weight of the free weights that I use. I have noticed in just a few workouts that my arms already look more toned; my muscles are getting fatigued; and my squats, lunges, and dips are getting harder to do as well.


Well-Known Member
Okay. I've been out of town since Monday. As of Monday morning I was down by about 10 lbs. My next weigh/measure is supposed to be next Wednesday but all these road trip plans to my folks' house have shifted so I need to reschedule that to next Friday.

I'm proud to say I spent 2 days at my grandmother's house and didn't totally blow everything. No, I couldn't get the work-outs in during that time but I had mentioned my diet efforts over the phone to her prior to the drive to her house and was overjoyed that she didn't bake or leave out any candy for nibbling (as is her standard).

I also told my mother about how hard I'm working on this. When I got to the folks' house today she had the fridge jammed full of fresh veggies, fruit, bottled water, etc. Gotta love my momma for helping me out.

Brian (my 13 yro) and I hope to get out for some running this week. Laugh if you will but I had my teenage sons pack up the Wii, Wii Fit, and one of their 32" flat screen tvs for me for this trip. Yes, we hauled a tv all the way to Alabama from Texas with us. My folks have just 1 old analog tv in the living room. It had to be done. The perk for the boys was that they could then bring a PS3 to play on while we're here as well.

Sooooo, big obstacle ahead: Sunday. My birthday. I know somehow there will be a cake involved. Cake is one of my biggest weaknesses, too. I cannot resist cake. Cake loves me. I love it. I'm thinking maybe I should suggest to mom and everyone to nix the cake and just poke a candle in a cucumber slice or something. :cry:


Active Member
Also, don't use the scale, it's heartbreaking and demotivating for a variety of reasons: muscle weighs way more than fat per the amount of area it takes up..... Use a tape measure around waste, hips, chest neck and thighs. Keep track of that.
Couldn't agree more! I've been staying within the same 5-10 pounds for the past five months, but I've gone down 22 inches. So there is definitely a difference!

And please call me out on it! I need the tough love! Thanks.
Me too me too!!!! Actually, have you looked into blogging at all about it? I started to do that, and I have found myself in a group of people who are all going through the same thing and we keep each other in check. :)

Sooooo, big obstacle ahead: Sunday. My birthday. I know somehow there will be a cake involved. Cake is one of my biggest weaknesses, too. I cannot resist cake. Cake loves me. I love it. I'm thinking maybe I should suggest to mom and everyone to nix the cake and just poke a candle in a cucumber slice or something. :cry:
Is the cake homemade??? Because then you could do some of the cheats for it, like making it with diet soda, to help you out. :wave: Also, don't try to keep yourself from eating it, because then you'll eat more. Just have a piece that's a good size to get you satisfied and then try your best to stay away... it's hard butttt just think that we're here rooting for you! :sohappy:


Sooooo, big obstacle ahead: Sunday. My birthday. I know somehow there will be a cake involved. Cake is one of my biggest weaknesses, too. I cannot resist cake. Cake loves me. I love it. I'm thinking maybe I should suggest to mom and everyone to nix the cake and just poke a candle in a cucumber slice or something. :cry:

:ROFLOL: Picturing a candle in a cucumber! I do love a cucumber though.
Happy Birthday!


I also told my mother about how hard I'm working on this. When I got to the folks' house today she had the fridge jammed full of fresh veggies, fruit, bottled water, etc. Gotta love my momma for helping me out.

This is huge and kudos to your mother for her support. My mom always "suggests" that my sister or I need to drop some pounds but then acts offended when we come to visit and she has to alter her menu or heaven forbid we pass on eating the cream laden pasta she's serving. I usually avoid the visits if I'm in major diet mode. If I'm just maintaining, then it is easier to deal.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
How's everybody doing? It's Monday- time to hold yourself accountable for your weekend :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Reporting in.

Brian (my 13 yro) & I went for a run on the beautiful, now-paved nature trail at the college I attended a bazillion years ago. Lots of elevation changes. This is a new thing for us since we live in a flat, coastal area. We discovered there's a whole set of muscles there that we had no knowledge of. Wow!

I'm still out of town so my careful (almost worrisome) attention to the diet continues. I've eaten only my usual oatmeal for breakfasts. Mom's been on a steak grilling kick. So I'm eating lots of fresh veggies & fruit along with the steaks. I've been here 4 nights & she's grilled steaks 3 times. No complaints. It's not ideal but it's so good and I don't have to cook anything which is like the skies opening up and angels singing a serenade to me.

