World Series

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
May I speak for Marlins fans darling? :p

Ok, the Braves are not my favorites...and I have reason to dislike them. Yes, we have won 2 championships in 8 years (take that NL East :p) but the reason the Braves are truly annoying is because we've never been able to play them well. They always beat us, so you can imagine the euphoria when we actually swept them during the last series. And yes, the fact that they always win the NL East plays a big part in it :lol:

I dislike them but I don't HATE them. Especially after all those hot Braves signed my baseball :lookaroun
Thanks, Reg. Like I said, I can't imagine Marlins fans being able to truly HATE the Braves...especially since you beat them the only time you met in the playoffs. ('97)

Honestly, I would think that casual baseball fans would have more disdain for the Marlins, a fledgling team that hasn't even put together a division championship team but still had two World Series wins by the end of their 11th season. For fans of teams that have been waiting decades for even a pennant, that's GOT to be irritating. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
Thanks, Reg. Like I said, I can't imagine Marlins fans being able to truly HATE the Braves...especially since you beat them the only time you met in the playoffs. ('97)

Honestly, I would think that casual baseball fans would have more disdain for the Marlins, a fledgling team that hasn't even put together a division championship team but still had two World Series wins by the end of their 11th season. For fans of teams that have been waiting decades for even a pennant, that's GOT to be irritating. :cool:
Hehe :drevil:

I was upset when they messed everything up this past month. But I got over it because I thought of our two championships :D I only felt bad for Burnett because he didn't really get to enjoy the 2003 title but after what he did...good riddance to him hmph! :lookaroun

But yes, I can imagine how Philly fans would hate us :D I do feel bad for the Braves because obviously the division title amounted to nothing :(


Active Member
Erika said:
I hope so... but, being from Chicago, I never get my hopes up... not for any team :lol:

I am a Cubs fan first, but it is nice to see the Sox doing so well. And the timing is fitting, at least in my tiny little circle. We lost a good friend and HUGE Sox fan this past June, and his widow has just received permission to have a small ceremony for him at Comiskey. So even though I was not a fan of the "new" park, I will have nothing bad to say about it from here on out :lol:

wow, that is really cool that they would let your friend do a ceremony. I have heard of weddings at comisky, but not memorial type ceremony.

Oh, and I still call it Comiskey. I refuse to call it that other terrible horrible name.


FanofDinsey1981 said:
wow, that is really cool that they would let your friend do a ceremony. I have heard of weddings at comisky, but not memorial type ceremony.

Yeah, I don't think it is going to be anything big, but still, I was really surprised! I guess they would prefer to just go ahead, grant permission, and be in charge of things than risk some grieving woman barging in just dumping ashes everywhere. :eek: His twin brother is just as big a fan as he was... this is going to mean so much to him. :)


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
I've wondered lately, why all the animosity against the Braves?

I've noticed they rank right below the Yankees and Red Sox in terms of widespread hatred, it seems. Yes, they're in the playoffs every year, so I could see where that gets old for the casual viewer, and if you're a Mets or Phillies fan, finishing behind them year in and year out would get old, I imagine. (Marlins fans can't say anything, since they've squeezed two world titles out of two wild cards.)

But they've only won it all once. Every year, they have a great regular season and go down in flames. They can't even get out of the first round these days, so why all the hatred? Is it just people get sick of seeing the logo? I'm really curious. Help me understaaaaaaand the hate. :)
I used to follow the Twins very closely and they played the Braves in the 91 WS. I lived in North AL at the time and I was the only Twins fan around. Plus, they had a newspaper reporter who wrote a column when ATL went up 3-2 about how Minnesota had no chance to win the series. Add all that up and it just turns me against them. I like a lot of the players, but I LOATHE Bobby . If he would get fired or quit, I'd like them better. has got to be the worst postseason manager in baseball history.


Active Member
Alright everyone, it has been great talking about baseball the last few weeks. but, I will be off the boards in about an hour for a few days, I am off to the chicago suburbs tonight, then off to Midway to fly to WDW tomorrow! horray! Post with you in a few days! :wave:


Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
Alright everyone, it has been great talking about baseball the last few weeks. but, I will be off the boards in about an hour for a few days, I am off to the chicago suburbs tonight, then off to Midway to fly to WDW tomorrow! horray! Post with you in a few days! :wave:
Have fun at WDW :wave:


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
But they've only won it all once. Every year, they have a great regular season and go down in flames. They can't even get out of the first round these days, so why all the hatred? Is it just people get sick of seeing the logo? I'm really curious. Help me understaaaaaaand the hate. :)
Part of it is that they remind me too much of my Fantasy Baseball team in that wonderful regular season, staying in first all year long practically. Playoffs, crash and burn. I used to like the Braves, but really after awhile it just gets tiring watching the same team do the same thing every year. They're like the Yankees of the National League, or more, the Yankees have become the American League version of the Braves. I mean, this is what, the 13th or 14th straight year the Braves have won the NL East title? One World Series in that time? Time to let someone else have a crack at the Championship. Another thing is that back when I liked the Braves, it was more certain players that I liked such as Glavine and Maddox. They aren't there anymore and Chipper Jones just annoys me for some reason. There are a couple of Braves players I still like, but not enough for me to really root for the team. There are only two teams that I will blindly follow no matter how bad they play or who ends up on their team: Red Sox and Dodgers.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
I used to like the Braves, but really after awhile it just gets tiring watching the same team do the same thing every year. ... Another thing is that back when I liked the Braves, it was more certain players that I liked such as Glavine and Maddox. They aren't there anymore and Chipper Jones just annoys me for some reason. There are a couple of Braves players I still like, but not enough for me to really root for the team.

