First Aid Facilities


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Thankfully, we have never had to use any medical or first aid facilities while at WDW, but I was just wondering to what degree are their services?


New Member
A few years back, my daughter, 2 grandsons and I were at WDW, when we both got the worst sinus headache, we looked all over the park for sinus pills-couldn't find any, so we went to the first aid station, and they gave us some-which saved the day for the grandsons.


Well-Known Member
We've used them before. The one in the MK (and the others I presume) are staffed with RN's who had quite a few years experience. They deal with basic first aid issues, were very nice and efficient. The one who dealt with us was a school nurse on her summer break. :cool:


Active Member
I carry my own first aid when coming in. Like small things like bandaids and neosporn and travel pain relievers. But they have one that I recall right on main street next to the emporium, i believe. It was there, I know. I forgot what the location is called...even though I was friends with Geppetto there once.....normally was never bidded there...but I saw it.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I've needed to use the first aid stations a couple of times. They are well stocked with basic first aid needs, and seemed to be staffed by competent people. When my father passed out one day an Epcot, they even came with a portable crash cart/blood pressure monitor (crash cart was not needed).
We had to use the medical facilities on our last trip. My son was complaining of his ears hurting and my husband thought he had a sinus infection so I went up to the front desk to ask where we could go. They said we had an option of having a doctor come to the room or we could take him to the clinic. I called the number on the pamphlet because we said well of course we'll have the doctor come to the room how convenient right?, well what the front desk CM neglected to tell me was that it cost $300 just for the doctor to show up to your room for each person, never mind medicine or anything else that might have to be done, and none of it was reimbursed by medical insurance:eek:. So needless to say, we opted for a trip to the clinic, the clinic sent a van right to the front of POR and drove us to the clinic, we waited a long time while there even though it was first thing in the morning, but we got the antibiotics for his ear infection and my husband's sinus infection and then the van drove us back to the front door of POR again. They were really nice and very prompt for pick-up and delivery.


Well-Known Member
We had to use the medical facilities on our last trip. My son was complaining of his ears hurting and my husband thought he had a sinus infection so I went up to the front desk to ask where we could go. They said we had an option of having a doctor come to the room or we could take him to the clinic. I called the number on the pamphlet because we said well of course we'll have the doctor come to the room how convenient right?, well what the front desk CM neglected to tell me was that it cost $300 just for the doctor to show up to your room for each person, never mind medicine or anything else that might have to be done, and none of it was reimbursed by medical insurance:eek:. So needless to say, we opted for a trip to the clinic, the clinic sent a van right to the front of POR and drove us to the clinic, we waited a long time while there even though it was first thing in the morning, but we got the antibiotics for his ear infection and my husband's sinus infection and then the van drove us back to the front door of POR again. They were really nice and very prompt for pick-up and delivery.


The services at the parks (which I believe the OP was asking about) are free, but you could not have gotten any antibiotics from them.


Well-Known Member
The in-park First Aid stations are all staffed by RNs. They can handle simple cuts and scrapes, sunburn, headaches, etc.

For anything major, they have an ambulance crew on-call that can be there in only a couple minutes (under 5 minutes, usually, and sometimes is already camped out near First Aid anyway). An ambulance can also be called to any location in the parks or hotels where an injury negates the possibility of bringing the injured to First Aid. Response time is very quick.



Well-Known Member
My husband has a bad knee due to an injury at work and then surgery. Needless to say, when we are in WDW he always has issues with it for overwalking. We have visited the first-aid station at 3/4 parks and they all were great. We got ice packs at each one for his knee. The MK one gave him extra-strength tylenol or something like that. Oh, while in The Land last year a CM saw how much my husband was hurting and just came over and asked him what was wrong and brought him a huge bag of ice for his knee....very courteous!!

The one in MK is to the left of Casey's.(around corner):)

I must say that I am a disappointed that you had to pay so much for your son to get his ear checked. What does the medical part of travel ins cover anyway then?
Not sure what the medical part of travel insurance covers but we didn't pay anymore than our regular co-pay since we went to the clinic. But if we opted for the doctor to come to the hotel room then it would be $300+ or more, and the $300 just for the doctor to make the trip to your hotel room wouldn't be reimbursed by insurance, I'm not sure if other costs like medicines or whatever would be reimbursed, I didn't bother to ask. So I'm not sure who would actually pay for the doctor to come to your hotel room, but apparently some people are willing to.


