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    movie as screen saver

    It was when I got it, I'll see if I can find it.
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    movie as screen saver

    I had that once, just do a google search for "Video as screen saver" and you should find a program you can download for it. Does eat up a bit of memory but, it's up to you.
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    Has anyone seen the Yakoose?

    Corinne and I were wondering that last night! We were there all night and it was just covered up with some feathers and stuff. Must have gotten too bad to fix, or maybe it will return...I will ask my inside source. :)
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    New Everest Ride-Eye-View Video Podcast

    Ohh, snippy, snippy... Oh my gosh, what's this.. and this...? You can beat a video shot with a well mounted cameras if they show two kids almost 50% of the whole film!, but hey, what do I know about filming! Nothing! It has a be a mix of content and quality, the mounting is nice sure, but...
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    New Everest Ride-Eye-View Video Podcast

    That's the part they want to come to florida and ride it for. My video has pretty good indoor scenes, the small amount of them there are. The video of the projection was very bad in that video as well as an very interesting shot of the yeti.
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    New Everest Ride-Eye-View Video Podcast

    IS it just me or was that a kind of lame video...:veryconfu Disclaimer: Do not watch this video if you want a good video of Everest, and would perfer to watch two staged children scream for 3 mins. Thank you.
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    Pirates rehab debates w/ movie spoilers

    Everyone's dead in the Haunted Mansion...:lookaroun
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    Mickey saying good night

    That should not matter, Most of it is just castle lights and the sound..
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    11/24-11/25 Construction Update

    Thanks! Nice pics, to bad about Tarzan, and Looking forward to Splash!
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    MGM/Disney Studios Video Taping - Which rides/shows allow it

    For me, it's gotten to the point where I know what I can handle with my $2,500 camera, and what I can't, thunder mountain: Fine, Splash: It was ok, (A little wet) but overall, I just go with the flow and if someone says something, I don't, but things like everest tommorw. Im all go for it. I'v...
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    "Sneak Peak" at EE for Resort Guests!!!!!

    Not to spoil anything, but I called the main Disney Hotline, and they said they have been getting calls all day about the resort guest EE preview and it is incorrect. They said it will not be open untill April something or other corresponding with the first day AK opened in 1998. So, I hope...
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    Expedition Everest On-Ride Video

    Well the ride comes no where near the angle that the photo was taken at. The photo on his site was not taken on the ride it's self. There is no way. But. my camera will be able to get a better view I think, when you come in the Yeti room, he is up to your right. and I think a lot of the videos...
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    Expedition Everest On-Ride Video

    Do you mean like the photo quality? or does he have a video on there now?
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    Expedition Everest On-Ride Video

    It's ok, but there is still room for better Yeti video! (ie, mine this weekend!) Having ridden it 4 times I have a pretty good idea of where things are now! But This one is much better quality and have good video of the tracks and such. I know this are a few more seconds of the Yeti that you can...
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    Video Editing

    Yeah, It would be hard to overlay something like that, but yeah, youtube is good. You could do a color croma in Vegas but Im not sure in your program. :)
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    Expedition Everest: Ride Review, que floops, Tarzan last shows, and Yeti Paint? Pics!

    Oh course, but it will probobly also be in the video update!
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    Expedition Everest: Ride Review, que floops, Tarzan last shows, and Yeti Paint? Pics!

    She didn't know, Im going to see if she will do it for me next weekend!
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    Question for web and video experts...

    That's true! When i did my christmas post, I set it to downlaod the video to the computer, but "stream" in the emmbedded player. So, it was a litle harder to get them., but not much. Just look in your temp internet files!
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    Video update by Martin

    Very cool, thank you!
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