A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Trip Report

It’s official! Brett and I are finally married and I couldn’t be more excited. We had the most perfect wedding day ever, at our most favorite place in the whole entire world. And of course, as expected, it went by all too quickly. I’m not going to lie, coming down off the high that was our Disney wedding/cruise/honeymoon has been tough. In fact, I'm hoping that writing up/posting this trip report will help me work through some of that. However, I’ve spent much of my spare time in the last few weeks staring at a blank word document... writer’s block? Never heard of it! :lol:

For the first time ever, in all my trip report writing, I did a pre-trip report. It lays out most of the wedding-related details, but for those of you out there who are like me and rarely read pre-trip reports, here’s a quick rundown of events:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: Drive down, check in offsite for the night
Thursday, March 17, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Polynesian Resort
Friday, March 18, 2011: Wedding Day, Sunset Pointe
Sunday, March 20, 2011: Board Disney Dream for a 4 night Bahamas cruise
Thursday, March 24, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
Sunday, March 27, 2011: Check out and head home

We kind of saw this trip as having three legs: Wedding/Cruise/Disney!

A look back at our Disney trip reports: September 2008 (Contemporary), December 2008 (Old Key West), January 2009 (Port Orleans Riverside & Disney Marathon), July 2009 (Wilderness Lodge Villas/Animal Kingdom Lodge), December 2009 (Beach Club Villas), March 2010 (Pop Century & Princess Half), June 2010 (Coronado Springs), August 2010 (Polynesian & Engagement), December 2010 (Kidani Village)

This was our first time on DCL, however, we’ve cruised a handful of times before. So if anyone is interested, those trip reports can be found here: May 2009 (Carnival Liberty), December 2009 (Royal Caribbean Monarch of the Seas), May 2010 (Emerald Princess), June 2010 (Norwegian Sky)

Oh dear. I feel like I’m embarking on what will be the longest trip report EVER (and I’ve written some long ones). My apologies in advance, as it will likely take awhile to get this report up in its entirety. The good news though, is that I’ve completed the text all the way up through the wedding, so we’ll get to that part fairly quickly!

With all that said, let the memories begin...



Well-Known Member
Holly, great update! Seems like it was definitely a good idea for you guys to rest up after the wedding!

I have to agree with you about both La Hacienda and Via Napoli, La Hacienda is great! And meh about Via Napoli, when me and my mom tried it this past January we sat in the same area all of you did and it just felt away from everything and not part of the restaurant at all.

Can't wait to hear about your trip on the dream!


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhh Sugar, this is why I loooove your TRs.. CLASSY OUTFITS. Love your skirt and shirt, legit.

That picture of your momma is great.. she's a good sport to ride it again - and it seems like your dad had a solid trip, which brings me joy. There's just something about dads loving Disney.. I think it should be a requirement.

SHOW ME MY DREAM (ASAP.. 93 days until our trip, wordword).

PS: No shout out while in Canada? The nerve of some people.


Well-Known Member
ti tiaragirl,I wish this was like facebook and I could click on your comment,you make me laugh I love it!! Proud Canadians UNite LOL


Active Member
Yay I'm back and all caught up!

Your pics in front of the MK are stunning. I LOVE your pose. Totally couture! I might have to rip off your idea because we're unsure if we will be able to afford the MK portrait session. It would be nice to do but we have the option of doing it at a later date so we might just do that instead.

Your pics of the "princesses" had me ROTFLOL-ing. I think if they had the regular long dresses it would have been fine. I HATE how Halloween has become too sexy. Whenever I search for Halloween costumes, I always get a page of "sexy" options. Those costumes are horrible. Period. The tinkerbell one is fine because that's how she normally looks but the Cindy and Belle make me want to vomit :hurl:

I can't wait to blow off work and read the rest LOL. It's my last week here anyway, the new job starts next Tuesday :sohappy:


Active Member
I'm so far behind, I'm going to catch up now, but I wanted to say how beautiful you looked why I had the chance! Ahhh, I'm so happy for you guys! :)


Well-Known Member
Yay I just checked my Google Reader only to find that Holly & Brett are featured on disneyweddingblog.com!


