D23 2010 - "Gold" and "Silver" Memberships, Dontown Disney Discounts

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Join Eurodisney shareholders club: You get this! http://www.mouseplanet.com/paris/salon_mickey1.htm

Plus discounts in Disney Village, Restaurants, Hotels and on Passes - all year round! (bar Christmas week and Halloween) plus discount in Disney Stores in Europe

The only catch is its only in Disneyland Paris so you gotta travel to paris to get yer perks but otherwise its a darn-sight better than the single Downtown Disney discount
See, that's worth it. :D

And I'm thinking of buying Disney Stock... Shame that that does not come with benefits..save for the obvious ones. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Am I reading that part of your post right? You want it to be free and for you to get something? Companies don't work like that :lol:

The good ones sure do-Loyalty programs are common place in every other country except America. It's hard to find them here, but it's a simple concept to give points, gifts, and special benefits to customers who are loyal and spend loads of their money on your company. No entry fees at all. Free to anyone who signs up, and depending on how much you spend, get extras on top of ACTUALLY BUYING SOMETHING. Not just buying a fake status and getting the "privilege" of buying more.

But, but...you've gotta fight the man, man! If you're part of something commercialized, you're part of the problem (as we're on a Disney fan site). :rolleyes:

I don't harbor my thoughts on this club out of a misplaced sense of rebellion, I harbor them because they're my own. It may not be the right thing to say, but it sure as heck is worth saying...and the fact it bothers people so much clearly means this corporate sell-out is saying something that really gets to D23ers. D23ees.

What's the plural again?

When I first saw his post, I was hoping you'd respond so I didn't have to (football called), so I'm glad to see this.

I would agree with you in that a big part of the fan backlash is that D23 isn't what everyone else would make it. Well, of course it's not. It can't do or be everything.

I'll also add that I think some folks are reading way too deeply into the advertising. "Are you 23" was a cryptic message aimed at producing positive viral results. If the club is called 23, wouldn't it make sense to create a question that might infer it has to do with age to create (false) speculation.

Of course other advertising material advertises the product. That's precisely the nature of advertising material. Would you expect the Art of Disney to put signs up next to expensive prints assuaging concerns that people are less of fans if they don't buy the prints? "This print is over one thousand dollars. Please do not feel bad or less of a fan if you cannot afford it." Should I start complaining because I had to pay entrance to the park, and then, on top of that, they charge me for the print? I already paid for entrance to the park, why on earth should I pay for something additional of value!?!?

First of all, I have a name. I am not a nameless horror...I think...

Second of all, a print isn't the same as a title that bears with it great expense and no actual meaning. D23 is like buying a print you don't even like, but want to have the title of owning it.

And giving a name and status to the "Have" and "Have Not" crowd has been historically, never a good call...

:lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member

Question -- I didn't join D23 right away, but joined about halfway into the the charter year. Will I need to renew to receive the calandar and DTD discounts?

Personally, as someone who does not live locally, and can only go once a year, I look forward to my D23 magazine to keep the magic alive until the next trip.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The good ones sure do-Loyalty programs are common place in every other country except America. It's hard to find them here, but it's a simple concept to give points, gifts, and special benefits to customers who are loyal and spend loads of their money on your company. No entry fees at all. Free to anyone who signs up, and depending on how much you spend, get extras on top of ACTUALLY BUYING SOMETHING. Not just buying a fake status and getting the "privilege" of buying more.

I don't harbor my thoughts on this club out of a misplaced sense of rebellion, I harbor them because they're my own. It may not be the right thing to say, but it sure as heck is worth saying...and the fact it bothers people so much clearly means this corporate sell-out is saying something that really gets to D23ers. D23ees.

What's the plural again?

First of all, I have a name. I am not a nameless horror...I think...

Second of all, a print isn't the same as a title that bears with it great expense and no actual meaning. D23 is like buying a print you don't even like, but want to have the title of owning it.

And giving a name and status to the "Have" and "Have Not" crowd has been historically, never a good call...

:lookaroun :lol:

:lol: Well done!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Question -- I didn't join D23 right away, but joined about halfway into the the charter year. Will I need to renew to receive the calandar and DTD discounts?

Personally, as someone who does not live locally, and can only go once a year, I look forward to my D23 magazine to keep the magic alive until the next trip.
I think you renew a year after you purchased and yes, it seems you will.


Well-Known Member
Question -- I didn't join D23 right away, but joined about halfway into the the charter year. Will I need to renew to receive the calandar and DTD discounts?