Mom asked me 3 days ago if she could buy a cheapy cake at Walmart for snacking. I've always said that just because I'm dieting doesn't mean everyone else is. I urged her to not worry about me and get it if she wanted to. I am so stinkin' proud of myself. Temptation was there. I thought about it a few times. But I did not eat a single piece of that cake. This is huge for me. Sweets, especially cake, is my biggest weakness and I conquored it!

I survived my birthday. We ended up being overly-ambitious. We had plans to grill big ol' honkin' steaks with some baked potatoes and the boys baking the birthday cake. Well, then we got the call that my nieces were coming back from the beach and we needed to meet their mom in a neighboring town to pick them up. We had steak & potatoes at 10:00 last night. I only had 1/3 of the biggest steak and 1/2 a potato. The cake was homemade. No lighter shortcuts. It was filled with homemade chocolate buttercream (my faaaavorite) and frosted with regular homemade buttercream (my 2nd favorite). I only ate a single piece....at 11:30 pm. It had been so long since I had anything that rich that it was almost nauseating. Unusual for me. Normally I snarf up the cake with the homemade buttercreams like a mad woman. The cake sits here in the cake container here in front of me and I'm not tempted in the least to eat it. Such a relief. So yes, I splurged but I don't feel discouraged. Everyone should allow themselves to celebrate with splurges. It's not every day I get to be with my folks. My mom didn't get to fawn over me and cook up mega-meals when I was little. The whole thing made me feel great in every way.

Mom wants me to go up to the local YMCA with her tomorrow and see about a membership for her & Dad. I think I'm inspiring or influencing her. She's made such a fuss over how wonderful it has been to enjoy snacking on fresh pineapple and crunchy veggies. She has lots of medical problems (had a bypass at 54 years old), lives in constant pain (from degenerative spinal issues) yet she wants to try and improve her overall health via diet and exercise. I think I'm inspired. If she can have the will to do such and actively seek ways to accomplish this (hopefully swimming!) in spite of her pain then who am I to whine about difficult work-outs or sore muscles? Right?


Active Member
My weekend was TERRIBLE, at least diet-wise. :cry: I spent Friday from about 2pm until yesterday around 3:30 (save for sleeping, church, and running to get a maid of honor dress) working on lesson plans for a final project in my class... so I was a bump on a log all weekend, and kept forgetting to eat. :brick:

I did get to a BodyPump class last night to finally get some workout in, but realized it wasn't the best thing to do after eating shy of 500 calories throughout the day... so I had pizza and beer at the Italian Festival with my friends. :slurp: :lookaroun

Now to figure out how to get myself back onto a normal track...


Well-Known Member
Next report!

Went for my monthly weigh/measure. My weight isn't down as much as I'd hoped. I seriously think I need to wait 6 weeks to go to schedule the next one because I seem to be catching the bad week when I'm retaining water. Seriously. For 2 days now I can't get enough water. Blech! My measurements, however, are progressing well! I lost an inch off my waist and an 1 1/2 inches off my hips. WooHOOOO!!! :sohappy:

I did good with the days after my birthday. No cake cravings. The kids snarfed it up pretty fast anyway. Thank God for the little blessings, too, huh? LOL!

The drive home yesterday was especially long and trying. What normally takes in the 7 hour range took more like 9 hours. I had to drive out of the way to pick up my ex-step-father to bring him back to Texas with us. I'm taking him to the VA hospital in Houston on Monday for emergency-ish surgery. He's very sick so I was trying really hard not to stop anymore than I had to and keep moving. We hit a bad hail storm east of Mobile, Alabama and had to stop. The boys and I were starving so to save from spending additional time going to a better-food-choice place for me I caved and ate a little Taco Bell. Potty stops and the dog puking on one of the kids didn't help the hurry-up efforts. By the time we got home and got to dinner I was exhausted. I told the hubby to grab me anything wherever he was getting dinner for the rest of the family. I just wanted to go to bed. I ended up with a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A and fries. Fast food twice in one day. Not at all ideal when on a diet.

All in all, I feel like I'm progressing. I'm a bit worried about breaking my good habits with the unknown that I'll be facing in Houston next week with Dad. I think I'll put some packets of oatmeal in my purse in case I'm caught without food choices I prefer. Exercise will be when I can. That's the nervous part. I don't want to break the exercise habit.