You should contact InsideDisneyWeddings.com and do an interview :) I can't get enough of this stuff!! :sohappy:

OMG! That's so awesome!!!! Holly & Brett are total celebs now!!!!!!! WooHOOO! Just think, next time they're at WDW people will recognize them and want pictures with them!!!!!!!! Holly, y'all gonna have to get big, dark sunglasses and crazy hats or people are gonna go all paparazi on you! :lol:

Chandler & Brian heard me squealing and came to see what was up. They had a bazillion questions about how rich you have to be to get married at WDW. :lol: When I explained it doesn't have to be crazy expensive Chandler announced he wants to get married on the boat dock at the Yacht Club. Yaaaaayyy!!!! I'll get to be a Disney mother-of-the-groom someday!!!!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I love the look on your Moms face when it came to Soarin'! It was probably the same look my mom had when she was riding it. She hates heights. So yeah I dont think we will be getting her on that again any time soon. If ever.

Thanks for the review on Via Napolli, we have thought about trying it but now we just may feel meh about it as well. Though we may have to try it out one of these days just to try.

I want more!!!!


Well-Known Member
HOLLY. I am home from my trip so now you can proceed with the rest of your TR. It was sweet that you waited to finish it until I was back:animwink:gee thanks. Ha Ha!

The shot of you 2 in the monorail is perfection. It's so "Disney." I love it!!! I totally wish you could have gone into the parks in wedding attire. But I guess there would be tons of brides and grooms running around if it was possible. You got as close as you could get! You look breathtaking in your dress and your hubby isn't too shabby either! He just looks so relaxed in the pictures like "yep, this is exactly where I want to be" it's so romantic looking. Love it. Love all the pictures. Love you guys. Love the TR.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wasn't the weather just gorgeous. You guys had a great week to go. Believe me I know it was hard to go back..

I think a day to just unwind after the wedding actually works out great. When we went on the honeymoon, we didn't leave until the following day late at night. I always debated since I was anxious to go right away, but looking back I agree it was nice to sleep....and then enjoy.

Love the honeymoon thus far...I want more!!

It really was an amazing week... we checked the weather the day after we returned and apparently it rained that whole day. We didn’t see rain at all. I take that back, it did start to rain a little bit as we cruised out of Port Canaveral, but not a single one of our Disney days included rain. Crazy lucky.

Don't hate. I think you're just jealous that they got to wear their dresses in the parks and you didn't!

Green with envy.... this is true!

I'm glad to hear you liked La Hacienda's counter service. We ate there in October and loved it! It's a shame about Via Napoli, the pizzas looked tasty but a tasty meal can be soured by poor service.

I really liked your shot of the balloons in The Land. It's one of my favorite pavilions and I always like seeing more pictures of it at night.

Yeah, we were really happy with La Hacienda. There was an authenticity to the tacos that I don’t usually find at counter service restaurants, if that makes any sense.

If we do Via Napoli again, I might try something other than pizza. But after two go’s at it with lukewarm results, it’ll probably be a while before we head back.

I will definitely go to bed happy tonight... can´t wait for your Dream honeymoon

Thanks, Sara. My apologies it’s taking so long.

Dang! I'm gonna be late for my run which means it's gonna be mega-hot but it'll be worth it!

Wow! Okay, well, just to be an eensy-weensy voice of reason my brother's youngest daughter just turned 12 but she's almost as tall as me. She's been really tall for a couple years. Sometimes it's hard because she *looks* so much older than she is so you have to stop yourself from thinking she's acting childish or immature in some ways because she *is* just a child. And, bless her heart, it's terrible when she wants to participate in things that she's sorta too big for but all the other girls her age are into. However, that being said...I think if she'd wanted to do BBB my brother would've searched to the ends of the earth for a longer costume or made her wear visible shorts and/or leggings underneath. You know, because **his** daughters won't be dating until they're 30. I love when he tells me about bathing suit shopping with his daughters. Total and utter hilarity! I'm such an awful sister...

BTW, I almost took a pic of a chick in Walmart last night (which I also never do because I think it's sorta mean). Tracey couldn't look at her without giggling. He walked past her once really close and he was almost doubled over openly laughing. The man had no control over himself. Like it's soooooo funny for a chick to get her groceries in a little-bitty black spandex dress and patent stilettos. You never know when you're gonna happen across the gazillionaire of your dreams...it's best to be prepared at all times...

Now that's funny.

Awesome update! Nooooo, it can't hold a candle to the day before but it still was a fantastic day! The best part is that we're now closer to the DREAM!!!!!

I don’t know... the way those girls were prancing around, I didn’t get the feeling that they were into the innocent “princess” theme so much as the “sexy” Halloween costume theme that Shelley referred to.

We’re definitely about to board the Dream... I’ve been working diligently on the boarding process for you! :animwink: Hopefully, things won’t have completely changed by the time you actually board in September. But I have heard that they started enforcing the sign up times, whether or not that is true (or will remain the case) is yet to be determined.


