A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Trip Report

It’s official! Brett and I are finally married and I couldn’t be more excited. We had the most perfect wedding day ever, at our most favorite place in the whole entire world. And of course, as expected, it went by all too quickly. I’m not going to lie, coming down off the high that was our Disney wedding/cruise/honeymoon has been tough. In fact, I'm hoping that writing up/posting this trip report will help me work through some of that. However, I’ve spent much of my spare time in the last few weeks staring at a blank word document... writer’s block? Never heard of it! :lol:

For the first time ever, in all my trip report writing, I did a pre-trip report. It lays out most of the wedding-related details, but for those of you out there who are like me and rarely read pre-trip reports, here’s a quick rundown of events:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: Drive down, check in offsite for the night
Thursday, March 17, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Polynesian Resort
Friday, March 18, 2011: Wedding Day, Sunset Pointe
Sunday, March 20, 2011: Board Disney Dream for a 4 night Bahamas cruise
Thursday, March 24, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
Sunday, March 27, 2011: Check out and head home

We kind of saw this trip as having three legs: Wedding/Cruise/Disney!

A look back at our Disney trip reports: September 2008 (Contemporary), December 2008 (Old Key West), January 2009 (Port Orleans Riverside & Disney Marathon), July 2009 (Wilderness Lodge Villas/Animal Kingdom Lodge), December 2009 (Beach Club Villas), March 2010 (Pop Century & Princess Half), June 2010 (Coronado Springs), August 2010 (Polynesian & Engagement), December 2010 (Kidani Village)

This was our first time on DCL, however, we’ve cruised a handful of times before. So if anyone is interested, those trip reports can be found here: May 2009 (Carnival Liberty), December 2009 (Royal Caribbean Monarch of the Seas), May 2010 (Emerald Princess), June 2010 (Norwegian Sky)

Oh dear. I feel like I’m embarking on what will be the longest trip report EVER (and I’ve written some long ones). My apologies in advance, as it will likely take awhile to get this report up in its entirety. The good news though, is that I’ve completed the text all the way up through the wedding, so we’ll get to that part fairly quickly!

With all that said, let the memories begin...



New Member
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Thanks Holly!! I was getting worried! Good luck with the move and I hope Brett's new job is great!

Also - I feel like I know you because of your threads on the Princess boards and here on the Disney boards. My sister is a HUGE Disney fan and has annual passes to Disneyland. If you ever make it to the west coast, she and I would love to hook up with you and show the ropes on Disneyland and California Adventure!! :wave:



Well-Known Member
I hope you have a safe move and congrats to Brett on his new job! And don't worry, we'll keep the thread warm for you while you get settled in your new place. :D


Well-Known Member
Such an exciting time in both your lives right now! Bask and enjoy! The trip report and all this stuff will always be here whenever you get around to it. I say leave this alone and have fun with your honey.... (<--I totally can't believe I just said that... :lol:)


New Member
Finally caught up after getting home from our USVI vacation! Once again, crying like an idiot over all your wedding wonderfulness. In response to your call for brides to fess up...yes, I too had to go to the bathroom with my mom holding my dress, and I have great memories from at least 2 of my friends/ family of having to be their dress holders in the bathroom. I had a complete phobia of having to ______ while in that dress...that's one thing I don't miss from my day!
HollyBelle, I've really enjoyed reading the reports of your engagement and your wedding. It took me quite a while to read all of it, but I found myself getting excited when I could find quiet moments (mom of a 7-year-old and teacher of 27) to read all about your experiences. (Hope that doesn't make me sound too sad! I really do have a life! :cool:)

I've never thought about a Disney wedding, but after reading about your wedding, I could totally go for it. Perhaps my sense of money is off a bit, but I thought the cost was quite acceptable for what you get and considering that everything at Disney is expensive, but on the other hand, is usually high-quality. Now, I just need to find a guy as crazy about Disney as Brett is and I'm all set! :lol:

There are many things that I want to comment about, really too many actually, but here are just a few:

1. Your dress: simply gorgeous. I must say I was a bit worried when I saw the pics of the dresses you tried on before. Even the one that you said you liked the most but it still wasn't quite there, I was worried b/c I didn't care for it (of course, to each their own, right? :)) But your dress was just beautiful, love the ruching, love the flowers at the bottom and I do feel like I could reach out and touch how soft it is. I also felt like it was perfect for your venue and your personality, as it comes through in your trip reports.