Well-Known Member
My weekend was TERRIBLE, at least diet-wise. :cry: I spent Friday from about 2pm until yesterday around 3:30 (save for sleeping, church, and running to get a maid of honor dress) working on lesson plans for a final project in my class... so I was a bump on a log all weekend, and kept forgetting to eat. :brick:

I did get to a BodyPump class last night to finally get some workout in, but realized it wasn't the best thing to do after eating shy of 500 calories throughout the day... so I had pizza and beer at the Italian Festival with my friends. :slurp: :lookaroun

Now to figure out how to get myself back onto a normal track...

Don't let a bad weekend defeat you! Pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. You can do it. One of the best things I've read is to not let yourself be defined by the mistakes. Be defined by your ability to recover from them! :wave:


OK, I’m finally ready. After another weekend of gatherings, too much food and drink (including more cake), and general laziness, I’m finally motivated to do something about the lbs that keep creeping onto my body. I thought I’d be able to “maintain” the weight loss without too much oversight but boy was I wrong. I don’t think I gave myself enough time on the diet this time around to really shift the eating style so I’m back to strict counting. My successes in weight loss have been to journal everything that goes into my mouth and assign the points. I don’t think that I truly realize how many calories I’m eating unless I write it down. It also forces me to think about it before I ingest it and makes me rethink whether I really want it.

Now, I could pay to go to my weight lose program OR I could use y’all for the accountability. The way I see it is every dollar I don’t have to pay to lose weight is a dollar in my Disney fund. So unfortunately for y’all, you are now tasked with keeping me on track :animwink:

As of this morning, I need to lose at a minimum 10 lbs just to get back to where I was. I’d like to lose an addition 8 - 10. But to keep me encouraged, I’ll set my first goal for 10 lbs.

Work and the demands of the offspring don’t usually allow me much time on the forums so I probably won’t have time to chronicle much of the battle but I will check in on Monday mornings with my lbs lost or gained.


Well-Known Member
can i just say how ironic it is that (at the time I posted this) the Disney Diet thread and the Food Picture of the Day thread were right by one another?

that thread is not as helpful as this one w/diets. :lol:


Active Member
Weekend update time!

I had a pretty decent weekend, especially after last week... got in three different Zumba classes, and was in and out of the pool a lot. The biggest thing from my weekend though was I went to a Kenny Chensey concert (amazinggg), and while walking through the tailgating my friend and I couldn't help but notice all the great looking guys that were surrounded by even better looking girls. We decided right then and there to kick up the diets a few notches.

Luckily for me, I come from a family that diets non-stop, so Father's Day wasn't an obstacle at all, and gave me some good meals for the next week or so. :rolleyes:
This weekend coming up might be a bit more though... I'm playing hostess for two parties back to back: a bridal shower and a pool party. And, of course, the shower comes with lots of pizza and a professional homemade cake that has a creamsickle filling. :lookaroun

Good luck with your week everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Well the past two weeks were crazy for me. Fortunately, I am busy enough with schoolwork right now that I don't get bored, so I don't feel the need to snack. Plus, my husband was out of town for a week, and I made some things for dinner that he doesn't particularly like, for instance, tuna casserole. We don't eat a lot of pasta, and I ate it over the course of a few days. Still, it was a carb overload for me. So, my weight went up a little. Since this weekend though I've lost 1.5 lbs. I'm not at 126.5. Only 1.5 lbs to go to reach my first goal. My husband asked me this morning what I was going to do once I reached that goal. I told him that I would maintain it and try for 122.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I just got the newest Jillian Michael's dvd to add into my rotation- "Ripped in 30". I tried the first workout and it seems pretty good. Its the same format as "30 Day Shred" and "No More Trouble Zones". 3 circuits each consisting of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. So far the strength section is challenging and each circuit and workout uses different exercises which is nice. The cardio sections aren't very intense but its more interesting than spending time on the elliptical. I find Jillian to be more annoying in this dvd than her others. I really don't think that anyone will really get ripped in 30 doing this dvd but its a nice way to mix things up a bit and should be effective to a point. I burned around 160 calories doing the 24 minute workout. I think doing the dvd with some added cardio like running or swimming should lead to some good results for most people. I'm doing it in addition to Turbo Fire and running- so I'm hoping for some serious progress in 30 days. We shall see!

I hope everyone is doing well! :wave:

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