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  1. disneydreams

    One Man's Dream Song

    Does anyone know what CD (if any) does the song 'One Man's Dream' come on. I have looked everywhere and have been unsuccessful; I have even been unable to find a download for it. Thanks for the help! dreamer
  2. disneydreams

    Anyone from Illinois ever driven down to Disney?

    Drove from Michigan to WDW plenty of times. ON a good trip about 22 hrs.
  3. disneydreams

    Favorite RIDE Quote

    Also like, "Please stand clear of the doors; Por favor ..." -Monorail Safety Spiel "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, we can't leave these people here like this," (everytime I hear it I get excited to ride) RnRC "You are now entering...The Twilight Zone..." ToT
  4. disneydreams

    Disney to launch Mobile Phone Service

    not sure whether or not this is a good idea, i would support it but im sure the prices will exceed the prices of cingular on t-mobile. worth a shot though, i guess.
  5. disneydreams

    local disney store's closing?

    Our Disney Store is still open? We must be behind on times...
  6. disneydreams

    where to buy disney dollars?

    I've always gotten them from the Disney Store in our local mall. I know we were able to get them at the Corronado when I was there this past winter and I thought you could buy them in the parks themselves.
  7. disneydreams

    Chester & Hester's Dino-Rama: Dragging Down AK?

    he brings up a good point. though it has been discussed before. he broke it down and i had never analyzed it that way. i love AK but dinoland is sad. Dinosaur is a good ride, but all the cheesy carnival crap, needs to go. only downfall of Disney Imagineering.
  8. disneydreams

    Who would YOU be?

  9. disneydreams

    Has Anyone Been Soaked Yet?

    I bought it Monday at Best Buy. They had it 'on sale' for $24.99 so I picked it up. I like it; it's a little strang with the waterslides and not. Whale/Dohpin/Aquarium make a nice touch. I can't wait for the next expansion.
  10. disneydreams

    Animal Kingdom Restaurant

    Me too, when I was there in January, we went there for a girl in out party's birthday, it was a pleasurable experience! Nothing but positives. Flametree is an excellent choice though as well. :sohappy:
  11. disneydreams

    things you wished you bought?

    MANY more souveniers!!!! can't get enough of them...
  12. disneydreams

    Tarzan on Broadway in 2006

    Phil writes GREAT music. Sung "Broadway style;" I guess we'll have to wait and see. I think Tarzan will be succesfull. Tarzan Rocks! is still one of my favorite Disney stage shows. If interpreted the right way, whoever is directing Tarzan on Broadway should create an amazing production. I'll...
  13. disneydreams

    Living Sea's shark question

    yea that doesn't seem likely but i don't know
  14. disneydreams

    movie about Walt?

    I also have this dvd, got it off ebay for about $15. Great! It goes in depth all about him. dreams
  15. disneydreams

    RCT3 Soarin' Recreation Video

    sum, thanks for the insight
  16. disneydreams

    RCT3 Soarin' Recreation Video

    you can do all that in RCT3? like the fantasmic fireworks and stuff? if you can do that in rct3 im so buying that now.
  17. disneydreams

    Offsite questions

    i have 3 weeks timeshare at Sheraton's Vistana Resort. It's a GREAT place to stay. My parents have been taking me there since i was a wee little boy. ALthough I enojoy staying offsite to avoid all the camotion, onsite is the way to go. the hotels are sooo much fun!!! I have also stayed at the...
  18. disneydreams

    how many more days for you?

    not sure how long... but however long it may be IT'S TOO LONG. get me there now. "If I'm not at Disney, I'm not alive."
  19. disneydreams

    Same pics you take every time

    i have my ic taken in front of the 'big' landmarks. (SSE, sorcorer's hat, cindy's castle, and TOL
  20. disneydreams

    Happy Thought: When do you realize your at Disney World?

    Florida deffinitly does have it's own unique smell. "Hello WDW" for me is when I see my first 'landmark' of the park. Usually Spaceship Earth or Cinderella's castle.
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