Disney Diet Buddies...


Active Member
I just got the newest Jillian Michael's dvd to add into my rotation- "Ripped in 30". I tried the first workout and it seems pretty good. Its the same format as "30 Day Shred" and "No More Trouble Zones". 3 circuits each consisting of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. So far the strength section is challenging and each circuit and workout uses different exercises which is nice. The cardio sections aren't very intense but its more interesting than spending time on the elliptical. I find Jillian to be more annoying in this dvd than her others. I really don't think that anyone will really get ripped in 30 doing this dvd but its a nice way to mix things up a bit and should be effective to a point. I burned around 160 calories doing the 24 minute workout. I think doing the dvd with some added cardio like running or swimming should lead to some good results for most people. I'm doing it in addition to Turbo Fire and running- so I'm hoping for some serious progress in 30 days. We shall see!

I hope everyone is doing well! :wave:

Oh no, what is she doing that's annoying??? :( I was wondering how that DVD was, you'll have to let me know the progress!!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Oh no, what is she doing that's annoying??? :( I was wondering how that DVD was, you'll have to let me know the progress!!

It's just Jillian's typical personality but kicked up a notch or two. I think shes trying too hard to be tough yet cool at the same time. The workout is good enough that it's not a deal breaker for me though and I think after doing it a few times I'll be able to tune her out a bit. You can see some clips of the DVD On YouTube to get an idea.

Day 2 of week one today- I have some mild soreness in my hamstrings and upper back today which made the workout seem a bit tougher, still burned 160 calories in 24 mins.

Ripped in 30 is not enough of a workout on it's own to really get you ripped in 30 days. But it is a good addition to a workout regime that already includes some intense cardio.

Just for comparisons sake, I burn:
260 calories running for 30 mins
400 calories doing 55 mins of turbo fire
170 calories 30 mins on the elliptical


Well-Known Member
Quick check-in. I have no idea what my weight is doing. I haven't run since last weekend. It's been a crazy week full of fighting the Houston VA hospital red-tape to get my extremely sick former step-father the care he needed...but I was victorious so all is good. All the hours on the highway and busy days of phone calls, research, and fussing at anyone who would listen have resulted in a lot of fast food on the go. Now that Dad is safely in the hospital and in good hands I'll try to hit the pavement tomorrow and put some energy back into me before heading back to Houston again. I'm thinking for all the hours I have yet to spend on the road over the next week or so I should pack myself healthy snacks in a little cooler w/bottles of water. For emergencies I can put instant oatmeal packets w/splenda in ziplocks. :D Maybe I should get some nuts, too.

Here's to getting back on track and making time for myself... :wave:


Active Member
I hit a little of a road bump towards the end of this week with my exercise part... I'm pretty sure I have a pinched nerve in my arm right now (it's so painful!) and I am afraid to try to get into my normal workouts because of it. :lookaroun It's quite annoying really, and I've been in the pool multiple times just trying to strech it out.

But, on the bright side, I've lost 6 more inches this past month, bringing my total up to 28.. and down 2 pounds (again), so I'm back to where I was at the end of May.


Monday morning weigh-in…
I’m down 3.5 lbs. for this first week. Very excited! I definitely went over my points yesterday so I wasn’t expecting to have lost that much. To be honest, given that I had been gaining 2-3 lbs per week over the last couple of months, I would have been happy to just break even.
This will definitely keep me motivated into this week. The second week of the diet is always the hardest for me.


Active Member
Monday morning weigh-in…
I’m down 3.5 lbs. for this first week. Very excited! I definitely went over my points yesterday so I wasn’t expecting to have lost that much. To be honest, given that I had been gaining 2-3 lbs per week over the last couple of months, I would have been happy to just break even.
This will definitely keep me motivated into this week. The second week of the diet is always the hardest for me.
Congrats on the loss!!!! :sohappy: Don't worry, we're with you through the second week. Just think about how exciting it'll be to share once you hit the end of the week, and you did good again. :)
I went down a pound this week, and I know it's not much to be happy/brag about, but... it's my first time being under 200 in a long time, so I'm over the moon! :lol:


Congrats on the loss!!!! :sohappy: Don't worry, we're with you through the second week. Just think about how exciting it'll be to share once you hit the end of the week, and you did good again. :)
I went down a pound this week, and I know it's not much to be happy/brag about, but... it's my first time being under 200 in a long time, so I'm over the moon! :lol:

Thanks for your words of encouragement! It is amazing how the psychology of this thread has helped. I don't know any of you yet, I would still be embarrassed to not stick to the diet since I have announced to y’all that I started it. I also really enjoy reading everyone’s comments. The struggles and successes each of you face keep things real for me.

