Disney Diet Buddies...


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Almost a week and a half and no activity in this thread. I hope its because everyone is working so hard!

Hard work = results!


I'm 2% away from my ultimate body fat % goal. I burned 960 calories today and I feel fantastic! :)


Well-Known Member
I just found this thread! and I love it!

I decided to start working out to lose maybe 4 or 5 pounds (I´m really short and weigh 105 pounds) before my WDW trip. I´ve been working out, trying to eat healthy (kinda impossible for me cause I looove sugar!) and I´ve managed to lose maybe a couple of pounds. I don´t need to lose weight really, I just don´t want to gain a lot during my trip cause I know I´ll be eating tons of sugar there in the form of mickey ice cream bars.

I have to say I really respect you people with the will to stop eating non healthy food and really lose weight, I haven´t been able to. I guess love handles built at WDW shouldn´t be so bad (or maybe I´m just in denial :lookaroun)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I just found this thread! and I love it!

I decided to start working out to lose maybe 4 or 5 pounds (I´m really short and weigh 105 pounds) before my WDW trip. I´ve been working out, trying to eat healthy (kinda impossible for me cause I looove sugar!) and I´ve managed to lose maybe a couple of pounds. I don´t need to lose weight really, I just don´t want to gain a lot during my trip cause I know I´ll be eating tons of sugar there in the form of mickey ice cream bars.

I have to say I really respect you people with the will to stop eating non healthy food and really lose weight, I haven´t been able to. I guess love handles built at WDW shouldn´t be so bad (or maybe I´m just in denial :lookaroun)

I'm like you, small and light. I workout and eat right to stay healthy but losing a little extra flab certainly doesn't hurt for motivation. :lol:

I've found that the more of the unhealthy stuff I cut out the less I actually want it. I used to be addicted to fried foods but they just don't interest me much at all anymore, desserts on the other hand are a totally different story. I still have sweets I just try to have less of them or split one with my husband instead of having one all to myself. It's all about balance. :)

I really started reading the ingredients on packages and not just the nutrional information. So much food on the shelves contain unpronouncable ingredients. I follow Jaime Oliver's advice- if there are ingredients in something that you wouldn't find in your pantry then don't eat it. For instance- those little 100 calorie snack packs- there is so much garbage in those that they really shouldn't even be considered food. Despite being only 100 calories they aren't actually healthy.


Greetings from the weight loss plateau. Apparently my over-40 body has decided that this is where it wants to be. I’m really bummed this week about my progress.

We returned Sunday from a week of vacation in the NC mountains. I got more exercise last week that I probably have in the entire last year. We made 2 6-mile hikes and over a dozen 3-mile hikes over a period of 5 days in very challenging terrain. I was sore but felt good. We packed lunches and cooked dinner at the cabin so I was very good about eating healthy. I did eat a few more calories in the afternoon that normal (raisins and Cliff bars) to keep my energy levels up and drank lots of water.

So imagine my horror when I got home and had GAINED 2 lbs. What the ______?? I was really hoping that it was water weight from the gallons I drank but the lbs are still there as of this morning. My new motto: exercise doesn’t pay. Just kidding of course.:animwink:

Anyway, that 2 lbs gained negated my 1.5 loss the previous week so still holding at the need to lose 3-4 lbs. for the first goal. It’s so close yet so far. Oh well, I must press on and resist the urge to binge on chocolate!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Greetings from the weight loss plateau. Apparently my over-40 body has decided that this is where it wants to be. I’m really bummed this week about my progress.

We returned Sunday from a week of vacation in the NC mountains. I got more exercise last week that I probably have in the entire last year. We made 2 6-mile hikes and over a dozen 3-mile hikes over a period of 5 days in very challenging terrain. I was sore but felt good. We packed lunches and cooked dinner at the cabin so I was very good about eating healthy. I did eat a few more calories in the afternoon that normal (raisins and Cliff bars) to keep my energy levels up and drank lots of water.