Thanks for the updates. I've been able to catch up today and I've loved every minute of it! Everyone who knows us swears that our daughter will end up marrying at WDW. You've given us alot of food for thought. (Though she is just 16 and it will be many, many, many (did I mention many) years down the road!!!

Our daughter will celebrate her 17th birthday when we are at Disney in Sept and I would love to do the Illuminations cruise as a birthday surprise for her! Can you give me some contact information? Thanks!

Loving everything about your report. Wedding looks absolutely wonderful and love all your narration. Can't wait for the Dream report.


Thanks, Tena. Your daughter is a smart cookie! :D The basic price is $345 and from what I understand, it’s important to call ahead (180 day mark) to get a reservation. The number is 407-WDW-PLAY. More information can be found here: http://allears.net/btp/illum.htm It’s a bit pricey, but I highly recommend it. Honestly, it’s something we’ll probably do again one day, that’s how much we all enjoyed it.

I almost feel ashamed that we haven't eaten at Ohana yet...oops! And I am intrigued to hear the huki lau...we haven't eaten at the Flying Fish because, unfortunately, we don't like sea food. I so, SO wish we did, because I know Flying Fish and other places at Disney get great reviews.

Nope, not at all. I also had to help my friend out a few years back...that's one of the perks of being a bridesmaid that they don't tell you about!

My first experience with the huki lau came after I’d had a couple of drinks. I decided to get up and participate because I wanted a lei. When I told this to the elderly lady beside me she suggested that there was an easier way to get lei’d. :eek: The Flying Fish has at least one or two options that aren’t seafood, but it’s one of those restaurants that consistently changes its menu (one of the reasons I love it!) so it would suck if you showed up and those one or two items aren’t to your liking.

Okay, thanks. I still feel like such a noob when it comes to photography! I just ordered my first prime lens last week...the cheap-o 50mm/1.8 from Canon. I was debating between that and the 50mm/1.4 but I think I'm going to see how I like the 1.8 version first before I shell out an addtional $300 for the 1.4 version. How do you like your flash?

SO CUTE! As you say, you guys didn't miss any details. Very nice!

Love the pile of pins...so funny. Are you going to do something with the flowers? Add them to your shadow box (which I think you said you were going to make with the printed stuff)?

I still totally feel like a noob, too, with photography so no worries there. Like you, the first lens I purchased was the cheap 50 1.8. I don’t use it as much now that I have the Sigma 30 mm 1.4. The 30 just seems like a more usable focal length for me. With the 50 I often felt like I wanted to back up when I couldn’t. I did use it for almost all the pictures you’ll see coming up of the shows on the Disney Dream. It definitely came to my rescue there (and made me want to purchase the 85 1.8). Honestly, for the price difference, I think the 1.8 was the better choice. Rather than spend a bunch more on the 1.4 for your next lens, you might find that you’d rather have a different focal length to use in addition to your 50.

I love my flash... I bought the 430 EX II. I still don’t really know what I’m doing with it, but I do know that it has saved me in many situations. I even use it some during the day for fill flash... usually for character pictures and stuff like that.

I hadn’t thought about doing anything with my flowers. But that’s a good idea. Of course, I got them for the bargain price of $5 apiece at Kohl’s after the bridal shop tried to sell me a silk flower for $200+. :rolleyes: Yeah, no thanks, lady.

Great update! Yay!

I agree with you that it would be SO stressful to leave for the honeymoon the day after the wedding. We did the same as you - took a day in between - and it was so much more relaxed.

Hooray for your dad's first character meet! Is he hooked??

I don’t know if I’d say dad is hooked on character meet and greets. I think it was more a case of him humoring me. :lol: I’m going to work on it though... baby steps.

I love the pics that your mom took - specifically the one of you and Brett holding hands (awww), the one of you taking the picture on TTA, the one of you taking the picture of the family...very cute.

So sorry for your dress...the poor thing. But at least you had cake to make you feel better! Yum!

I love those pictures, too. The one of us holding hands walking into Tomorrowland is one of my favorites. It’s so much fun to travel around with someone else who is also toting a camera. It makes it so much easier to get shots, especially when we each have a different lens on the camera. It’s all about compromise with the lenses and I’m always finding myself in a moment when I wish I had a different lens mounted than the current one. Having two cameras helps with this.

I'm bummed to hear your second less-than-stellar review of Via Napoli. We have a lunch ADR there in a couple of weeks (!). That stinks that it didn't work out for you.