Well-Known Member
We still laugh about this, but the very first stop we made at the MK on our first trip was to First Aid! Our son, then 5, was on an antibiotic for an ear infection. Our pediatrician had advised us to make sure we used sunscreen with a high SPF (advice we followed!) However, even with the sunscreen, he proved to be so sensitive to the Florida sun that he broke out in a hive-like rash almost immediately. The nurse at First Aid took one look at him, and knew immediately what was wrong. She calmed us right down, we slathered on another layer of lotion, bought him a hat and a long-sleeved t-shirt, and we were good to go for the rest of the week. :)


Well-Known Member
I had to use first aid once, while in the magic kingdom on my last trip. I had broken out with a horrible heat rash all up my legs. They were very friendly and assuring. They gave me some lotion to put on then and a cup to use when that wore off! Very friendly staff!


Active Member
During our last trip we ate lunch at TS Pizza Planet. It tasted pretty good, but within an hour I had one of cases of hearburn that feels like you drank a gallon of gasoline. When I asked at First Aid if I could buy some Tums somewhere, they immediately presented me with a huge assortment of antacids that worked wonders. No charge at all.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully, we have never had to use any medical or first aid facilities while at WDW, but I was just wondering to what degree are their services?
they are really good. they can do the simple stuff, and less serious. if its more they can call an ambulence or give you a doctor info.
we have thankfully used it only a few time(sun poisioning, cut finger, exc) but they were really good, and they keep a small pharmacy there


Well-Known Member
The only time I've ever needed to go to First Aid was a time when I thought I had something in my eye and wanted to rinse out my contact lens. They didn't have contact solution, but gave me a bunch of those rewetting eye-drop packets. It didn't help much, and she looked but didn't see anything in my eye. When I got back to the hotel I took my lenses out and wore my glasses for the final day of the trip. When I got home to my doctor and still had the problem with my eye I found out that it had been the beginning stages of pinkeye. Yikes! I hope I didn't unknowingly infect anyone...

My mother is a retired R.N. If she ever decides she can live with the heat of Florida (or becomes a snow-bird), perhaps staffing First Aid would be a nice part-time job for her...



New Member
Wet floors in POC- ouch

I slipped in the stroller queue last week and really rolled my ankle. I had a prior reconstruction on that ankle, so I knew that is could be an issue. I tried to stretch it out and keep moving for awhile. However, after a couple of hours, I couldn't put any weight on that foot. I stopped in at the MK first aid station and they acted like it was my fault that the floors were wet and NOT marked with any caution signs etc. That area is darker anyhow and the wet floors remain damp and slick all morning. THank god it was me that fell and not the couple of senior citizens who followed us into the ride.
They gave me an ace bandage and a pack of ice and told me with a sly tone that "walking around on it was definitely not going to help any". Duh! But no offer to find a wheelchair etc. This surprised me, as I have always been so happy with all of the CM's at the resort. My family thought for sure that because this was an accident with in the park, that they'd certainly try to do what they could to make things better. Nope, $10 for the rental? Oh well--- it was better than staying in my hotel room all afternoon? Anyone else ever gotten hurt in the park? Is this the common protocol?


Well-Known Member
I slipped in the stroller queue last week and really rolled my ankle. I had a prior reconstruction on that ankle, so I knew that is could be an issue. I tried to stretch it out and keep moving for awhile. However, after a couple of hours, I couldn't put any weight on that foot. I stopped in at the MK first aid station and they acted like it was my fault that the floors were wet and NOT marked with any caution signs etc. That area is darker anyhow and the wet floors remain damp and slick all morning. THank god it was me that fell and not the couple of senior citizens who followed us into the ride.
They gave me an ace bandage and a pack of ice and told me with a sly tone that "walking around on it was definitely not going to help any". Duh! But no offer to find a wheelchair etc. This surprised me, as I have always been so happy with all of the CM's at the resort. My family thought for sure that because this was an accident with in the park, that they'd certainly try to do what they could to make things better. Nope, $10 for the rental? Oh well--- it was better than staying in my hotel room all afternoon? Anyone else ever gotten hurt in the park? Is this the common protocol?

Perhaps the issue was that you walked on it so long before seeking help. At that point, your initial injury had certainly been seriously compounded. An Ace bandage, ice, and the strong suggestion that you not walk on it any further was probably all they could do for you. Renting a wheelchair certainly was your option.

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