So imagine my horror when I got home and had GAINED 2 lbs. What the ______?? I was really hoping that it was water weight from the gallons I drank but the lbs are still there as of this morning. My new motto: exercise doesn’t pay. Just kidding of course.:animwink:

Anyway, that 2 lbs gained negated my 1.5 loss the previous week so still holding at the need to lose 3-4 lbs. for the first goal. It’s so close yet so far. Oh well, I must press on and resist the urge to binge on chocolate!

In my experience it can take up to four days to lose that extra water weight. Don't get discouraged and weigh yourself again in a few days. :) Maybe all that hiking added some muscle to your frame- your were challenging your body in a way that its not used to- that can only make you stronger, right? :) Also when muscles are sore they retain water which would in turn would make you heavier. Its just another reason why the scale shouldn't be your only gauge of success. :wave:


Active Member
Well, I've ignored my scale for about two weeks now, and it's almost time for me to do my measurements. I'm a bit nervous about that one, not going to lie lol. I think it's because I haven't been tracking the weight at all.

I started to get into running recently, as well as have done two full-day Zumba(R) trainings in the past two weeks, so I'm hoping that will help me out a bit. I did a huge photo day with one of my best friends on Sunday, and I was actually in love with some of the full-body shots of me (a first). She decided that our new thing is we have to take at least one of those each time we do photos so that I can see where my progress is going. :)

Sorry I've been MIA recently haha, the new block at school started and working on my class routines for Zumba(R) has had me running in circles!!


In my experience it can take up to four days to lose that extra water weight. Don't get discouraged and weigh yourself again in a few days. :) Maybe all that hiking added some muscle to your frame- your were challenging your body in a way that its not used to- that can only make you stronger, right? :) Also when muscles are sore they retain water which would in turn would make you heavier. Its just another reason why the scale shouldn't be your only gauge of success. :wave:

Thanks for the encouragement as always! Didn't know that about muscles retaining water. Good to know! Exercise and me are somewhat strangers. On a good day I might climb 5 flights of stairs to work and that it the extent of my exersion. I try to get some walking in or a yoga class but with 2 kids under 7 and a full time job, it can be difficult.

Anyway, I've been meaning to let you know that I feel like a total slug when I read your posts. :lol: But that is a good thing. It does make me want to do more. Hopefully, after school starts again I can find a little time for myself and get into some type of exercise routine.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Thanks for the encouragement as always! Didn't know that about muscles retaining water. Good to know! Exercise and me are somewhat strangers. On a good day I might climb 5 flights of stairs to work and that it the extent of my exersion. I try to get some walking in or a yoga class but with 2 kids under 7 and a full time job, it can be difficult.

Anyway, I've been meaning to let you know that I feel like a total slug when I read your posts. :lol: But that is a good thing. It does make me want to do more. Hopefully, after school starts again I can find a little time for myself and get into some type of exercise routine.

I know its hard to find the time to exercise. In the workouts that I've been doing both Chalene and Jilllian mention time and time again that you have to schedule your workouts just like you would a meeting- otherwise you won't find the time. That time is YOURS to grow so that you'll be stronger to support your family as well as being a really great role model for them! Be YOUR best (not someone elses!) every day! :D You've got this! :sohappy:


Active Member
Soooo, I just wanted to share something with you guys! A few weeks ago, I was emailed about the prospect of teaching my first Zumba class. Well, last night I was emailed with the rates per session that I'm going to teach and the contract is in the works! :sohappy:

The most important meaning of this? I'm going to get paid to workout (goodbye pounds! woohoo!), and I'm going to have a bunch of people holding me accountable for it too.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Soooo, I just wanted to share something with you guys! A few weeks ago, I was emailed about the prospect of teaching my first Zumba class. Well, last night I was emailed with the rates per session that I'm going to teach and the contract is in the works! :sohappy:

The most important meaning of this? I'm going to get paid to workout (goodbye pounds! woohoo!), and I'm going to have a bunch of people holding me accountable for it too.

That's fantastic, congratulations! :sohappy:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Ok- week 4 of Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 has been completed!

