Awesome report as always!!! Thanks for sharing!
Anytime! I was happy to share...
Awesome TR!! So glad you guys had a good time.
I know what you mean about leaving the room for the final time. Every time I wake up on our last morning there, I always have a sad feeling in the pit of my stomach

Leaving the world is sooooo hard!!
I think we're going with the TIW card only because we NEVER eat dessert when we dine and sometimes we only eat one big meal a day and a couple snacks. Plus we're going again in the s[ring and staying offsite so the DDP wouldn't even be an option then so I think in my case, TIW would be worth it more.
I hated leaving, believe me it was not my favorite day by any means.
I agree you should at least try the TIW, I am not a dessert person myself and eat a whole lot less than my husband-can you tell?-and we thought it would be more benifecial to us this time, with Logan. But I think in your case it just may be. It doesn't hurt to try any way, and if you find it doesn't work out you will know.
Sad it's over, but it looks like you guys had a great trip! Logan looks like he had a blast! Great TR!:wave:
Thank you. Yes we did....
Great report! I'm so glad it was fun. Departure day is the worst. I may have cried if they asked me to leave my room at 8:30!
Oh I think I just about cried, I am like isn't check out like at 11? And its only.... I was bummed...
Awwww.... For departure day I'll have to quote the brilliance of the great Knuckle Jerry: "it blows". Yes. That's about all I can ever say about having to face leaving.
I can't believe mousekeeping wanted you out so early! My goodness! I'd have told them come back at check-out time. That's 11, right? I don't even know! :lol:
We're TiW peeps if for no other reason then the fact that both times we've done DDP I gained 10 lbs. The DDP is the embodiment of this pure evil that I must never be tempted by. LOL! I agree, the numbers prob'ly do look quite different with a family of 2 adults vs. a family of 4 adults. That's why I tell people that they have to look at their family, their habits, and weigh the options. What's good for us isn't necessarily good for everyone. :animwink:
I love the pic of your hubby all zonked out in the chair. Good stuff right there! :lol:
And the way you ended it all with the pics of your notebook...that's freakin' cool! I gotta remember that for this next adventure!
Thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Super-duper awesome read! Thanks so much for the time & effort! :wave:
Yep it was eleven. I really was like seriously, I guess the magic is over huh?? It was a bummer.
I agree, I think TIW would work a lot better if/when he/they get older. But for the moment, it really wasn't for us. I tell people the same thing, what is right for me may not be right for you. I think we will wait a few years and try again.
I love the picture to. He had no clue I took it, which was the best part about it. :lol:
And the notebook, yeah I am trying to document our trips so in the future we will look back and have memories and I must say it comes in handy for trip reports as well!
Loved it!
Thank you so much for your review of TiW! Guess what? The numbers don't work out any better if you are a family of 2 adults and 2 children either! Much cheaper for us to use the Dining Plan than to use TiW for our next 5 night trip. And that's with a $37 per adult meal every night. For the numbers to work out for us, we would have to eat TS every meal of the day. Glad we can still opt into the Dining Plan!
Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us!
Ah thank you.
Yep I fully agree abhout the DP! For the moment it is for us. And your welcome for the review it wasn't in depth but its what I wrote...