I know I'm totally in the minority and it would be a trainwreck if he were to get the votes, but I am one who is actually really entertained by Norman. He is absolutely a riot...and he can sing...might not have proved that tonight, but he has a voice. He's like a Taylor Hicks style performer on crack! :lol:
As for who I think is going through...definitely Adam...he's a shoe in...he's amazing. That last note was sick. I don't think he's a ringer though. I think he's just been in a lot of theatrical productions.
Allison for the girls. She was hands down the best girl tonight. She wasn't on my radar until tonight either...but she definitely got put there.
As for the last spot...it's really a toss up for me. I think Kai, Mishovanna, Kris, Megan, or Norman...yes Norman (you heard the audience...they do like him. They were so on board with him...listen back to the performance again if you disagree. And on a night like tonight where there weren't many memorable performances, he's got a good shot, I think) have a shot at being in the last spot. It really is a complete toss up and I don't know which way it's gonna go. No one person stood out enough to really figure out who it's going to be. All of them (well, maybe not Norman, but I've discussed that one now) sang decently.