2. Your photography and Jason's photography: simply gorgeous. I've been on the fence about purchasing a DSLR and after seeing your pics, I've decided to go for it and purchase one sometime this year. (I'd love to hear any advice you have on this topic.) So many times, various people have tried to talk me out of it b/c of the hassle of the weight, bag, etc but I think if you're a picture nut (and I am!), the pros outweigh the cons. And, oh, btw, (this one is sent out to Brett) I TOTALLY TAKE PICS OF THE FOOD WE EAT AT WDW BEFORE WE EAT IT! I firmly believe there's nothing wrong with that at all. For the $ that I spend (that we all spend to visit WDW), I snap pics of just about everything I can! That way, when I'm old and decrepit, I can relieve every memory! :ROFLOL:

Okay, well, there's much more to comment on, but you've inspired me to go and post my own pre-trip report for our upcoming trip to WDW! Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip, especially on the Dream. We're hoping to cruise on it next year!


Well-Known Member
Okay, so now that I've read this whole thread up to this point, I'mma go all girl squeal...

OMG Hollyyy you were so beautiful!! That dress is amazing, but I don't know how in the world you sat down in it :lol:

I could totally comment on every photo as they were all so amazing, but this one's my favorite

I can feel the love and happiness pouring out of you two in this one, it's just too sweet.

Also, garter shots on the monorail? Totally awesome idea.


LOVE this one..... and thank -you for taking the time to do this report in such amazing detail. It makes me want to find a man that loves Disney and have such an amazing fairytale wedding.... Hmmm where to find that man??? :ROFLOL: I wonder if there are any Disney matchmaking sites? :shrug::ROFLOL: OOOPs....... sorry..... back to your report !

There are a couple of Disney related matchmaking sites out there. A Google search for Dismates or DisDates will get you to them. :)


Well-Known Member
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Best of luck to Brett with his new job and I hope this move is bringing you closer to Disney.:D


Well-Known Member
I am just now (!) getting to your Trip Report Holly!! Somehow life has officially gotten in the way! I am taking prerequesite classes and am applying for a nursing program next year. It's exciting! But this TR is not about me...

I found that while reading your TR I was quickly multi-quoting every single installment! So in the interest of saved Megabites or whatever takes up space on computers...I'll just say I loved each and every photo, each and every sentence. All was just lovely. I love that you shared your ceremony text with us too, it was so wonderful!

And here are a few specific things I'd like to comment on(which will be in Bold)

Kathy decided to have a strawberry daiquiri instead. I squealed like a little girl when I saw the souvenir glass (which is actually plastic). Of course, Kathy gladly ordered another daiquiri so I could have this fabulous set of plastic ware(!). Talk about taking one for the team. :lol: That a girl!

Yay!! I have this same "glass". I treasure it :) And just for the record, I got it by ordering the 'Fire Punch' I believe it was called.

The group picture from SoA was just wonderful too!

Now let’s get one thing straight... other than the weather, the biggest stressor I experienced leading up to the wedding was hair and makeup. C’mon ladies, I know you get it. Being unhappy about my hair and makeup would’ve upset me for the entire day. You all know what I’m talking about, don’t even act like you don’t! It would be awful to have the perfect man, perfect dress, perfect location and perfect weather, only to hate every single photograph because my hair looked wacky.

Oh yeah, honey I totally get this! In fact I stress about this stuff anytime my Coast Guard hubby and I have to attend a formal or semi-formal even where photos will be taken. The worst thing is that said photos will remind you of how you hated the [dress], [hair], [makeup] whatever it was you hated! Yes, I totally get this. And no you are not crazy! And for the record, all of yours turned out absolutely perfect...ahhh, just stunning!! She did a wonderful job!