I'm so glad that you guys got to Soarin' in time! Sounds like a fun, hilarious time was had by all. Your poor mom though...

Can't wait to read about your time aboard the Dream! Yay!

Being seated inside at Via Napoli makes a HUGE difference, in my opinion. I actually enjoyed our first experience much more than the second one. We got an app that was delicious (the fried risotto balls), and a pizza with non-traditional toppings. Even though the flavor profile of the pizza was a little off for us, it was unique. And I really appreciated that.

I love all of your flower and garden pictures - I haven't been there in the spring since high school - I forgot how beautiful Epcot is during that time. Definitely thinking our next trip will have to be during the festival.

I totally agree with you on the pool situation at the Poly. We never use the main pool b/c its always so crowded even in September when we usually go. I can imagine how crowded it was with the quiet pool closed...definitely not relaxing.

The topiaries and flowers really do liven up Epcot. I have a feeling I’m going to be shocked the next time I see it because I ended up visiting three times during this year’s festival (March, April and May). I’ve forgotten what it normally looks like.

YAY!!! I can not wait to hear all about your cruise! We have just alittle over 10 months till we set sail on the Dream!

You are going to have so much fun!! I know I’m dragging my feet a bit, but I promise to have it completely posted before you go. :lol: No, really.

HollyBelle, I'm another lurker, and had to say that I love your updates, and I look forward to more. On those "Princesses" that is just too funny!

Brett, I would say the exact same thing to my wife if she had taken those pictures...

Sweetpee, if you have a blast looking at your local walmart people, check out people of Walmart (peopleofwalmart dot com). If I ever need a good laugh I go there!

Thanks so much, dragwit! I’m totally with you... peopleofwalmart = utter hilarity. So is, awkwardfamilyphotos dot com. If you haven’t checked that one out, it’s worth a look.

Can't wait to hear about the Dream!

Also, in regards to the girls in costume- I want to say if you are over 10 (or is it 12), you are not allowed to wear costumes to the parks outside of special events (MNSSHP, SWW, ect).

The Dream, or at least the boarding process, is coming up next!

Holly, great update! Seems like it was definitely a good idea for you guys to rest up after the wedding!

I have to agree with you about both La Hacienda and Via Napoli, La Hacienda is great! And meh about Via Napoli, when me and my mom tried it this past January we sat in the same area all of you did and it just felt away from everything and not part of the restaurant at all.

Can't wait to hear about your trip on the dream!

Yeah, the newer area of Via Napoli is a perfect example of how ambience can make or break a meal. That’s something else La Hacienda’s counter service has... great ambience, whether you eat indoors or out.

Ohhhhh Sugar, this is why I loooove your TRs.. CLASSY OUTFITS. Love your skirt and shirt, legit.

That picture of your momma is great.. she's a good sport to ride it again - and it seems like your dad had a solid trip, which brings me joy. There's just something about dads loving Disney.. I think it should be a requirement.

SHOW ME MY DREAM (ASAP.. 93 days until our trip, wordword).

Thanks, Kenzie. Style comments from you always make me proud! I’m glad you approve. I love that skirt. In fact, I want to buy a bunch of different fabric prints and make some more like it. Sooo comfy.

PS: No shout out while in Canada? The nerve of some people.

I know right... also, can you believe it when people *say* they’ll photograph an important event (such as a wedding) from a searaycer and then lose the pictures?!

Yay I'm back and all caught up!

Your pics in front of the MK are stunning. I LOVE your pose. Totally couture! I might have to rip off your idea because we're unsure if we will be able to afford the MK portrait session. It would be nice to do but we have the option of doing it at a later date so we might just do that instead.

Steal away, sister!! I, too, am glad that we have the option of going back and doing the park shoots at a later date. I’ve considered it myself. I’d probably be all over it if I could ensure quality images, but I’m not really feeling the style of a lot of the Disney photogs. I don’t think I’d have a problem paying the price, if I knew the images would be to my liking in the end.

I’m even considering a “trash the dress” session... something I thought I’d never do. But she’s already trashed, and it would give me the opportunity to put her on again. :lookaroun

Your pics of the "princesses" had me ROTFLOL-ing. I think if they had the regular long dresses it would have been fine. I HATE how Halloween has become too sexy. Whenever I search for Halloween costumes, I always get a page of "sexy" options. Those costumes are horrible. Period. The tinkerbell one is fine because that's how she normally looks but the Cindy and Belle make me want to vomit :hurl:

I can't wait to blow off work and read the rest LOL. It's my last week here anyway, the new job starts next Tuesday :sohappy:

Ugghhh... sexy Halloween costumes, say no more. HATE.

