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  • Goofy Plus...I like it! Don't worry, I will definitely do a trip report...I am guessing it will be a pretty long one! Good luck with school...and I am still faithfully reading your blog! :)
    How was your June trip??
    Awww, we didn't end up taking that trip! Bummer, but we switched it to a Disneyland Trip (which also includes camping, rafting and such beforehand). We take it in September.
    Lol! It's 2/3 done. Life gettin in the way. Yesterday Tracey was facing layoff & I was looking for work. Today he's got a new job with a $12/hr increase, I can't work, and we're likely gonna hafta rent out our house to move to Houston. Remind me again about life being an adventure.... LOL!
    Hey there! I just saw your trip report and I see you ran the Princess 1/2 marathon! I was going to run it this year but got a new job and couldn't take the time off. Next year I hope!! I loved all your pics too!! When you get a chance, could you take a pic of the plastic popcorn bucket and post it? I can't find a pic of it anywhere. Thank you! And congrats on the run and it is an awesome trip report!!
    Hi there! Yes, the new plastic popcorn bucket. If you could take a picture that would be fantastic! I haven't seen what they look like for this year yet. How was your trip? Was it wonderful? I hope so!!!!!
    Hey there! I hope you had a great trip! I was wondering if you had a pic of the new Popcorn this year? Thank you in advance!!!!!
    Thanks for letting me know about Jiko!! So glad you enjoyed it-it sounds and looks wonderful aaaand also pricey haha. Well have to make that ADR our one fancy meal of another trip. We are eating at Boma however so well still get to experience the Animal Kingdom Lodge-love the main shop there! Thanks for the friend request also!
    great photo with Hercules' Meg! /jealous! :D (she was sort of . . . not short. . . wasn't she?)
    Good call on not hijacking the thread! LOL...well, that stinks about the half, but at least you get to go to Disneyland!! Woohoo! You'll be writing a report, right?
    I did! Of course they're very optimistic/ambitious reservations but at least there's a goal, right? Right now we have POFQ 9/12 to 9/15, 3-night cruise on the Dream 9/15 to 9/18, and Yacht Club 9/18 to 9/24. This will be our 1st ever cruise so we're psyched. I booked everything thru Tammy since she's the WOMAN when it comes to knowing those cruises. LOL! When y'all going again?! I've been thinking of you. Hope the run went well and you enjoyed your mom-break. The homeschooling is wearing on me. If I wasn't so set on getting the September adventure paid in full I'd book me a long weekend at WDW alone! LOL!
    OMG! I wish I'd known! I woulda waved back at y'all! Good luck on your running adventure. I'll be thinking of y'all!!!!!
    I know I know! I am going to write a report, I just have to get all my pictures uploaded. Are you on facebook? I have most of my pics up there :-)
    Sooooooooooooo fun!! I can't wait to hear all about it. I just know you'll be hooked after the first race because I'm not even a runner and I can't wait to do another one.
    If the hubby can drive you that is definitely the best way. We drove over from our resort even though we were staying at Pop Century. They should let him pull right in and drop you off at the gates to the "family reunion area." (basically follow the signs for Epcot because the start/finish line is in the Epcot parking lot). You wait there for about an hour and then can start walking towards the starting corrals. The roads do start to get a little backed up, but if you're there at least 2 hours before the start time then you should be fine. I'm so excited for you... let me know how it goes!! And if you have any other questions as you get closer, please feel free to ask!
    It's sort of funny but I have hardly taken ANY resort pics! I am gonna get some this trip though. Thanks though! I will scrape up what I got!
    Love your evening picture in the General Discussion forum- where is that taken from? All your boys are very handsome.
    Whoa... look at you!! Under 2 hours for your very first half!! You've set the bar mighty high for yourself :) Congratulations!! Now you just have to find time for a Disney event. The January half is only 50% full right now, which is crazy because the year we ran, it was full by the previous April. Please let me know if you sign up for one. I'm sorry it took so long to respond... I just returned from a week long cruise. Again, congrats!
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