I’m actually really glad he was there for the final touches. It was really neat to have just my parents with me in those final moments of getting ready.

After getting me all laced up, mom fixed dad up with his boutonniere:


Wonderful photos of you and your parents in those final "getting ready" moments. The photo of your mom helping your dad with his boutonniere is so sweet!

What they call the "Cake and Champagne Celebration..."

Brett’s face cracks me up in this picture… anyone want to take a stab at captioning it?! :lookaroun :lol:


Oh yes, I love this game...the first one that came to mind was...[/B]"But they never told us it was going to be in Polynesian! What if they are asking us to sign our lives away???"

Next, it was time for our “first dance.” But before that we had to bustle my dress.

I love the photos involved with this moment!! And the ones of your first dance. They are so wonderful, you can see the genuine bliss in your faces.
Derek decided to help me out with the sides… can you tell he’s dined with me before? :lol:


LOL!!! I love this!!!

Okay, so at the risk of sharing too much information, at the end of dinner it was time for a bathroom break. It clearly wasn’t something I could do on my own. What’s a good mom for, if she can’t hold your dress up in the bathroom?! :ROFLOL: We didn’t have enough time to go back to one of our rooms so we made our way to the “family” restroom outside of Ohana. Honestly, the whole experience was hilarious. And, of course, that area is always packed with people waiting around for their reservation. I think we got some crazy looks, but I remember one lady exclaiming, “that takes me back to my own wedding!” Brides?! C'mon, fess up!

LOL oh yes!! I had a wonderful friend who was designated to help me lift my dress for this business. Hey, a bride still has to go!!

Lastly, I loved that you did the Illuminations special boat seating!! And reading the lyrics got me foggy-eyed. It is that moment...when the singer starts that always makes me cry.



Well-Known Member
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Congrats on the new job Brett! And good luck with the move!


Well-Known Member
I'm all caught up!!

Holly, that was simply amazing!!! You were so beautiful and the pictures turned out just stunning!!

Yay!!! I'm so happy for you two!!


New Member
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
Hey Holly and Brett,

Hope your move went well.

I am anxiously awaiting the rest of your report as we are huge Disney and cruise fans. I really am excited to hear all about the Dream and how you liked it!

We live about an hour from Disneyland and have annual passes--we try to go at least once a month. We were just there this weekend for the passholder preview of Star Tours--it is beyond phenomenal (we are huge Star Wars fans too)!! Also saw the new Soundsational parade which is really cute and went on the Little Mermaid while it was soft opened. We did it all!

You have to make a trip to So Cal to see World of Color at CA Adventure. It is so beautiful....we have seen it five times and every time it amazes me as to how stunning it is!!



Holly and Brett,

I have just across this trip report!! Even though im just scanning through and reading bits of it and looking at all of the pictures... Its just awesome!!! Im sure you guys had a magical trip and wedding!!

I just wanted to say especially the actual official wedding photos of yours!! WOW!!! These are absolutely stunning!!! You must be very pleased!!

I am heavily into my photography and due to go on some work experience with a wedding photographer this summer! Im sooo looking forward to it! I especially love all the Disney themed touches that your photographer has put into the photos! Lovely quality and great compositions!!

Hope you two are both well :) And Holly... I have to say that dress is something else!! Its amazing!

Best Wishes,

Tristan :wave:


Holly and Brett,

I have just across this trip report!! Even though im just scanning through and reading bits of it and looking at all of the pictures... Its just awesome!!! Im sure you guys had a magical trip and wedding!!

I just wanted to say especially the actual official wedding photos of yours!! WOW!!! These are absolutely stunning!!! You must be very pleased!!

I am heavily into my photography and due to go on some work experience with a wedding photographer this summer! Im sooo looking forward to it! I especially love all the Disney themed touches that your photographer has put into the photos! Lovely quality and great compositions!!

Hope you two are both well :) And Holly... I have to say that dress is something else!! Its amazing!

Best Wishes,

Tristan :wave:


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