Is anybody else, besides myself, curious at the timing of all these rumors floating around? We go for months when the only thing worth talking about is the color, and design pattern for the comforter at the newest time share, then all of a sudden we can't keep up with the expansion plans across WDW.
Something just doesn't fit in here to me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I have a feeling there is a reason for all this breaking news at this particular time.
We supposedly had the top secret project going on to repair the Yeti on third shift, that nobody knew about. We had threads here devoted to watching the effects, and repair of such on EE, yet nobody new. No leaks at all about it. We all know how secretive Disney can be. Now all of a sudden we have maps, and overlays of a possible 1/2 billion dollar project in FL. We are completely remastering MTTF. Possible projects in Tommorland, and Frontierland. ST 2.0, and maybe a family themed coaster, as well as Carsland for the Studios. A new, and exciting makeover for DTD.
I just want to know who's going to be the first to start the rumor of a new country being added to the WS, and a major makeover to the Imagination pavilion. Not to mention the latest triangle added to SSE!
Something just doesn't seem right to me.