RCT3 Soarin' Recreation Video


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The site is down right now but here is where i got the links to other recreated rides.....

Soarin' Video that works
http://www.rct3.gatesofreach.com/Soarin' Over California.wmv

Star Tours


Fantasmic! The Ride
Splash Mountain

MGM Studios
http://www.ataricommunity.com/forum...8576&perpage=30&highlight=disney&pagenumber=1 its not a video but its a great recreation!....go from pages 1 to 3 to view

although Fantasmic! the ride is not the real show its the best ride ever created...its about 20 min but it is worth your while to watch!

There are also recreated disneyland parks on the site...just do a search for disneyland on atari forums


New Member
snoopi_grl said:
Yeah, seriously. Disney should definitely make a Disney Tycoon!!! that would be SO much fun! Or instead of VMK (which is okay...), the Sims (or the Sims 2) company should add Disney as one of their expansion packs and let the sims have a blast at DisneyWorld! that would be so much fun! Don't you all think?:animwink:

Too bad EA doesnt have the rights to do that. It would be great to see the sims go to WDW


New Member
^Yes everything you saw in those movies posted above can be done within RCT3 they also just released the expansion pack for it, Its worth getting, The Fireworks are made with the MixMaster program embedded in the game and all the fireworks are there too and you can make your own, now with the expansion pack you can add water jets and Laser lights to your fire work displays. Very good game, plus the new scenarios are very fun and engaging. 5/5!

PS; watch your computers Specs there are reports of people games running very slow.



Well-Known Member
I've browsed and looked at the box for Roller Coaster Tycoon at the store, but I had NO IDEA it could be used to produce such awesome stuff!!!

I am salivating just at the thought...

Must go to the video...game....store...now....

*saunters off like a zombie*


New Member
mpaul32001 said:
The site is down right now but here is where i got the links to other recreated rides.....

Soarin' Video that works

Star Tours


Fantasmic! The Ride
Splash Mountain

although that is not the real show its the best ride ever created...its about 20 min but it is worth your while to watch!

There are also recreated disneyland parks on the site...just do a search for disneyland on atari forums

I like the one for Splash Mountain!! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The pirates link has been expired and since i am not the creator of the Pirates I have no clue on how to fix it or where another link is......but i truly think that all of these recreations are truly amazing and the creators deserve tons of credit.....and by the way...my rct3 game got run over by a swivel chair last night and is all scratched up...i have to save up and buy a new one


Well-Known Member
These are really cool. Well done.

I had a quick question about the actual ride. Are the cuts between scenes like they are here? Meaning, does it look like you are watching a film and the scenes just cut in and out? That seems like it would really ruin the effect.


New Member
Wow I haven't left a message here but that was pretty cool, was that done with that cheat for the flying camera because I couldn't work it when I had it. BUt wow that was a cool Soarin'.


New Member
I just heard about this vid - but am on dialup for the weekend... ANYWAY's

YES you can make your own firework shows with over 500 custom firework files at RCTPyro; such shows exist like Believe in Holiday Magic
and Illuminations

Check it out - RCTPyro.com


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I downloaded the demo for Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 (www.rollercoastertycoon.com), and I was floored by it! How did I completely miss out on this game's release back in November? How did I not know there was an RTC1 and 2?

If you're a WDW or theme park/amusement fan, this game is a must buy! True, there are no official Disney elements in the game, but for the really creative types out there, that is no hindrance to creating a Disney park...

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