Personally, as someone who does not live locally, and can only go once a year, I look forward to my D23 magazine to keep the magic alive until the next trip.

I'm thinking the calender might be our free gift with the next magazine. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Do we have a D23 forum on this site? Or a Marvel forum?

(just being a thread cop and all)

My take very simply is Disney is offering the new membership because it wants to milk more money out of D23 and has read enough comments on forums like this one to realize some folks will pay ... just not $75.

I won't spend either amount because I have serious issues with the way Disney uses/abuses the online fan community.

I have bought three of the first four issues of the mag, because I have way too many Barnes and Noble giftcards and the last issue only cost me $4 (50% with CM discount, plus ... um ... ah ... a special CM!)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Do we have a D23 forum on this site? Or a Marvel forum?

(just being a thread cop and all)

My take very simply is Disney is offering the new membership because it wants to milk more money out of D23 and has read enough comments on forums like this one to realize some folks will pay ... just not $75.

I won't spend either amount because I have serious issues with the way Disney uses/abuses the online fan community.

I have bought three of the first four issues of the mag, because I have way too many Barnes and Noble giftcards and the last issue only cost me $4 (50% with CM discount, plus ... um ... ah ... a special CM!)

Seems they were wrong yet again. And I can always write more. :)


I just became a member this month and Im no overly impressed. I thought there was going to be a separate website that was a members only and featured cool disney stuff. I may no re-subscribe to just get 4 magazines for a year when I can go to Borders or some bookstore and get it. I think disney needs to make more member only stuff that is online not just things to do. They seem to do a lot in California, we need more stuff to do in all the states and things that we can go online for. I think they should have something like WDWMAGIC where it gives news and write-ups and pictures ect. It doesn't seem like Im getting my moneys worth... :veryconfu :mad:

E-Ride Night

New Member
I just renewed for my second year! I can't wait! I love everything about it. Makes the magic stay alive through when I'm not going...

The thing that I love most about the membership isn't the yearly gift, the magazine, the card, or eNewsletter.... It's the little gift you get with each magazine everytime it arrives. They are the coolest things and I love displaying all of them on my shelf each time a new one arrives! Those don't come with the magazines you buy in barnes and noble, so right there, it's worth more money than just buying the magazines in the stores. And then ON TOP of that you get all those other things I mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph.

Happy New Year!

From a PROUD and HAPPY charter member of D23!

(Just imagine what D23 will be like 20 years from now! I'll be 44 years old!)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I just became a member this month and Im no overly impressed. I thought there was going to be a separate website that was a members only and featured cool disney stuff. I may no re-subscribe to just get 4 magazines for a year when I can go to Borders or some bookstore and get it. I think disney needs to make more member only stuff that is online not just things to do. They seem to do a lot in California, we need more stuff to do in all the states and things that we can go online for. I think they should have something like WDWMAGIC where it gives news and write-ups and pictures ect. It doesn't seem like Im getting my moneys worth... :veryconfu :mad:

They do that on the "Disney Parks Blog", but it is highly aestheticized to be very pro Disney and never gets into the nitty gritty. Can you blame them? :lol:
Sucker born every minute...

There's a sucker born every minute and Disney seems to be a magnet to so many of them.

The D23 scam is just that a scam. It preys on the same people that plopped down money for a Walk Around The World tile (or whatever that stupid thing was), A hideous etching on the tiger teeth/tank trap known as Leave a Leagcy in front of Spaceship Earth, the middle aged no hopers that still buy pins and sit out at the parks all day to trade them, or the people that get ripped off staying at the Grand Floridian.

Disney is great at manipulation and it constantly amazes me at how many people fall for it. It's as if they guilt trip people into doing things they would never do but because they want to be part of something they succumb to the power of the mouse.

It's quite funny to watch people fall for it on a daily basis.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

Are you D23?

"well, if you're calling us Disney fans by a number and putting us on some kind of list, I guess...yeah, technically..."

Are you Gold or Silver D23?

"Wait. I thought we were all D23?"

Fine. Be that way. don't see the value in it. Be left out. We don't care. WE'RE D23.

"Ok, Ok. Gold I guess..."

That'll be $79.95 please.

"what? What the! That's outrageous!"

But you get so many free extras.

"They aren't free! They're 80 flippin' bucks!"

And we have a Magazine.

"So do Soap Operas!"