I'm so far behind, I'm going to catch up now, but I wanted to say how beautiful you looked why I had the chance! Ahhh, I'm so happy for you guys! :)

Thanks so much, Corey! I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yay I just checked my Google Reader only to find that Holly & Brett are featured on disneyweddingblog.com!


You should contact InsideDisneyWeddings.com and do an interview :) I can't get enough of this stuff!!

WHAT?! :sohappy: I had no clue! I wonder how they even knew about our wedding. I guess they got/found the images through Jason, but he’s not really one of the WDW wedding “regulars” so that surprises me. I’ve gotta say though, it’s nice to represent the wdwmagic brides and couples, as that blog is aligned so closely with another fan site! Thanks for sharing, Shelley. Otherwise, I may have never known it was there.

OMG! That's so awesome!!!! Holly & Brett are total celebs now!!!!!!! WooHOOO! Just think, next time they're at WDW people will recognize them and want pictures with them!!!!!!!! Holly, y'all gonna have to get big, dark sunglasses and crazy hats or people are gonna go all paparazi on you!

Maybe I can borrow Shelley’s bada$$ hat. :)

Chandler & Brian heard me squealing and came to see what was up. They had a bazillion questions about how rich you have to be to get married at WDW. When I explained it doesn't have to be crazy expensive Chandler announced he wants to get married on the boat dock at the Yacht Club. Yaaaaayyy!!!! I'll get to be a Disney mother-of-the-groom someday!!!!!! :sohappy:

Glad to hear you cleared the boys up on the “rich” thing! I think it’s surprising to most people how reasonable a WDW wedding can be. Key words... can be. :D

And can I just say that I LOVE the fact that Chandler is already staking claim to his Disney wedding.

Very Cool!!! I happened to take a peek at a few of the other Disney wedding pics on the website and have to say Holly, you were definitely the prettiest of brides-HANDS DOWN!

Aww, thank you, Coryna. You’re too sweet!

I love the look on your Moms face when it came to Soarin'! It was probably the same look my mom had when she was riding it. She hates heights. So yeah I dont think we will be getting her on that again any time soon. If ever.

Thanks for the review on Via Napolli, we have thought about trying it but now we just may feel meh about it as well. Though we may have to try it out one of these days just to try.

I want more!!!!

Yeah, you’ll definitely have to try out Via Napoli for yourselves. That’s how Brett and I always feel, regardless of reviews we’ve read. There are some extremely popular Disney restaurants that we totally dislike and vice versa. Something for everyone!

HOLLY. I am home from my trip so now you can proceed with the rest of your TR. It was sweet that you waited to finish it until I was back... gee thanks. Ha Ha!

The shot of you 2 in the monorail is perfection. It's so "Disney." I love it!!! I totally wish you could have gone into the parks in wedding attire. But I guess there would be tons of brides and grooms running around if it was possible. You got as close as you could get! You look breathtaking in your dress and your hubby isn't too shabby either! He just looks so relaxed in the pictures like "yep, this is exactly where I want to be" it's so romantic looking. Love it. Love all the pictures. Love you guys. Love the TR.

Anything you want to share, Jess? Like a trip report, perhaps!? :animwink: :D

We’ll just go with that; the long delay in my report is because I was waiting on you. But I guess that means I need to get cracking now that you’re back.


Active Member
WHAT?! :sohappy: I had no clue! I wonder how they even knew about our wedding. I guess they got/found the images through Jason, but he’s not really one of the WDW wedding “regulars” so that surprises me. I’ve gotta say though, it’s nice to represent the wdwmagic brides and couples, as that blog is aligned so closely with another fan site! Thanks for sharing, Shelley. Otherwise, I may have never known it was there.

I figured you didn't know about it. Carly (site admin) gets images straight from the photographers. As you can tell, Jason's logo is all over those pictures. Her site is basically marketing for photographers. I'm sure she's in contact with him regularly and he sends her his stuff. I applied a few months back to be on her site but she said we didn't have enough professional pictures and to contact her after the wedding. I surely will!!

Maybe I can borrow Shelley’s bada$$ hat. :)

HAHA! I did get a lot of people peeking at me under my hat (they all have to duck because I'm so short) and I was pretty sure they were looking to see if I was famous because I saw some disappointment in their faces :(


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I figured you didn't know about it. Carly (site admin) gets images straight from the photographers. As you can tell, Jason's logo is all over those pictures. Her site is basically marketing for photographers. I'm sure she's in contact with him regularly and he sends her his stuff. I applied a few months back to be on her site but she said we didn't have enough professional pictures and to contact her after the wedding. I surely will!!

