Same pics you take every time


Original Poster
I know everytime we go, there is one picture that I have took every time. It started when I was in college and the first time I went with my wife (girlfriend at the time.) Back then I was much goofier, well that is not entirely true, but I was younger at least. Now everytime we go, we take a picture of me in Disney Studios. It is at the busts in front of where Doug live and Superstar TV used to be. I always take a picture of me taking a "hit" off of Grucho Marx's cigar. I now have 6 pictures of me doing this stupid thing. I can't imagine not doing it now. Last time we started a new with my son. He was two months old at the time, but we put his head in the stalks (is that right?) in LIberty Square. From now on for the rest of his life, I will force him to take that picture. Anyone else have certain pics you take everytime you go?
My friends and I our past trip (april 04) were allowed to dress up as our favorite princesses, wigs and all, right outside the Voyage of the Little Mermaid in MGM. We're going to make a point to do that again our next trip (April 06)


Me and my dad also got a pic my first WDW trip when I was 3 on IASW, and April 04 was the next time he was back, so we got another. And I'm sure next trip we'll get it again.


Well-Known Member
I always get a siloutte of myself cut out in Downtown Disney.
And there's always the obligatory "look who fell asleep in the car" on our two day drive down.


Well-Known Member
I always take a picture on the bridge, that leads into Asia, in Animal Kingdom.
The first time I was at AK with my girlfriend, she took a picture of me on that bridge. Now, it is a must stop here and take a picture spot. :animwink:


Premium Member
We just started this tradition last year since it was the first time we brought the kids. I take pictures of my kids across from the Crystal Palace with the castle in the background and put it in a light up frame that has the year on it.

Badger Brent

Active Member
We take a picture of our kids with our "Brick" at the TTC. It's amazing over the 5 years how they change from year to year. Now if only I could get the gum smudge off our brick!! That's about the only one I know we have done every trip.


I think the pics I always take are the same ones the everyone always takes.
The "Family infront of the Castle pic down main st) and the "Family infront of the epcot ball" pic. I also have started taking pics of the room I stay in (before and after. Though, there usually isnt too much of a differance).


Well-Known Member
47 square miles of Disney and you always end up with repeat photos :lol: Mine include -
Cinderellas Castle usually taken from Main Street,
SSE taken from the park entrance and from WS,

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I always repeat pictures and will do till I finaly get it right. Thats why I hope to have a decent digital camera this trip. No cam corders to distract, just a bit of time to take proper pictures.

Im busy compiling a shot list. :) best get some extra flash cards :D


New Member
You know... you CAN make the same pictures worth it....

Whe've been going to Disney with our Daughter for over a Decade.... and When we remember (We go at LEAST once a year), we take the same picture's. It's a blast when you look at a pictures that span over a Decade... Kids are now Kids, not Toddlers, and we are "a little bit" older.

I won't tell you how many pictures of the castle I have, etc. etc... However, we do have the pictures of the "Original Look Castle", the "Pepto-Bismal Castle", now the "Gold Trinket" castle... etc. It makes for a cool section in the Disney Vacation Section of our phot-album.

So, Belive me, Photo's are cheap, now Digital, Storage is Cheap, and simply keep shooting it, you'll never know what Gem you'll end up with.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
VacationMan said:
So, Belive me, Photo's are cheap, now Digital, Storage is Cheap, and simply keep shooting it, you'll never know what Gem you'll end up with.

Except if talking long term......................... your negatives, if correctly processed and stored can last 100 odd years, can you say that about any digital format?

But with digital you can delete the crap as you go. :D


New Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Except if talking long term......................... your negatives, if correctly processed and stored can last 100 odd years, can you say that about any digital format?

But with digital you can delete the crap as you go. :D

With Storage the way it is now-a-days, and in the future, your digital picture has the ability to live forever... unless lost... kinda like negatives <GRIN>.


Well-Known Member
I always used to get a picture under the Roger Rabbit Steamroller at MGM by the backlot tour, but now that that thing is moved I don't know what I'll do . . .

But when I was 3 or 4 my mom got a picture of me, my brother and sister at the fountain in the France Pavillion, and now everytime we go we get a picture.



Well-Known Member
I'm addicted to that darn Monorail.

I bet I have 200 pictures of it.

I have inside monorail pictures.
I have outside monorail pictures.
I have pictures of the inside of the drivers car.

My favorite pictures are the ones I have of the Monorail coming out and going into The Contemporary Resort. :sohappy:


New Member
I have a bit of apprehension when it comes to thrill rides. Since '03, though, I've been riding a new one almost every time I go (just Mission: Space and Tower of Terror are left, but I don't know if I'll ever do the latter). So right before or after I get on it, I have a picture taken of me screaming in front of the attraction, with my hands to my face a la McCauley Culkin in Home Alone. :lol:

And of course EVERY time I see the castle, I have to take a picture. I turn around and see it, and SNAP, I take a picture. It's really almost ridiculous how many I have, but I can't help it. Upgrading to a digital camera didn't help. :p



Active Member
Disney'sMyGoal said:
I always get in trouble for taking way too many pictures of the Epcot ball. It's not my fault I think the camera has a mind of its own.

Mine, too. :lol: I take the same shot it seems multiple times each trip of SE and the castle. Not much is different except the date, but I have to do it. It is out of my control. :lookaroun :lol:


Active Member
I always take a picture of the Partners statue with the castle in the background - one of it alone, and one with the people who came with me to WDW.

But I tend to go nuts taking pictures of the resort on the last day... Granted some of the pics turn out great and allow me to make panoramic pictures of the resort, but the sheer volume of pictures is kind of crazy (case in point - my WL pictures in my photo album section of this site... They're really only the tip of the iceberg. *Sigh*)

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