So you don't want the Magazine.

"I didn't want to do any of this in the first place! I was happy as a Disney Fan!"

Ugghhh...Don't get me started on Disney Fans.

"They're your frickin' fanbase! They support your company!"

Yeah, but they won't even pay us so they can call themselves better. Better than...You people...

"So you're asking Disney Fans to pay for literally nothing except for the ability to call themselves better than...Disney fans?"

One "Silver" membership, $34.95 please.

"Fine. FINE. I guess that's better...Guess I'll just sell my plasma every tuesday so I can read an E-Letter celebrating the 20th anniversery of Herbie Goes Bananas..."

Don't mumble!

"Ghflhfgghhh..." -walks into crowd-

Ok, you gold D23s go over there, and the silver...uhhh. Just stand over there somehow.

-the crowd parts-


"Wh...Why can't I stand over there?"

Oh you're silver. They're gold.

"But I thought this was to include all Disney fans under one, non-secular brand able, power corporation branding name?"

Well, yeah...just some of you guys are more...golden then others.

"You mean they're even better than us, we're below them, but collectively we're all better than pesky Disney fans who ask...questions...?"


"I'm starting to think that none of us are really being treated special."

No, not at all! Here...Everyone kick in 5 bucks for something REALLY special.

There. Wasn't that special?

Frigging hilarious.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I just became a member this month and Im no overly impressed. I thought there was going to be a separate website that was a members only and featured cool disney stuff. I may no re-subscribe to just get 4 magazines for a year when I can go to Borders or some bookstore and get it. I think disney needs to make more member only stuff that is online not just things to do. They seem to do a lot in California, we need more stuff to do in all the states and things that we can go online for. I think they should have something like WDWMAGIC where it gives news and write-ups and pictures ect. It doesn't seem like Im getting my moneys worth... :veryconfu :mad:

I'm in the same boat. Yeah, the print was nice, and the magazines themselves are obviously very well done, but let's face it, 15 years from now they're nothing more than collector's items to sell on Ebay. And as for the discount, well it's nothing that I don't already get with my AP. With the absence of anything more thangible than a convention 3,000 miles away and the occasional special event at WDW, I don't see myself renewing for $75.....

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
There's a sucker born every minute and Disney seems to be a magnet to so many of them.

The D23 scam is just that a scam. It preys on the same people that plopped down money for a Walk Around The World tile (or whatever that stupid thing was), A hideous etching on the tiger teeth/tank trap known as Leave a Leagcy in front of Spaceship Earth, the middle aged no hopers that still buy pins and sit out at the parks all day to trade them, or the people that get ripped off staying at the Grand Floridian.

Disney is great at manipulation and it constantly amazes me at how many people fall for it. It's as if they guilt trip people into doing things they would never do but because they want to be part of something they succumb to the power of the mouse.

It's quite funny to watch people fall for it on a daily basis.
I can't blame them at all, it's a business. But I can hold them accountable for the value attributed to their product, which I think you summed up quite nicely. :D :lol:

Disney does well with OCD Fanbois.


Premium Member
Wouldn't this be wonderful? I wish they would have a lounge at each of the parks.

Specifically a lounge like the Teddy Roosevelt Lounge at DisneySea....talk about luxury, large leather couches, cool A/C, expensive looking tables and decor....I truly said I wished every Disney park had this...but, like many parts of DisneySea...with the types of people that WDW gets, the experience would get ruined quickly :(

However, having a D23 members only lounge, hopefully adults without little kids and strollers everywhere would be a VERY welcome place for each Disney park to have.


Premium Member
There's a sucker born every minute and Disney seems to be a magnet to so many of them.

The D23 scam is just that a scam. It preys on the same people that plopped down money for a Walk Around The World tile (or whatever that stupid thing was), A hideous etching on the tiger teeth/tank trap known as Leave a Leagcy in front of Spaceship Earth, the middle aged no hopers that still buy pins and sit out at the parks all day to trade them, or the people that get ripped off staying at the Grand Floridian.

Disney is great at manipulation and it constantly amazes me at how many people fall for it. It's as if they guilt trip people into doing things they would never do but because they want to be part of something they succumb to the power of the mouse.

It's quite funny to watch people fall for it on a daily basis.

Ok, while I agree with some of the bashing that goes on about Disney's decisions, this one seems a bit harsh. Not everyone who likes these things "fall for" Disney's manipulation, especially when we do the research and decide whether it is truly worth it for us.

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