And yes, a pound is a big deal (heck, any pound not gained is a big deal). Hitting a milestone like that is huge and should make you very proud.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Congrats on the loss!!!! :sohappy: Don't worry, we're with you through the second week. Just think about how exciting it'll be to share once you hit the end of the week, and you did good again. :)
I went down a pound this week, and I know it's not much to be happy/brag about, but... it's my first time being under 200 in a long time, so I'm over the moon! :lol:

Thanks for your words of encouragement! It is amazing how the psychology of this thread has helped. I don't know any of you yet, I would still be embarrassed to not stick to the diet since I have announced to y’all that I started it. I also really enjoy reading everyone’s comments. The struggles and successes each of you face keep things real f
or me.

And yes, a pound is a big deal (heck, any pound not gained is a big deal). Hitting a milestone like that is huge and should make you very proud.

Way to go, both of you! I know we all tend to focus on the lbs because it's the easiest measure for "success". But make sure that you celebrate what you've achieved beyond the lbs lost. You've made a fantastic commitment to improve your body, mind and soul. At the end of the day that matters so much more than the number on the scale. Bravo!


Active Member
Way to go, both of you! I know we all tend to focus on the lbs because it's the easiest measure for "success". But make sure that you celebrate what you've achieved beyond the lbs lost. You've made a fantastic commitment to improve your body, mind and soul. At the end of the day that matters so much more than the number on the scale. Bravo!

That's why my mom is starting to kick her butt into more exercise... she wants to catch up with my 28 inches gone. :lol:


Active Member
Speaking of motivators and support... I know we've mentioned blogs before, but I just wanted to bring it up again. :rolleyes:
I have a blog that I update with my journey (click on the Dream in my signature) on wordpress, and I have found that there's a lot of people who read it and give feedback. Maybe we could get a Disney Diet Buddies blogroll going and use that as a way of support? :)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
If anyone is interested here is my Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 week 2 update:

HOLY COW! The difficulty level has increased exponentially from week 1. I consider myself to be at an upper intermediate fitness level but this workout really kicked my butt today! I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I'm terrified at what Jillian has in store for weeks 3 and 4! I was using 8 pound weights for week 1 but could barely manage with 5 pounds today and she's ramped up the difficulty of most of the cardio sequences as well. There were quite a few cardio moves in the plank postion (I hate mountain climbers!) and the ab sequences were very ab ripper P90X-like. There were quite a few moves that she used in "No More Trouble Zones"- but I'd say "Ripped in 30" is more difficult than both "30 Day Shred" and "No More Trouble Zones". Maybe I really will be ripped in 30. :lol:

I'll update again next week.

Another week almost gone- How's everyone doing? :wave:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Speaking of motivators and support... I know we've mentioned blogs before, but I just wanted to bring it up again. :rolleyes:
I have a blog that I update with my journey (click on the Dream in my signature) on wordpress, and I have found that there's a lot of people who read it and give feedback. Maybe we could get a Disney Diet Buddies blogroll going and use that as a way of support? :)

If I'm being honest, I don't really have time for blogs all of my screen time is spent here at wdwmagic.


Active Member
If anyone is interested here is my Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 week 2 update:

HOLY COW! The difficulty level has increased exponentially from week 1. I consider myself to be at an upper intermediate fitness level but this workout really kicked my butt today! I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I'm terrified at what Jillian has in store for weeks 3 and 4! I was using 8 pound weights for week 1 but could barely manage with 5 pounds today and she's ramped up the difficulty of most of the cardio sequences as well.
Wow, that does sound crazy intense!!! I'm half tempted to try it now actually... :lookaroun
For the weights though, one thing my BodyPump instructor has said countless times is that it's not the amount of weight that matters, but that you're concentrated on the area you are working on.

If I'm being honest, I don't really have time for blogs all of my screen time is spent here at wdwmagic.
I have mine open in tabs next to each other on my computer lol. So I go back and forth between the two... the main thing with the blog for me is it helps to keep me in check with what I'm eating, doing, etc. It's like how we get excited on here when someone posts about a weightloss, people do the same thing there.

