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  1. rstaut

    How Many Days for You... (Part 7)

    105!!! 15 weeks!
  2. rstaut

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    I don't have a fancy picture....9 days!
  3. rstaut

    favorite quick service Epcot

    I would have to agree with mostly everyone else here that Sunshine Seasons is the best CS in Epcot. It's the best to take a family to also because of the wide variety of options. Good food quality. And the desserts are sooooo yummy!
  4. rstaut

    favorite quick service HS

    We really enjoyed the Backlot Cafe. This time around we're trying Starring Rolls due to the excellent reviews I've seen.
  5. rstaut

    favorite quick service MK

    If I was only having one CS meal in MK, it would have to be Pecos Bill. The fixings bar would probably be my main reason.
  6. rstaut

    Raglan Road, Maya Grill or Planet Hollywood?

    Big fat No to Planet Hollywood. The food is sub-par at best. We haven't eaten at Raglan Road but will be in about a week & a half. That is my sister in law's favorite place in DW. (She's like an eight Irish but likes to pretend she's all Irish, so maybe that's why she liked it so much?)...
  7. rstaut

    Best Moderate Resort

    Cbr Definitely gotta recommend CBR. We've stayed there twice & so far its our favorite resort (if only it were closer to the boardwalk, then it would be perfect). Last time we went, we stayed at CSR & I really didn't fall in love with it.
  8. rstaut

    Attn: Ladies!

    I always used a small drawstring backpack. We keep our water bottle in their too! I prefer a back pack to a messanger bag. The messanger bags always bounce against my leg when I walk too fast...annoying!
  9. rstaut

    MK or EPCOT???

    I'm agreeing with Epcot!!!!
  10. rstaut

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

  11. rstaut

    Columbia Harbour House unveils new nutritious menu including fresh steamed broccoli

    Looks fabulous! Thank you for posting! We weren't going to go here, but now may have to dump one of our other CS options for CHH. I can only eat fries for so many days in a row!
  12. rstaut

    Current Menu for Restaurant Marrakesh?

    Has anyone been to Restaurant Marrakesh Recently? I've seen their menu on the official WDW website, but noticed that they have their own website also: that shows a dinner menu. The menus listed on both websites are completely different & I'm wondering which one is...
  13. rstaut

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

  14. rstaut

    How Many Days for You...(Part 5)

  15. rstaut

    Longest Disny drought

    I've gone 7 years between trips. My first trip I was in 1980 (don't remember it...I was 2), then 1985, 1992, 1999, 2004, 2007, 2009 & the next one will be this September. I think 2 years is the maximum I can handle now.
  16. rstaut

    My ADR's For July-Free Dining Plan

    I usually carry the confirmation numbers with me just in case I need them. So far, I've never needed them. I would personally replace Planet Hollywood with Raglan Road. The food is far better. As far as your last night goes, where do you plan to be that night? Maybe you could add another...
  17. rstaut

    Must Haves - California Grill & Narcossee's

    We're trying Narcoossee's for the first time this this September. This whole time I've been thinking Surf & Turf, but seeing that crab stuffed tenderloin.....I really hope they have that available then!
  18. rstaut

    New speciality hot-dogs now at Casey's Corner

    Looks yummy! Can't wait to try one of them!
  19. rstaut

    Hollywood Brown Derby

    Thanks! I guess I was a little scared to do that since it's a "signature restaurant". Just wanted to check with the experts!
  20. rstaut

    Hollywood Brown Derby

    My husband & I were considering going to Hollywood Brown Derby for lunch & only getting their Cobb Salads & a dessert. Does anyone know, being a signature restaurant, if they allow this? Just wanted to make sure before we go. Thanks!
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