I figured she had to have gotten the pictures from Jason, but I wonder if there is actually any communication between her and the photographer's or if she gets them straight from their sites, because he blogged our images quite a ways back (two weeks after the wedding). He posted around 40 shots, and I see she picked about a fourth from those. Photography is so subjective... it's interesting to see which images people pick/like, you know? For whatever reason, I'm now very curious about the process!

HAHA! I did get a lot of people peeking at me under my hat (they all have to duck because I'm so short) and I was pretty sure they were looking to see if I was famous because I saw some disappointment in their faces :(

You're famous in my book, Shelley! That's funny, and especially during the opening of this year's Star Wars Weekends, I bet they really did wonder if you were "classically" famous.


Active Member

My wedding is in 2 days, and today was my first day of hardcore wedding preparation. It went as follows:

1. having to drive to the nearest Hobby Lobby and Party City (30 miles away) for last minute decor in a torrential downpour

2. my pew decorations falling off because, alas, my pew clips were too small

3. having to ride in the back of a truck under a sheet holding my arch down

4. finding out I could not decorate my reception site completely as I was told

5. finding out we are short 4 tables

6. being charged $60 too much for tuxes

7. one of our groomsman's tuxes was hemmed 10 inches too short. Yes I said 10. I wish I could figure out how to get the picture off my phone to here

8. almost hitting a horse on the highway on my way home. Yes. I said a horse. Randomly galloping in and out of traffic on the highway

This is all just one day. Tomorrow is massage and mani/pedi day. And rehearsal. Hopefully it goes better than today. :ROFLOL:


Yay I just checked my Google Reader only to find that Holly & Brett are featured on disneyweddingblog.com!


You should contact InsideDisneyWeddings.com and do an interview :) I can't get enough of this stuff!! :sohappy:

This is all kinds of awesome! I had no idea this wedding blog existed! I'll now be stalking that website regularly....

And by far, Holly and Brett are the cutest couple featured on that site...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Look and You and Brett being stars on the Disney Wedding Blog! How freaking cool is that? :sohappy:

I know, right. I'm glad Shelley shared the link, otherwise, we would've never known!


My wedding is in 2 days, and today was my first day of hardcore wedding preparation. It went as follows:

1. having to drive to the nearest Hobby Lobby and Party City (30 miles away) for last minute decor in a torrential downpour

2. my pew decorations falling off because, alas, my pew clips were too small

3. having to ride in the back of a truck under a sheet holding my arch down

4. finding out I could not decorate my reception site completely as I was told

5. finding out we are short 4 tables

6. being charged $60 too much for tuxes

7. one of our groomsman's tuxes was hemmed 10 inches too short. Yes I said 10. I wish I could figure out how to get the picture off my phone to here

8. almost hitting a horse on the highway on my way home. Yes. I said a horse. Randomly galloping in and out of traffic on the highway

This is all just one day. Tomorrow is massage and mani/pedi day. And rehearsal. Hopefully it goes better than today. :ROFLOL:

As I was reading along, I was thinking, "yeah... yeah... hmmm... sounds about right... a whole 10 inches?... A horse in the road?! :eek: ?....:lol: The last one is totally not right, like not at all. :ROFLOL: I hope you're enjoying the mani-pedi today!! And that it helps to melt at least a little bit of the stress away. Just think, tomorrow you'll be walking down the aisle in your fairy princess dress and then in less than 48 hours you'll be a married woman! I'm so excited for you!! I hope you have the most amazing wedding ever and that you get to steal a few quiet moments alone with your groom.

This is all kinds of awesome! I had no idea this wedding blog existed! I'll now be stalking that website regularly....

And by far, Holly and Brett are the cutest couple featured on that site...

Aww, Diana. Too kind, I tell you! I have to agree about the site, it is pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!


New Member
A quick update...

My apologies for the delay, but it’s for good reason. I promise! Brett recently started a new job and we are actually in the process of moving, somewhat unexpectedly... this weekend, in fact! :eek: So the last week has been spent packing up all the contents of our lives. It's going to be just a little while longer before I have an update... hopefully by mid-late next week.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Well you are forgiven... Congratulations on the new job and move :wave:... How exciting for you both !!! Now that youre are celebrities we'll let it slide....:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

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