Another week almost gone- How's everyone doing? :wave:
Good so far! But looking forward to the holiday weekend. I have sooo much exercise planned for it, you'd think I was a nut job! :rolleyes: :lol: The only part that may be harsh on me is going out to drink tomorrow night, I'm usually good at drinking all of my weightloss back onto me in a night.


My belated Monday weigh-in.
Didn’t do too good this week. I managed somehow to loss 1 lb. Not good but considering the week I had, not going to complain. It was a tough week at work which led to one too many glasses of wine after dinner. And the weekend celebrations didn’t help, nor did the 3 pina coladas I had Sunday:eek:.

The good news is I feel disgusting (stomach ache and lethargic) so I should have an easier time wanting to diet this week. Here's to starting over!


Active Member
Love reading this thread !! Not that long ago I hit my heaviest weight ever ... 366 lbs !!!! I have just recently lost my first 40 lbs and I am on my to my first 50 ! In total I need to lose 200+ lbs so my road is going to be a long one ... hope you guys are still around !!!!! :)


Active Member
My belated Monday weigh-in.
Didn’t do too good this week. I managed somehow to loss 1 lb. Not good but considering the week I had, not going to complain. It was a tough week at work which led to one too many glasses of wine after dinner. And the weekend celebrations didn’t help, nor did the 3 pina coladas I had Sunday:eek:.

The good news is I feel disgusting (stomach ache and lethargic) so I should have an easier time wanting to diet this week. Here's to starting over!
A loss is a loss, especially on holiday weekends like this! :) And 3 pina coladas is much less than I had, so I'm extremely afraid of that scale right now.

Love reading this thread !! Not that long ago I hit my heaviest weight ever ... 366 lbs !!!! I have just recently lost my first 40 lbs and I am on my to my first 50 ! In total I need to lose 200+ lbs so my road is going to be a long one ... hope you guys are still around !!!!! :)
wow congrats!!!!! That's so exciting, and yepp some of us are still here holding down the fort! :wave:


2 lbs down this week. I finally seem to have shrunk my stomach - not as hungry and can get by with smaller portions without feeling like I'm starving. I'm feeling much better too.
Only 3.5 more lbs to reach my first goal.


Active Member
2 lbs down this week. I finally seem to have shrunk my stomach - not as hungry and can get by with smaller portions without feeling like I'm starving. I'm feeling much better too.
Only 3.5 more lbs to reach my first goal.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh that's so exciting!!!! Congrats! :sohappy:

I was in a wedding over the weekend, and am very proud of myself for not stuffing my face after standing next to model-thin girls. :rolleyes: The wedding was really nice though, and the couple danced to So This Is Love (probably one of the proudest Maid of Honor moments I've experienced)... as well as 9 other Disney songs.
But as for weight loss, nothing has happened over the week. I'm going for my Zumba Toning Certification this Friday, so I have another huge all-day training event to look forward to that will kick my butt!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Love reading this thread !! Not that long ago I hit my heaviest weight ever ... 366 lbs !!!! I have just recently lost my first 40 lbs and I am on my to my first 50 ! In total I need to lose 200+ lbs so my road is going to be a long one ... hope you guys are still around !!!!! :)

:sohappy: Keep with it, stay positive and you'll get there.

2 lbs down this week. I finally seem to have shrunk my stomach - not as hungry and can get by with smaller portions without feeling like I'm starving. I'm feeling much better too.
Only 3.5 more lbs to reach my first goal.

You're so close to your goal- congratulations on getting this far! You can do it!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
So tomorrow is my last day of Ripped in 30 week 3. The workout is very P90X-like with a lot of exercises that I was familiar with from my 3 months bringing it X-style. :lol: I think it would be great for anyone who is looking to try P90X but isn't sure if they are quite ready yet. It could also be a good addition for someone already doing P90X to add in on those days when they just can't fit in a whole 60 min workout.

Jillian has gotten progressively less annoying as the weeks have gone on. I suppose I could just be tuning her out at this point. She does spend less time on form in week 3 and moves between exercises quicker. The workout doesn't use weights as much as week 1 and 2 but uses resistance from your body weight instead (pike pushups, duck walk, tricep dips etc). She really hammers the quads and triceps. Overall week 3 is just a bit harder than week 2. I think its my favorite workout so far. I feel ready for week 4, bring it on Jillian! :D

I work out a lot but have been stuck at a plateau for the last 3 months or so. In the 3 weeks since starting Ripped in 30 I've dropped almost 1.5% body fat and almost 3 pounds.

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