2 resorts, 4 parks, 9 days and a 2 year old...a July trip report

So here I am not even 48 hours back in the DC area, and already missing the place..so I figured what better way to cure my post vacation mode than to start a trip report....

Lets do a quick reminder of who were are.


Andy, Aleisha and our little man, Logan....I did a pre-trip and by this point I am thinking most of you know who I am...so I won't go to into to much details...I will apologize for the size of the pictures. I can never figure out how to make them any smaller...

The 411: July 15-23rd.
We split the time between both of our home resorts, SSR and BLT...both were studios...

so lets get this trip report started.


Yay Aleisha loving the report!!! I Just got all caught up.
What a beautiful family you are!! Logan is as cute as a button!!
Sorry to hear about the surgeries - that must have been rough, hope you're feeling better, you certainly look awesome.
Love that you guys have date night(s). And, oh my, Logan serenading the bus and his parade reactions are so priceless, as was the little conversation with you before bed. So darn Sweet!!!
I was so happy for your dessert at O'hana. You know we know all about not being able to ever get dessert at a restaurant. What a treat!!!
Looking forward to more, I love your view from BLT....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now that's what I'm talking about! Fabulous mirror shot, my friend!

It makes me so happy to hear that Ohana came through for you like that.

Love the shots of BLT! Brett and I were lucky enough to stay in the Contemporary tower three years ago, and were surprised by how much we really loved it. I can't wait to see more.

And because it can't be said enough... Logan is downright ADORABLE.

Ah thanks! I will make sure to tell Logan everyone agrees with his mommy!

And BLT was great, you will hear more throughout the report. We really liked it,

And funny when I was taking the pic I was thinking this one is for Holly..lol

Aww....I loved the story about watching Logan during the parade. And, even though I don't have kids, I can totally understand the feeling of seeing someone get the "Disney face." It's that moment of "yes! Disney magic!"

BLT looks amazing! :eek: The Contemporary tower is on my list of places to stay and if we ever decide on DVC I think I'd want BLT or the WLV...decisions, decisions :lol:

Great report so far!

It really was such a touching moment, I agree even before we had Logan I would look around and think they get it. It is fabulous.

It was great, I think everyone should try the place at least once.
But WL is my favorite. Got to say that is dif. a hard choice right there.


Well-Known Member
OMG- love the part about Logan watching Mickey in the parade at MK. THe pic is SOOOOOO sweet. :) Funny- as soon as I saw the BLT room I was thinking "they can see Illuminations from there." How awesome! The Coral Reef portion reminded me of a personal planning debate I was having a few months ago. We have a couple of aquarium restaurants locally, but I think the girls would really enjoy Coral Reef. How exciting to have the turtle right there! Also happy to see the cookie part- that must have been so awesome!!! Can't wait to read more! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Love the BLT pics, especially the mirror shot!

That's great that 'Ohana came through for you...just another reason to love that place even more! :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yay Aleisha loving the report!!! I Just got all caught up.
What a beautiful family you are!! Logan is as cute as a button!!
Sorry to hear about the surgeries - that must have been rough, hope you're feeling better, you certainly look awesome.
Love that you guys have date night(s). And, oh my, Logan serenading the bus and his parade reactions are so priceless, as was the little conversation with you before bed. So darn Sweet!!!
I was so happy for your dessert at O'hana. You know we know all about not being able to ever get dessert at a restaurant. What a treat!!!
Looking forward to more, I love your view from BLT....

Oh thank you. How sweet are you...

Yes, it was a rough couple of months but it looks like things are getting better..

We always try to do a date night, its almost a must now...I love my son and enjoy time, but its great to have adult time to reconnect

Ah yes, my little singer, thankfully he didn't bust out his Adele and Lady GaGa.

It was dif. a treat! I was telling Andy how much I wanted one right about now


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love the BLT pics, especially the mirror shot!

That's great that 'Ohana came through for you...just another reason to love that place even more! :D

I agree just another many reason to love that place.

I didn't know my mirror shot was going to be so well received! Yes I love it.


Well-Known Member
Great update! The rooms at BLT look so modern and stylish. Bummed out the room taking so longto be ready. we had that issue at AKL in December. Out room was not ready till 5p! Hello I thought check-in time was 3! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
July 20,2011

Day Six

This was the morning I had been waiting for, for this was the morning that we were to have breakfast with Mickey and friends.

