Dieting for Disney 2009


New Member
Hey All! :wave:

Some of you may remember a fantastic thread a while back, Dieting for Disney 2009...well, I'm bringing it back!

Last time we did this, I actually held myself accountable for what I ate and successfully dropped the pounds that I wanted to get rid off...well, some of the pounds came back, and my trip is in 62 days! Sooo, Let's do this again!

Reply back with your trip date, your goal to lose, how will losing this weight help you on your trip (more self confidence, etc.), and how you are planning to lose the weight/tone up (exercise, eat less, weight watchers, no dessert, etc.)

Then, we can talk to each other about how we are doing and share tips!

So, whaddya think?? I'll start -

My trip is May 26, I want to lose 15 pounds (I understand that might not be possible, but I want it to be something like that) I want to feel more self confident and be able to take pictures without worrying that I will look bad because of my weight, and finally, I am planning on going to the gym more and reducing the amount of junk food I eat. I am going to try to stick to a low calorie diet. Let's see how that works!!!


Well, baked potato and chicken breast wrapped in bacon for dinner, bit boring but I quite enjoyed it, 1 chocolate afterwards ( I have 2 boxes from Mothers Day on Sunday - they are calling out to me EAT ME:ROFLOL:) Going to weigh myself tonight and do some Step on the WiiFit. This thread is going to keep me motivated, great idea:)
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I'm so glad that there are others in here like me! I'm still on my exercise/diet plan, and I've found a wonderful little snack that gets me through those snacky feelings, like watching a movie, or doing odd things around the house, and etc....100 Calorie Snack Packs...OMG! They are wonderful when you want some sweet or salty or crunchy or chewy! My personal favorite are the Keebler and chocolate..can't get better than that!

I've been forcing myself to get out every other day (according to my plan) and walk/jog/bike ride for at least 20-45 min. a day. I tell myself, if not for me, think of my dog, stuck at my house all day...then I feel bad and take her with me for some extra motivation. The "smile" on her face the whole time is great!

Keep up the wonderful work ladies/gents!
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Well-Known Member
I would like to lose 10 pounds (minimum) before leaving on our trip on June 13.

This is new for me because I never worried about my weight...well, I quit smoking and have gained a lot more than I ever anticipated.

Losing 10 pounds would make me look better and feel more comfortable in summer clothing. As well as looking better, I am certain it will make wandering around the world a LOT easier!

No doubt the rich food that will be eaten between June 13 and June 20 will give me back one or two ;)

I intend on drinking a lot more water and doing a LOT of portion control. DS and I will also start a walking routine soon.
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Well-Known Member
I had horrible, greasy, fast food today (and yesterday :lookaroun). But I did work out for 30min today and I am going to make something for lunch tomm. Perhaps a sandwich, or if I'm terrible and forget to bring food I'm going to pick up a salad, one of those full-serving-of-fruit-in-the-bottle fruit drinks, and some yogurt for dessert. *bad bad eating today!*

P.S. I am going to keep doing that core strength test and see how long it takes me to get it right. :lol:
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New Member
Original Poster
Great job so far everyone! It's nice to see everyone making healthier changes in your lives!!!!! I actually stuck by it yesterday, and I plan on eating pretty much the same thing today! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
This is such a great thread! :sohappy:

For our next trip, which isn't until January, I'd like to lose like 5-10 lbs, but more than that, I'd like to be healthier over all and more toned.

It seems like every trip, I have some sort of ailment. It's mostly a feet thing, but this last time it was my back and feet, uuggh. The gym will definitely help this.

I've been eating probably the healthiest I have ever eaten, doing cardio and weights, so hopefully I won't have those problems next time around!

Hows everyone doing with their plans??
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Well-Known Member
So we took a trip in January 2009 during the marathon season. It was amazing to see all the runners and actually inspired me. I had been running about 2 months prior to this trip. I was tipping the scale about 200lbs. After I came home, I signed up for the disney 2010 half marathon and several local races.

The training has been tough, but keeping my goals insight pushes me every day. I am currently down to 170lbs, and keep losing a little more each week.

Just remember, set short term and long term goals and good luck to everyone!​
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Well-Known Member
I'm so glad that there are others in here like me! I'm still on my exercise/diet plan, and I've found a wonderful little snack that gets me through those snacky feelings, like watching a movie, or doing odd things around the house, and etc....100 Calorie Snack Packs...OMG! They are wonderful when you want some sweet or salty or crunchy or chewy! My personal favorite are the Keebler and chocolate..can't get better than that!

