Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


That is really gross! It's amazing what people pull out of their backpacks, potty seats and half eaten turkey legs! :hurl:

I have another one that isn't so bad but still funny. I saw a mom with two teenagers (boy and girl) in line up for Mickey's Philharmagic. The mother was complaining about EVERYTHING...the heat, the line, the food they ate earlier, the fact that they were going to watch a movie which wasn't a real ride anyway.

Finally the son said, "You know what, Mom, Grammy said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all so KEEP QUIET!"

Then the daughter said, "Well I was hoping she would give me away at my wedding"

The boy said "You don't even have a boyfriend"

and the daughter replied, "By the time Mom thinks of something nice to say I'll probably be engaged" :ROFLOL:

I thought the kids were hilarious...the mother sulked for the rest of the queue but at least she stopped complaining
:lol::lol::lol: That's hysterical!

Sorry if I sounded harsh. I didn't mean to chastise, really. I just think the original topic stories are very interesting, and it seems to be really easy to get OT on this thread. Thanks.
Dunno whatcher talkin about... we haven't gotten off topic once! LOL

Luckily I'm not easily shaken, even with someone so unreasonable so I went over to our toy gun rack and grabbed the little tiny silver Derringer, handed it to the man, took Pluto, pulled his little t-shirt over his eyes like a blindfold and set him with his back to the man on the edge of the cart.

The man declined to "execute" Pluto and tossed the gun to the ground and stormed off
:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:OMG I wish I could have seen that!


Well-Known Member
I was in Typhoon Lagoon a couple years ago and saw a woman walk around wearing a red thong bikini. I had to take a double take because I thought I was seeing things since it was so hot outside. But my eyes were not deceiving me. True Story.
That reminds me.....DH had a OMG moment on our 1st trip in '92. After 4 full days of togetherness, we decided for the sake of our marriage we needed to spend a little time apart. So I took DD then 3 back to the resort for a nap, and he took himself to the water park - River Country I think. While he was there, a couple of women of Middle Eastern descent came in with their families. The women were dressed in traditional garb, including veils. However, when the garb was removed, both woman were wearing thongs. DH's reaction - they should have stayed covered up!:lol:


Another war story from the Canadian pavilion. I once had a family checking out souvenirs on our outdoor cart. We had some plush Plutos with a Canadian flag shirt on....I don't know how we got Pluto as our mascot...most of us wanted Winnie-the-Pooh because the UK has lots of characters to choose from....but I like Pluto so I thought it was OK

A few people would notice that Pluto was dressed with a Canadian flag but this one family was TICKED!!! The father was the problem yelling at me and shaking Pluto in my face and saying that we can't take an American icon and dress it up like a traitor (since when are Canadians traitors to the US) :shrug: Then he said that if he had a gun he would "execute" Pluto to put him out of his misery.

Luckily I'm not easily shaken, even with someone so unreasonable so I went over to our toy gun rack and grabbed the little tiny silver Derringer, handed it to the man, took Pluto, pulled his little t-shirt over his eyes like a blindfold and set him with his back to the man on the edge of the cart.

The man declined to "execute" Pluto and tossed the gun to the ground and stormed off



Well-Known Member
I wasnt being mean. Just an observation:lookaroun

Bratty children are never funny.

(And yes, "The Mom," I know I need to stay on topic. :o Sorry.)

TigerLily_CM said:
Another war story from the Canadian pavilion. I once had a family checking out souvenirs on our outdoor cart. We had some plush Plutos with a Canadian flag shirt on....I don't know how we got Pluto as our mascot...most of us wanted Winnie-the-Pooh because the UK has lots of characters to choose from....but I like Pluto so I thought it was OK

A few people would notice that Pluto was dressed with a Canadian flag but this one family was TICKED!!! The father was the problem yelling at me and shaking Pluto in my face and saying that we can't take an American icon and dress it up like a traitor (since when are Canadians traitors to the US) :shrug: Then he said that if he had a gun he would "execute" Pluto to put him out of his misery.

Luckily I'm not easily shaken, even with someone so unreasonable so I went over to our toy gun rack and grabbed the little tiny silver Derringer, handed it to the man, took Pluto, pulled his little t-shirt over his eyes like a blindfold and set him with his back to the man on the edge of the cart.