But it didn't start out so fabulous. It had been a rough night, we discovered that BLT was a little too loud for Logan. Since we were right above the movie at night, we heard the entire movie from start to finish. Add to that the electrical water parade and the fireworks, and Logan wasn't having it. I wouldn't say this was a major issue but we didn't realize just how loud it was going to be. Again I will say it wasn't loud for Andy or myself, we later discovered we had left the balcony door open-uff-which probably had something to do with it. And I am not saying it would be loud for every kid but it seemed to bother Logan, I think it just kept him up. It is dif. something we will consider for future visits.

But we got up, and got moving and finally made our way down for breakfast.

We had told Logan of course that we were going to have breakfast with Mickey and friends, and he was happy, but I don't think it actually dawned on him that we were going to have breakfast with them. I really couldn't wait to see his reaction. I don't know who was more excited, him or I.

We got our family picture done and by the time we sat down our buzzer was going off and we were being seated.

Now as much as I couldn't wait for this morning. I am in fact not a huge breakfast fan. Being allergic to everything that I am allergic to makes things incredibly hard so half the time I tend to pick. I was however surprised when the chef offered to make me something once again. Have I mentioned how much I love Disney Dining? Andy went and grabbed breakfast for himself and Logan and I waited for my specially made meal.

We were seated right beside the windows to the left of the restaurant, I don't know if this is the front, back or side but it just happened to be the last rounds that the characters would make. The wait was hard for Logan, who couldn't understand what exactly was going on, thankfully he had his monster trucks to keep him busy...And just as he was starting to get a little antsy...we spotted Mickey heading to our area...


OMG mommy! Its Mickey. Yes this was about the same time he realized Mickey would be coming to see him.

Of course, Mickey took his time, and it seemed that we would be the last table he would be visiting....the wait was worth it


Getting his first hug!! It was such a sweet moment....

And Mickey made it worth his while. After the hug, Logan decided to show him his Monster trucks, and wouldn't you know Mickey got right down to his level and started playing Monster trucks with him!


It was dif a sight to see the mouse get down there and play on the floor for several minutes...I thought it was just really sweet since he had waited so long...


With one last hug from Mickey, he was off on his own and we were left waiting for the next....


Minnie wasn't so enthusiastic as Mickey was, and she hung around long enough to take a picture with us before darting off.


Much like Minnie, Goofy fleeted by us, spending but a few seconds. I love Logan's look though. It was pure classic.

Donald and Pluto rounded up the group. Much like Mickey, these two took their time at our table and were really interactive with Logan. Donald danced around with him, while Pluto took the same thought as Mickey and played Monster truck with him. The little boy was in 7th heaven...




Lets dance!!!


Playing cars with Pluto!!


I'll show you my nose if you show me yours?

As the characters left I noticed a couple beside us, who were several years our seniors, and they just kept watching Logan and loving it. There teenage daughter kept smiling and for a moment I think I saw her mom tear up. I can only imagine years down the road we too will be the same.

As for the meal it self, I wouldn't say it was earth shattering, but then again, it wasn't supposed to be. The importance of this meal is not the quality, as much as I would love it to be. But rather the experience. And you know I don't think I would have traded it for anything. Because hearing him talk about meeting Mickey for the rest of the day, and exclaiming how he wants to go back, made it all worth while.


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Original Poster
Perhaps today should have been a meet and greet themed day. We headed back over to Hollywood Studios and to the back of the park to the new meet and greet with Phineas and Ferb. Though I wasn't sure who this was more for, Andy or Logan. Since Andy is addicted to the show and we spend most of our Saturdays watching episode after episode. I have yet to see how well the pictures turned out since it was taken with our photopass.

From there we immediately went to the Cars meet and Greet. Cars if you haven't realized yet is Logan's absolute favorite. Believe me I think we have a thousand Lightnings around the house. He once again lit up when he saw McQueen and Mater, and tried several times to jump ahead of the others. I was surprised at just how much shorter this line was compared to the Phineas and Ferb.


OMG daddy thats McQueen and Mater, right there daddy!!


Ah finally a group shot!!

