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  1. barbara

    Airport Security Question

    All I will say about it, is, under 18 you do not need a ID, going thru security.
  2. barbara

    Half day tickets?

    I would check to see if they are having a special event when you go like, Pirates & Princess Party, the ticket is appx. $45 and you can get into Magic Kingdom after 4pm, and the party goes till midnight. Usually no long lines to get on the rides.
  3. barbara

    Guests With Sept. Park Experience - Help!

    Its hot and humid during the day (80's), it rains about 5ish everyday, doesn't usually last long. The parks aren't crowded at all, we have gone the last 4 years in Sept. the only crowded day is Saturday's (locals coming in for the weekend). Wait times, no longer than 10 minutes usually. Going...
  4. barbara

    Kevin Yee- Parks close one day a week?

    Whats this guy been smoking?
  5. barbara

    Disney Reservation System Stinks

    It sounds like your first reservation was booked thru Walt Disney Travel Compnay, and when you changed it, it then was booked thru Central Reservations. Unless things have changed-WDTC reservations are paid off 45 days before trip, CRO reservations are one night deposit, and the balance when you...
  6. barbara

    First Aid Facilities

    A few years back, my daughter, 2 grandsons and I were at WDW, when we both got the worst sinus headache, we looked all over the park for sinus pills-couldn't find any, so we went to the first aid station, and they gave us some-which saved the day for the grandsons.
  7. barbara

    MK Themed parties...ripping off regular customers?

    I've went to the PP&P last August, we had a blast. We only had 3 day passes (not park hopper)so we were good with the price. If you don't have a ticket for the parks that day, its a great value, but if you do have passes, its not so great. That day we went to Downtown Disney, went swimming...
  8. barbara

    Does Disney ruin all of your other vacations?

    I've have other great vacations, and had a great time, but Disney is "MAGICAL"
  9. barbara

    Wondering about visiting in September.

    I've gone the last 3 years during Sept. (this year will be my 4th) Each year their seems to be more people, but its still not bad, waiting in line no longer than 10 minutes. The weekends were the only really busy times. Now dining can be a problem if you don't have reservations.
  10. barbara

    Government Rebate Checks

    Mine also will be paying off my Disney trip in Sept.
  11. barbara

    Ever have anyting stolen while at the World?

    Last year when we were at Downtown Disney, we had 2 new raincoats taken, it had stopped raining so we had our 4 raincoats on our stroller drying, when the kids were playing at Legostore.
  12. barbara

    800 number disconnected?

    I know orginally the 800 number was suppose to be for travel agents only, and non travel agents found out about the number, maybe they changed it, because travel agents couldn't get thru
  13. barbara

    Will you be there in October 2008?

    I'll be down in the middle of Sept. for free dining, but we be back in Florida (Tampa) the first week of Oct, so we'll probably go over to Orlando for a night or 2.
  14. barbara

    An Official September 2008 thread

    Bounce back offer Pop Century Sept 8-16, got airline tickets paid for, booked dining last month (2 nights of LeCellier-woo-hoo), got photopass share taken care off-just waiting now/:D
  15. barbara

    Embarrassing Disney Stories!

    I think I might have seen you going in or out (I don't remember which one), but I remember seeing a lady go into the mens room.
  16. barbara

    Two Free 1 Day Park Hoppers

    Oh sorry did read the expiration date. Nevermind
  17. barbara

    dining plan tricks of the trade

    "For using your counter service credits I recommend the Pepper Market in CSR. You can have a Ribeye Steak with potatoe and veggie for $20.95 or maybe grilled tuna with rice and veggie for $16.95. There is no other place on property that offers meals like this at a counter service restaurant...
  18. barbara

    Help me convince my parents to go...

    Let them know its a great way to spend time with their family(Your own family reunion)-they don't have to be at a park all the time, show then what other things they can do besides the parks. Tell how wonderful WDW is when you see it through the eyes of a child. I bring a different grandson down...
  19. barbara

    dining plan tricks of the trade

    Two great places to use your CS credits, is at the Pop Century-get the Mom's night out meal-makes a great dinner if you are short on TS credits. We added an extra day to our trip, when we where at WDW, well they don't give you more free dining unless you added it before you got there, But we did...
  20. barbara

    couple questions

    Bush Gardens does have a shuttle from many Orlando hotels to Tampa-its $10 round trip, check their site for info
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