Longest Disny drought


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Original Poster
The thread about when your addiction got me thinking. I remember how I went for such a long stretch without anything Disney. No parks, no cruise or anything. Now granted, it started when I was 14 and went until I was 30. So, what's the longest stretch you've had between Disney trips?

Mine was 16 years, from June of 1992 at DL until September 2008 at WDW.

edit: I just realized that I forgot the "e" in Disney, that's how distraught I was about this subject.......


I went a few years without visiting the parks as a kid, but since I hit 18/19 and started planning trips myself the longest drought is ongoing (2 years). I haven't been to MK, AK, or Epcot since March of 2009. Made a one-day pit stop at DHS in August of '09, but I barely count that as a trip lol. The drought ends in approximately 25 days. :)


Active Member
24 years---from 1986 to 2010. It won't take 24 years for me to go again; DD & I just have to keep checking with DH to see how long it'll take to save up enough extra $ to go back!


I've gone 7 years between trips. My first trip I was in 1980 (don't remember it...I was 2), then 1985, 1992, 1999, 2004, 2007, 2009 & the next one will be this September. I think 2 years is the maximum I can handle now.


Well-Known Member
The longest for me was 7 years beetween my first visit in 1993 and 2000. I couldn't go more often cause I was a kid. Now I go often to make up for all those years :D


Well-Known Member
My longest "draught" was 11 years. The last time I remember setting foot in a Disney park while I still lived in Winter Park was in '88. I was in the 9th grade on a field trip to Epcot. Fun but by then Disney parks were totally considered the ultimate in uncool with local kids. I took off and left home within 2 years to go be an 'After School Special' teenager. :fork: After quite a little foray I got myself back on a positive track, got married, and had 2 kids. In October of '99 we left the boys with my mother-in-law for a long weekend. I introduced the hubby to WDW and the rest is history!


New Member
10 years between 1988 (senior trip) and 1998 (with my wife (before we were married). College and starting a career in Engineering did me in for those 10 years.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
5 years is my longest drought, and it happened twice:

1. When I was born until my first trip :lol:
2. 1991 - 1996 - 5th grade trip with the family until my 10th grade band trip. That felt like the longest wait ever! Luckily, as soon as I started making my own money I started to prioritize :cool:


Thanx, draybook! :ROFLOL: It's a L-O-N-G way from Texas to either of the Disneys, and my parents thought DLR was silly. (Not that they ever knew anything about it. They just thought that everything that didn't exist in 1935 was pretty silly.)

After intentionally losing interest at about age 8 or 9, I finally got "the bug" again. Only took me fifty plus years.


Well-Known Member
Our first trip to Disney as a family was in 95. We fell in love with the place and wanted to go back so bad the next year, but my son had started high school the next year, was involved with sports, summer leagues. My business was going well enough that I couldn't take the time away. So there was a 4 year drought. It was miserable every time I saw a Disney commercial or heard customers of mine talk about heading south to WDW, knowing how much I wanted to be there. After my son graduated the first chance we had we booked the trip and celebrated like crazy. That was 2000 when the World celebrated with the Yearlong Millennium Celebration


Well-Known Member
Went from 1984 to 2002. Then from 2002 to 2008. Now we get rdy for our next trip this year. Now inbetween each trip I am on different web pages and live through others that go that I know.


Well-Known Member
good question..... I went from 6 to 10 years old, not sure how many times. Then I didn't go again until I was 18 years old (8 year stretch). I went from 18 years old until 26 years old about 4 times. Then didn't go again until I was 37 years old ( 11 year stretch)

SOOOOO.. 11 year stretch would be the longest:p

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