Active Member
Am I the only one who thought that Syesha was by far the best tonight?
I was shocked at what Simon said to her at the end. I thought she was great.
I thought Jason and Brooke were terrible.
David A. was okay....funny how he got the two most recognizable songs.
David C. was awesome as usual. But he could sing the phone book and I would be melting.
I really wish they would go back to the way they used to do the themes....by genres or decades.
I don't like them doing the songs of one artist. Come on....Neil Diamond??? I admire the guy and he has alot of talent and has had a very successful career, but geez.....they really need to be doing more songs that a good percentage of the viewing audience will recognize.
I was bored to tears tonight (expect when David C. was perfoming, of course).