After McQueen and Mater, we roamed the park while little man decided the heat and the stroller was a perfect place to nap! Finally...


This meeting characters sure is exhausting!

With Logan napping we took our time, got lunch and then headed back to the resort to enjoy some quiet time, and recoup.

We hoped to head to the pool, but as we got to the resort, there was some thunder and lightning and so we decided against it, and just hung out and watched Judge Judy. Schooling Logan already I suppose. LOL.

After nap time was complete, and everyone's batteries were once again fully charged we headed over to Epcot to have dinner at Nine Dragons.

We get there early and ride Nemo once more before heading back to the dolphins. I love the fact Logan is taking an interest in them. They have always been one of my favorite animals so it made me smiled. We still had time, so we decided to do Turtle talk with Crush, I swear with a kid I am enjoying all these shows even more than I did before, which I didn't think was ever possible..

But Crush couldn't stay forever as he had to catch an incredible wave and so we we said bye and made our way once more to the World Showcase, and to China.


The last time we had eaten here was n our honeymoon We weren't too impressed back then. But they had renovated it since then and we had hoped that we would have better luck this go around. Nope. We can see why we stayed away for so long. They gave me a hard time about my allergies and agreed to one thing. Then they came back and said no, nevermind. When I asked if I could just get the shrimp and some white rice I felt as though it was the hardest decision and that they reluctantly agreed. I barely touched most of it, after I was so unhappy with the entire thing.

We left saying we didn't think we would be back...

Shhh I have a secret, Disney as a fourth mountain. In fact my son was the one to discover this. And we would like to share this secret with you. Its in Epcot, in a pavilion called Mexico. And for the umpteenth time we hit up the attraction Logan refers to as the Mountain.

And with that we once again called it a night..

Coming up dance to the beat...and a day in Africa


Well-Known Member
loving the trip report aleisha! the picture of logan asleep in the stroller is precise! are you getting sick of people telling you how adorable logan is?! probably not :lol: he is adorable! i love wdw but i know that i will have a new love for it once i have kids. all of your little moments descriptions had me a little teary eyed. i just know that when i have kids and take them to wdw i will be a mess with emotions the entire time! i am looking forward to reading the rest of your report and hearing your thoughts on blt. i would love to become a dvc member and i think i want blt to be my home resort so i can't wait to hear what you think!


Active Member
Oh my your pics of Logan with the characters at Chef Mickey's are so precious! You could have been talking about me when you mentioned the mom with the teenage daughter who teared up watching Logan..........I am so dreading the days when our DD either chooses not to or is simply unable to travel to Disney with us. It's not far away either! I better hush or I'm gonna be crying!:cry: Lovin' your TR and can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
July 18 2011

I sat from the curb, while Andy held Logan on top of his shoulders, watching as father and son enjoyed the morning in the hot Florida sun. I watched as a little boy fell in love even more with the mouse that has captured my heart for so long. And I watched as Logan's face lit up, his smile growing more wider with every passing minute. And right there I think I broke down and cried. Like a six year old girl. This is what it is all about. This is why we became DVC members four years ago. To share and enjoy the magic with our then future kids. I just never realized how much joy it would actually bring, and just how much a part of our lives it would be.

I just had to stop reading here and comment to the fact that you got me going a little misty here...AWESOME stuff and people really have NO idea what kind of magic they are missing from Disney World.



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am all caught up now! Great stuff. The Chef Mickey story is great. Mickey, Pluto and Donald playing cars with him is amazing. I hope he somehow never ever forgets that. That probably made his short life so far.


Well-Known Member
The pictures of Logan with Mickey, Pluto and Donald... PRICELESS! Seriously, you can't help but smile when looking at them. Makes me love the characters even more, and that's something I didn't think was possible. :lol:


Active Member
I LOVE all of the kids faces watching Logan play with Pluto, they all have on that Christmas morning smile. The fact that they took the time to play with him like that is truly amazing!I can't even imagine what it's like to experience that as a family, I would have been crying my eyes out!!
Thanks so much for sharing your trip report. It must have been really something seeing your son getting all excited. Disney is the bestest place on earth that is for sure!!!! :sohappy::sohappy::wave:I can hardly wait to get back there myself. Take Care Lucille

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