The man declined to "execute" Pluto and tossed the gun to the ground and stormed off

:sohappy: Bravo! That's hilarious! I'm happy to see you had the nerve to do that.

I've seen a female Guest (who happened to be a minority) holler at the characters because their set ended at the same time she walked up. She accused Disney of being racist and insisted that Pinocchio and Gepetto didn't want to take a picture of her because of her race. Security was called.


New Member
Another war story from the Canadian pavilion. I once had a family checking out souvenirs on our outdoor cart. We had some plush Plutos with a Canadian flag shirt on....I don't know how we got Pluto as our mascot...most of us wanted Winnie-the-Pooh because the UK has lots of characters to choose from....but I like Pluto so I thought it was OK

A few people would notice that Pluto was dressed with a Canadian flag but this one family was TICKED!!! The father was the problem yelling at me and shaking Pluto in my face and saying that we can't take an American icon and dress it up like a traitor (since when are Canadians traitors to the US) :shrug: Then he said that if he had a gun he would "execute" Pluto to put him out of his misery.

Luckily I'm not easily shaken, even with someone so unreasonable so I went over to our toy gun rack and grabbed the little tiny silver Derringer, handed it to the man, took Pluto, pulled his little t-shirt over his eyes like a blindfold and set him with his back to the man on the edge of the cart.

The man declined to "execute" Pluto and tossed the gun to the ground and stormed off

For the love of noodles! This guy sounded a bit off his rocker.


New Member
I have another story that my friend told me. She recently visited Disney in the springtime and decided to go on the Jungle Cruise. She sat next to a "redneck" family who were constantly rude throughtout the ride.

At one point the younger boy points to lion and shouts, "Mom, look a giraffe!" The mother stares at the boy and shouts back, "That's a lion, you TURD!"

So much for the happiest place on earth! :shrug:


New Member
I have another story that my friend told me. She recently visited Disney in the springtime and decided to go on the Jungle Cruise. She sat next to a "redneck" family who were constantly rude throughtout the ride.

At one point the younger boy points to lion and shouts, "Mom, look a giraffe!" The mother stares at the boy and shouts back, "That's a lion, you TURD!"

So much for the happiest place on earth! :shrug:

Reminds me of more tales of Canadaland (yes, it has actually been called that)

A woman made a point of telling me that she had been to Canada and it was a "craphole". I said, "Oh really, where did you visit" She said, "I saw the other side of the Niagra Falls in 1971 and it didn't look better than our side. It was a craphole and a waste of a trip"

So I agreed that yes, Niagra Falls is a craphole because really...what are you supposed to say to that :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of more tales of Canadaland (yes, it has actually been called that)

A woman made a point of telling me that she had been to Canada and it was a "craphole". I said, "Oh really, where did you visit" She said, "I saw the other side of the Niagra Falls in 1971 and it didn't look better than our side. It was a craphole and a waste of a trip"

So I agreed that yes, Niagra Falls is a craphole because really...what are you supposed to say to that :shrug:

Gushing water isn't normally associated with number two...


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I have another story that my friend told me. She recently visited Disney in the springtime and decided to go on the Jungle Cruise. She sat next to a "redneck" family who were constantly rude throughtout the ride.

At one point the younger boy points to lion and shouts, "Mom, look a giraffe!" The mother stares at the boy and shouts back, "That's a lion, you TURD!"

So much for the happiest place on earth! :shrug:

Oh how simply awful.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of more tales of Canadaland (yes, it has actually been called that)

A woman made a point of telling me that she had been to Canada and it was a "craphole". I said, "Oh really, where did you visit" She said, "I saw the other side of the Niagra Falls in 1971 and it didn't look better than our side. It was a craphole and a waste of a trip"

So I agreed that yes, Niagra Falls is a craphole because really...what are you supposed to say to that :shrug:

You have some very funny tales from America Junior (Simpson's joke there). How in the world is someone going to call someone elses's country a craphole....especially when they went there once in 1971. Furthermore, she said it looked the same as from the America side, thusly America is a craphole too....or the view from Canada (which is America) is a craphole. :rolleyes:


New Member
^^^ Yeah I found it funny that she thought the falls would look completely different just be crossing the border. Like, yeah, on the Canada side we have trained monkeys tightrope walking across the falls while juggling fiery swords and tossing $100 bills down to the onlookers.