I've been forcing myself to get out every other day (according to my plan) and walk/jog/bike ride for at least 20-45 min. a day. I tell myself, if not for me, think of my dog, stuck at my house all day...then I feel bad and take her with me for some extra motivation. The "smile" on her face the whole time is great!

Keep up the wonderful work ladies/gents!

100 Calorie Packs are about the only thing that keep my sanity!!! You get the salty/sweet stuff in a "controlled environment"!
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on all of the hard work you are doing! I am not dieting but trying to keep my pregnancy weight gain healthy and reasonable through good foods and regular walks. I made it through the first three months with an actual loss because of one week with the flu immediately followed by three weeks of all-day sickness.

I have some advice for those of you doing Weight Watchers. The current system that asks you to take a quiz to determine your daily points allowance seems to give you more than you need. The flex plan of the past gave you points based stictly on your weight (unlike the quiz that now asks about your daily activities). I found it much harder to achieve the same loss on the quiz based points. (I also found it harder to lose when I used my exercise points. I always found the exercise points to be an insurance policy in case I miscalculated my points somewhere that day.) If those of you doing WW are interested in the old chart that gives you your points for the day based on weight, PM me and I'll send you the link.

Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
I cheated and had two plain biscuits from McDonalds with strawberry jelly. An oatmeal bar for a snack late morning then snacked on popcorn. I had 6" subway chicken sammich for dinner.
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Premium Member
So I am IN... I am at my heaviest in 2 years... was at 195 fully prego with my daughter, only at 130 when I got prego.. ( I guess I over indulged...) Gained even more weight than the prego weight after going on the Depo shot... was 215 at my highest, that was my disney trip in august 07. By December 07 at disney I was down to 185. I had lost another 15, down to 170 a few motnhs ago, recently somehow went back up tp 190!!!! I have a disney trip in 34 days (who's counting right?) I want to lose 10 by then! I have been exercising daily to exercise tv, hitting the gym twice a week, and have completely re done my weekly menus. Good luck to all of wanting to lose weight for ourselves and Disney!!!
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I'm trying to lose 28 lbs by May 20th. I started my plan on February 10th and have lost 14 lbs so far! :sohappy: Only 14 lbs to go!! I have been walking an hour everyday and watching what I eat. The iPhone has this cool app that keeps up with your daily calorie intake. It has really helped me!!
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Canyon girl

New Member
I'm in, too! I have until next Dec. for our WDW trip, but I have a DLR trip in Sept. I would like to lose 30 lbs. before Sept. I hope to be able to get out and walk as the weather warms up and will try to do some exercise videos while eating less. I am trying to do this by myself without going back to WW. It can be done!!!:sohappy:
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Active Member
Here is somehting that is helping me. For Ipod Touch and Iphone users there is a free application call Lose It. it is awesome. You put in your weight and your goal and how many pounds each week you want to lose and it calculates how long it will take to reach your goal weight. You log your food and your excercises and lets you know how many calories etc.. Its awesome. Good luck to everyone :sohappy: SO far ( I started my diet on 3/9 and have lot 4 pounds so far)
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Well-Known Member
Hi all-

Great thread! Here's my plan...I am getting married on May 16 and then will jet off to a lovely Disney honeymoon on May 18. I've always been pretty athletic but I wanted to lose a few pounds for the wedding so that I'd look and feel my best that day. I'm lucky in that I work for a large hospital in Ohio and part of our employee benefits include free visits to registered dieticians! :sohappy: So I am taking advantage of that. Boy was I in for a surprise the first time I weighed in. I almost never weighed myself before then...yikes! So now my new goal is to weigh what I said I weigh on my driver's license (because let's face it, we all lie)...I started in December and have lost 15 pounds so far, another 28 to go! I know I won't get this in by mid-May but I'd like to be down another 10 pounds by then. The plan that the dietician gave me is basically a diet that is high in protein and low in carbs :cry: (love my carbs). Add in a couple of servings of fruits, dairy and 3-5 servings of vegetables and 1 hour of exercise 5 days per week, and there you have it. I started out writing down everything I ate, but now I eat basically the same thing every day so I've stopped writing it down. In the first 2 weeks of doing this I lost almost 7 pounds, so obviously it's slowed down since then, which is frustrating – I’ll have a good couple of weeks and then a really slow couple of weeks. I've switched to running 3x per week so hopefully that will help. I have to work out 30 minutes at lunch and 30 minutes when I get home to get all the exercise in, but it's been worth it - my clothes feel looser, I look more toned, and I have a lot more energy, which I know will help me a lot when my new husband and I are trekking through Disney!

One tip I have is to eat light/low-fat string cheese as a snack...great source of protein.

Good luck everyone!!
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