First, my thoughts on week 4- Overall it was really only slightly more difficult than week 3. The strength portions involve slightly more complicated exercises but aren't really that much harder. The cardio though is fairly intense, involving lots of jumping and even burpees (which I hate!). The ab portion of the workout actually seemed slightly easier than week 3. I was able to move through weeks 1-3 fairly quickly and I'm glad I did. Jillian doesn't really spend much time on form and moves quickly between the exercises in the last week. I'm glad that I had some extra time in my 30 days to perfect the exercises in the week 4 workout.

One thing I didn't like about week 4- she does a sort of meditation at the end which I feel is a bit of a waste of time. Don't get me wrong- its a great pep talk but its not a yoga workout so there's really no need for a final meditation pose. She could easily have given her pep talk while doing a nice extended stretch. I used the time to do some extra crunches rather than just lay there.

My overall thoughts on Ripped in 30-

I think that its a great DVD and for the price, the short length of the workouts and the minimal equipment needed it really can't be beat. I'm definately in better shape then when I started. Though I can't honestly say that I'm "ripped" I am starting to see a 6 pack developing. I think anyone doing this DVD for 30 days (6 days a week) along with a healthy diet and some additional cardio may not be ripped by the end of 30 days but they will see results and that's a great place to start!

Something that I've been meaning to mention that annoyed me from day 1. The subtitles are on by default so everytime I started up the dvd I had to turn the subtitles off at the main menu. Its a little thing, certainly not a deal breaker but it irritated me. :lol:

I hope that helps some of you guys out. If you're thinking about getting the DVD I'd recommend it.


Well-Known Member
It's been a busy whirlwind of a summer! I haven't been running as much as I want and I've splurged more than I should have but it's okay. I went for a weigh/measure today and my weight number still hovers at 170. However, I've taken another 1/2 inch off each of my measurements and my BMI is back in the healthy range. I could've done more but no use cryin' over shoulda-woulda-coulda, huh? We're about 40 days out from our trip and I feel great. I'm choosing to be encouraged by what I have done thus far and ramp up my efforts from here. :wave:


Well-Known Member
It has been awhile since my last check-in. I am still 1 lb away from my goal. I blame it on my busy summer schedule. Some weeks I could only get about 4 workouts in rather than my usual 6. Next week will begin a normal routine again. I am worried about this weekend though. I am GRADUATING WITH MY MASTER'S DEGREE in the morning (I'm excited, can you tell?)! So, that is going to involve my family taking me out for lunch and my husband and I going to dinner tomorrow. I want to make good choices, but I have worked my rear off for the past 13 months to get this degree, so why not enjoy it? I'll pay for it next week, but I can do it.


Well-Known Member
It has been awhile since my last check-in. I am still 1 lb away from my goal. I blame it on my busy summer schedule. Some weeks I could only get about 4 workouts in rather than my usual 6. Next week will begin a normal routine again. I am worried about this weekend though. I am GRADUATING WITH MY MASTER'S DEGREE in the morning (I'm excited, can you tell?)! So, that is going to involve my family taking me out for lunch and my husband and I going to dinner tomorrow. I want to make good choices, but I have worked my rear off for the past 13 months to get this degree, so why not enjoy it? I'll pay for it next week, but I can do it.

Well congrats on your masters! Yes, you should celebrate! Successful splurges for me are ones I moderate. Instead of skipping a piece of cake or a a yummy meal I can moderate them with portioning. Everything in life requires moderation, right? So go to lunch or dinner or both. When your plate arrives at the table ask the server to bring a box so you can immediately remove half the portion from the plate. ((That works for me!)) If you want to enjoy a drink to toast your achievement I say go for it. Just have 1 and drink plenty of water, too. You're only a pound away. That's so totally awesome! Color me jealous! Lol!


Active Member
....and I weighed myself first thing this morning and I was down to 166. That fast. :shrug:

Share your secret! :lol: Maybe extra water weight?

For me, I did my measurements and my weigh-in... nothing changed at all, so feeling like I have officially hit my plateau. I just started to work on my running recently though, and am going to throw in some strength training to try to balance with all of the cardio. Hopefully gonna get some new results in the next few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Share your secret! :lol: Maybe extra water weight?