It's a waterfall, for crying out loud, the water was up top....now it's at the bottom, what more were you expecting


New Member
Just thought of another funny one...not terribly shocking but still funny.

Part of my job was to engrave names on leather bracelets for guests. A young newlywed couple came up (they had Just Married @ Disney shirts on) and they were picking out bracelets for each other. They were quite cute together, not too overboard with the PDA's but just holding hands and whispering and stuff.

When they finally picked out some bracelets, the hubby said "You get them engraved and I'll go get us some frozen lemonade"

Unfortunately he was still within earshot when she said, "Can you engrave Kelly on this one and Richard on that one........OMG, I mean BRIAN, engrave Brian on that one!"

The hubby stormed of to the drink cart and I said, "whoops, is Richard an ex or something?"

And she said, "No, Richard is his brother"



New Member
Just thought of another funny one...not terribly shocking but still funny.

Part of my job was to engrave names on leather bracelets for guests. A young newlywed couple came up (they had Just Married @ Disney shirts on) and they were picking out bracelets for each other. They were quite cute together, not too overboard with the PDA's but just holding hands and whispering and stuff.

When they finally picked out some bracelets, the hubby said "You get them engraved and I'll go get us some frozen lemonade"

Unfortunately he was still within earshot when she said, "Can you engrave Kelly on this one and Richard on that one........OMG, I mean BRIAN, engrave Brian on that one!"

The hubby stormed of to the drink cart and I said, "whoops, is Richard an ex or something?"

And she said, "No, Richard is his brother"


Well, that's a whole can of worms! :ROFLOL: Thanks for all the great stories TigerLily! Dealing with the public can be rewarding, frustrating, and irritating all at once, but I love to see that you keep your humor about you!


^^^ Yeah I found it funny that she thought the falls would look completely different just be crossing the border. Like, yeah, on the Canada side we have trained monkeys tightrope walking across the falls while juggling fiery swords and tossing $100 bills down to the onlookers.

It's a waterfall, for crying out loud, the water was up top....now it's at the bottom, what more were you expecting
:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:When I first went to Niagra around the age of 5 or 6 I thought Canada would look different since it was a different country.... But I was 5 or 6 years old! LOL

I'm loving all your stories, TigerLily!


Active Member
I wonder how many people who feel as stronly as you do about this, see no problem with swimming in the ocean. Have you ever stopped to think about the millions of sea creatures swimming around excreting all day long, and what you may be swimming in? :lol:

Again, I'm not saying that hers was the best approach. But as one who will soon begin pottytraining my child, I'm sure that I will have my share of times when I have to make an emergency decision like that. As humans, we don't always make the best judgement calls in situations like that. When you're in public and your child has to take a dump, he doesn't have the advantage that adults have of being able to patiently hold it until he gets to the next restroom. Sometimes parents have to make a choice between the lesser of two evils: let the child soil his trousers, or just go to the nearest discreet spot and take care of it. I'm glad that our law enforcement structure isn't so rigid and black and white as people like you would have it to be, or else there would be alot of good, well intentioned people sitting in jail just for trying to do what they need to do in an emergency.

Again, common sense would be to be able to see the difference between a punk teenager trying to be cute and a toddler who just has to go to the bathroom. In the former case, you have some idiot doing something just to draw attention or make a statement, and who is in total control of his bowels and has no reason to do something like that. In the latter case, you just have a child who has to go to the bathroom NOW and can't wait to find the next restroom, and the parent just trying to tend to the need of the child. Common sense, and basic compassion and understanding would dictate that you cut people a little slack in those cases.

While I think the parent could have disposed of it in a better way and made a better attempt to find a toilet, I have no problem with a small child having to go. I wonder if some people make assumptions because they don't have kids? A few years ago, I would have found this scenario disgusting as well. Now that I have 2 small kids, I understand. When my 3 year old says she has to go potty, what she is really saying is that she has had to go for quite a while, and now we are in an emergency situation and needs a toilet right now. Sometimes there is just not time to get to a bathroom. Actually over the 4th of July weekend we were enjoying festivities at our local park and my daughter made her "I have to go potty" announcement and before we could do anything, she just pulled down her pants and went (#1) right there in the grass. While my husband and I were not at all thrilled that she did this, there was not much we could do. I just explained to her that she needs to let us know when she thinks she has to go so we can find a toilet.


