things you wished you bought?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
when i was over there in may 2005 i saw this really nice scrap book looking book that you put your pictures in and write what happens in it, it was brown/beige and i saw it in MGM it was made of wood as the front and back and the pages in it where black and big. that is the one thing that i wish i bought when i was over there but i have decided that it will be the first thing i buy when i return when i go back in december 2005 as it was really sweet and nice.


New Member
I saw a couple of cool 'grandparent' type picture frames in Disney World when we went in April of 2004. My wife and I were 'trying' to have kids but thought that buying the frames for my parents would jinx us. So, we didn't buy the cute grandparent disney picture frames. (You know how cool those Disney frames look!)

Anyways, upon returning home we found out we were pregnant. According to the doctor and his timing calculations, our little bundle of joy was a 'souvenir' from our trip to Disney World. Giving the picture frames to my parents would have been a great way to tell them they were going to have a grandchild. Now I wish I got those frames! :)


Well-Known Member
There's always a new Pirates of the Caribbean shirt I want. I have two now. They're just so darned expensive. I think the one I liked last time was like $38 or something equally absurd. Darnit.

And next visit, I'd like to get a HCOE Edition Pal Mickey, Golden Mickey Ears and the 2-disk HCOE cd collection. :)
Well I wish I'd spent more time around the characters - that is priceless.
Other than that, I wish I had bought a scrapbook, like mentioned above. Also some Mickey ears, the toy monorail set (complete!), the potato head box thing and the IOA music CD (they'd sold out). Well, there's always next time...


New Member
I wish I had bought a toy monorail to go around my Christmas tree. :xmas: Oh well, there is always WDW Mail Order.


Well-Known Member
This leather jacket that I saw 2 years ago- it was a good deal and I have thought of it ever since- then again, when in the world would I wear a leather jacket in texas??? The one month that it gets "sort-of" cold???
My dad wanted to buy a Disneyland ticket with Walt Disney's signature on it, but he decided not to because it was like 200$ or something, but when we got home he decided he would next year, so next time we went it now says on loan from and someones name... too bad my dad can't buy it now. This took place a couple years ago.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
everyone keeps going on about these glod mouse ears-what the deal with that? when i was there in may 2005 they had loads and loads but now people on the boards are saying they havent got any anymore. on another post someone put a link to this shop that has disney stuff and seems i dont know how to do the link thing i will just type it out:

ive been on it and it converts the price into any currency, check it out it might help.:)


Well-Known Member
Well, first of all, I would have loved to have bought the Main Street Electrical leather jacket that lights up. It was only $900 +.
Of course, I would have been afraid to wear it anywhere.

Then there is all the mini-theme park toys. I have the train and one monorail. But there are soo many more monorails and the hotels and Spaceship Earth and ....


Well-Known Member
Of course I have to say something about the Adventurers Club..................

On our first trip to WDW in 1998 when we first discovered the AC they had a tiny store on the upper level of the club and all I bought were 3 pens. This store has since shut and ALL the AC merchandise is now collectors items, only to be found on ebay! :cry:


Active Member
when i went in 2004 i bought stuff for everyone family, friends, kids friends, kids teachers,the kids father, of course lots of stuff for the kids all i wanted to get my self was a coffee mug and a big tee shirt to sleep in do you think i remembered to buy my self anything NOPE i didn't get anything when i got home and realized what i did i was so upset. the first thing i am going to do when i go back is get the mug and shirt so i don't forget.:hammer:


Active Member
More pins. We didn't start collecting them until our last day there a month ago. My son traded his Stitch pin to a CM for a "mickey through the years" CM pin. That started it. That day I bought a 1/750 Sith Darth Vader boxed pin set. Then I got an AE pin from eBay.

So now I sit at home wishing I would have bought more pins. Buying them in person is the fun part and comes with a memory, so I don't want to build our whole collection from eBay.


New Member
col said:
when i was over there in may 2005 i saw this really nice scrap book looking book that you put your pictures in and write what happens in it, it was brown/beige and i saw it in MGM it was made of wood as the front and back and the pages in it where black and big. that is the one thing that i wish i bought when i was over there but i have decided that it will be the first thing i buy when i return when i go back in december 2005 as it was really sweet and nice.

I bought that scrap book and all the stickers and background pages to go with it. I don't think there is anything I regret not buying because I already went way over my souvenir budget this last trip as it is.


New Member
I just got back and I already regret not buying a sterling silver charm bracelet that I saw in MouseEars at Epcot. It was $150.00. I also wish I bought the gold topped antenna topper commemorating the Happiest Celebration on Earth.

So many cool things to little money available to spend!

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