For me, I did my measurements and my weigh-in... nothing changed at all, so feeling like I have officially hit my plateau. I just started to work on my running recently though, and am going to throw in some strength training to try to balance with all of the cardio. Hopefully gonna get some new results in the next few weeks!

The girl who does my weigh/measure said that the weight number was likely skewed higher because I had completed my run about 1.5 hours before the appointment and between the run & weighing I had already taken in 32 oz. of water. She said something about the muscles and the water or something. I dunno. I won't question it, tho.

I won't say I 'enjoy' running but then I don't 'enjoy' any exercise. I'd much rather lounge on the sofa and eat gobs of cake. :lol: But for exercise, it works for me. The biggest obstacle right now is the heat and the unGodly hour I have to get up to be able to run. This morning I got DS13 up at about 5:15 and we were out the door by 6. :eek: I need to be adding in my ab work-outs to hit those target areas, too. I'd still just rather lounge and eat cake. :lol:


Well-Known Member
How is everyone doing? I have cut out soda and junk food and lost 21 pounds in a little over a month. :) I bought a rowing machine which I LOVE and it is helping me shed inches and tone up all over. I'm about to add some extra cardio to my workout routine as well, to try to burn more calories and lose more weight. I have a wedding in October before I go to Disney in March, so I'm trying to lose as much as I can before that wedding, in addition to slimming down for our Disney World trip. ;)


Active Member
The girl who does my weigh/measure said that the weight number was likely skewed higher because I had completed my run about 1.5 hours before the appointment and between the run & weighing I had already taken in 32 oz. of water. She said something about the muscles and the water or something. I dunno. I won't question it, tho.

I won't say I 'enjoy' running but then I don't 'enjoy' any exercise. I'd much rather lounge on the sofa and eat gobs of cake. :lol: But for exercise, it works for me. The biggest obstacle right now is the heat and the unGodly hour I have to get up to be able to run. This morning I got DS13 up at about 5:15 and we were out the door by 6. :eek: I need to be adding in my ab work-outs to hit those target areas, too. I'd still just rather lounge and eat cake. :lol:
:lol: now you have me craving some cake... maybe I can talk BF into going out and having some chocolate cake so I can steal a few deliciously sinful bites... :slurp:

I don't 'enjoy' any of it either... well, Zumba, but I don't consider that exercise. :rolleyes: I more of enjoy the feeling afterwards, especially after my run attempts, which are getting better every time I try. Maybe I'll do that tonight after work?

How is everyone doing? I have cut out soda and junk food and lost 21 pounds in a little over a month. :) I bought a rowing machine which I LOVE and it is helping me shed inches and tone up all over. I'm about to add some extra cardio to my workout routine as well, to try to burn more calories and lose more weight. I have a wedding in October before I go to Disney in March, so I'm trying to lose as much as I can before that wedding, in addition to slimming down for our Disney World trip. ;)
:eek: congrats!!!! That's an awesome accomplishment. I had cut out soda before (for 60 days total, actually), but I had only lost 6 out of my total 10 to date with that.

Sometimes I toy with cutting out the drinking, but... well, we all have to indulge in something once in a while, right?


Well-Known Member
The girl who does my weigh/measure said that the weight number was likely skewed higher because I had completed my run about 1.5 hours before the appointment and between the run & weighing I had already taken in 32 oz. of water. She said something about the muscles and the water or something. I dunno. I won't question it, tho.

I won't say I 'enjoy' running but then I don't 'enjoy' any exercise. I'd much rather lounge on the sofa and eat gobs of cake. :lol: But for exercise, it works for me. The biggest obstacle right now is the heat and the unGodly hour I have to get up to be able to run. This morning I got DS13 up at about 5:15 and we were out the door by 6. :eek: I need to be adding in my ab work-outs to hit those target areas, too. I'd still just rather lounge and eat cake. :lol:

Ok...now I really want cake. :slurp: hahaha!

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