Well-Known Member
:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:When I first went to Niagra around the age of 5 or 6 I thought Canada would look different since it was a different country.... But I was 5 or 6 years old! LOL

I'm loving all your stories, TigerLily!

According to the map on my wall, Canada should be a magenta color.

It isn't.


Well-Known Member
While I think the parent could have disposed of it in a better way and made a better attempt to find a toilet, I have no problem with a small child having to go. I wonder if some people make assumptions because they don't have kids? A few years ago, I would have found this scenario disgusting as well. Now that I have 2 small kids, I understand. When my 3 year old says she has to go potty, what she is really saying is that she has had to go for quite a while, and now we are in an emergency situation and needs a toilet right now. Sometimes there is just not time to get to a bathroom. Actually over the 4th of July weekend we were enjoying festivities at our local park and my daughter made her "I have to go potty" announcement and before we could do anything, she just pulled down her pants and went (#1) right there in the grass. While my husband and I were not at all thrilled that she did this, there was not much we could do. I just explained to her that she needs to let us know when she thinks she has to go so we can find a toilet.

Exactly my point. It's easy, especially in a case like this when you have no kids, to be so black and white and self righteous about rules and laws, that one would actually be so absurd as to say that someone needs to be arrested simply because their child had to go right now. According to the logic of one poster, you should have been arrested for allowing your child to engage in public urination. But things aren't so black and white. There are emergency situations that come up where sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Or in some cases, someone just does something so fast that you, as a parent, can't really do anything about it except watch in embarrasement. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I was at DTD waiting for the boat back to SS. When the boat arrived, everyone loaded onto the boat. This lady sat down across from me and put her bag on the seat next to her. It was a small bag, with a few things in it. The boat fills up and a much older woman comes and asks this woman to move her bag so she can sit during the trip. The woman with the bag freaked out, started to yell at this poor little old women. Saying that she can keep her bag there, she can just stand. Then the boat operator came over and told the woman she had to move her bag for the women to allow the woman to sit. She still refused, she started to get louder and started to curse. Her husband and children were all kinds of embarrassed. Finally, the boat operator told her she had to get off. She jumped off the boat in a huff and the husband and children followed after her all dejected. You can imagine how uptight the boat got with this all going on, as the woman was leaving I said. "Welcome to Disney, the happiest place on earth." The woman turned and gave me an ice cold stair. The whole boat erupted in laughter.

While at Whispering Canyon Cafe, (Disney Worlds greatest place to eat, mho) we were eating with family friends and their 7 year old son. The call goes out for "KETCHUP." Now, this boy has been waiting since we got ketchup at our table to take the bottles to another table. He grabs an arm full of ketchups and starts to waddle his way to the other table. Well he lost grip of them and they all went crashing to the floor and a couple of them broke and went all over him. We were embarrassed at first for him but then he came back laughing and said "Wasn't that cool" and we all laughed.

This did not happen at Disney World but happened because of it. My wife and I got married at WDW on May 19th 2007 @ the Yacht Club gazebo. Well we had to fly down to make all the arraignments, well we were flying from JFK to MCO on February 14th 2007 via Jetblue. Yup we were those people trapped on a plane for 8 hours and never got out. We were so worried because of the small amount of time we had to prepare our wedding and we could not get out anytime soon. Luckily we were able to cancel our DVC in time and reschedule for a week later.


Well-Known Member
I really only have one OMG did that really happen moment and that was on my trip in 2006. My mom and I were having dinner at the Rose and Crown in the UK pavillion, after a not so spectacular day at AK. EE gave me a killer migraine after I had already gotten rid of one earlier in the day so by the time we finally made it to EPCOT, after an afternoon nap at the hotel thanks to 2 doses of heavy duty migraine medication, I was in a pretty good fog. My mom and I were seated on the patio overlooking the lagoon towards China. This was during the time that China pavillion was being refurbed and had the screen over the temple. My mom and I were admiring how at night it looked like there were no screens over the temple, when the woman sitting across from us suddenly snapped at me about how she knew her husband could be loud and annoying at times. Both my mom and I were like "HUH?" seeing as neither one of us was actually paying the slightest bit of attention to the woman or her husband. When I told her I wasn't paying the least attention to her husband she turned back to her family and my mom and I looked at each other with a look that said "Did that actually just happen?"

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