I think you pretty much described my own feelings there. I started following the Braves in '91 (the year we got cable), and of course that happened to be the year they went from the worst record in baseball to Game 7 of the World Series, so at age 10 I was pretty much hooked. I haven't OFFICIALLY denounced them these days, but I find I just don't care anymore. It proves I'm not a diehard, I guess, but I just can't get up to root for them anymore. Unless you're in love with the logo, all those postseason failures just add up.

And you're right about the players, too. I hardly recognize anybody on the roster anymore. I was attached to the Braves of the early-to-mid '90s: Pendleton, Bream, Justice, Wohlers, Maddux, Glavine. These guys might wear the uniform, but none of the old feelings are there for me.

Thanks for the input, guys.


Well-Known Member
White Sox win over Angels: Nobody wants to win a game under those circumstances. I am still a strong supporter of an Instant Reply Umpire, even though that person would've ruled against my team.

Ultimately, I'll take the win, because I've seen many games decided by a bad call. It's part of sports, and I've been on both sides of bad calls.


Well-Known Member
GenerationX said:
White Sox win over Angels: Nobody wants to win a game under those circumstances. I am still a strong supporter of an Instant Reply Umpire, even though that person would've ruled against my team.

Ultimately, I'll take the win, because I've seen many games decided by a bad call. It's part of sports, and I've been on both sides of bad calls.
White Sox were handed a gift, but nothing can be done now; it's in the books. Sciosia was very classy in the press conference after the game by saying that they didn't play well enough throughout the game so that the controversy wouldn't have mattered.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Angels manager was extremely classy after that game. He could have easily gone into a withering tirade against the officiating, but he just focused on the good pitching the Sox got from Buerle and the poor play of his offense.

If anything, I think this illustrates that MLB should establish uniformity in motions by home plate umpires. Almost any baseball fan in the world sees a fist pump on a 3rd strike and thinks "out." This ump apparently uses the fist to call strikes (every strike) and not outs. I don't think it would be unreasonable for baseball to define which motions an ump can use to call a strike and which ones he can use to ring a guy up, and not allow them to be confused.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
I was totally confused by that call! Because he did call it a strike, correct? Can somebody explain to me what happened a little better.
Isn't it time to update your sig? :animwink:

The ump did call a strike, but the batter isn't out unless the catcher catches the pitch. The ump raised his fist after the swing, which everybody took to mean the catch was made and the batter was out. However, when the batter went to first on a lark, the ump let the inning continue. He said that the pitch was in the dirt (which it didn't seem to be) and later said his fist pump was a "strike" call, not an "out" call. With that being the case, the catcher would have had to tag the batter to make the out, but since he thought he already had the out, he rolled the ball to the mound and couldn't tag Pierzynski.

Basically, the umpire appeared to call Pierzynski out, but he said he only called a strike and that he thought the catcher muffed the pitch. Definitely confusing.


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
Basically, the umpire appeared to call Pierzynski out, but he said he only called a strike and that he thought the catcher muffed the pitch. Definitely confusing.
or that's how he's trying to cover his tracks. Poor guy now has to go to Anaheim and ump three games. Yikes!


Well-Known Member
Pierzynski stated that he wasn't sure whether or not the ball hit the ground. My suspicion is that he didn't think it did, but figured it was worth a try to run to first, anyway. It looked to me like he was heading back to the dugout when Paul rolled the ball to the mound. That's when he made his decision to go. It's standard practice for catchers to tag the batter when there is any question about the ball hitting the ground, and Pierzynski is a catcher. So, without the tag applied to him, he had nothing to lose when he ran to first.

Looking at the replay, it was inconclusive whether or not the umpire had called him out. It actually looks more like he's calling a strike, but not an out. I still think he blew the call.

Obviously, this is the "play of the game", but I'm glad to see that Buehrle's pitching performance has been given the accolades it deserved.


Well-Known Member
This just in from The Onion:

Fox Cancels ALCS After Just Two Episodes

October 13, 2005 | Onion Sports

LOS ANGELES—Fox Entertainment president Gail Berman announced Thursday that the network is pulling the plug on ALCS, the new three-hour drama/comedy about two rival clubs competing for the coveted "pennant," just two shows into its run. "This uninspired series featured a cast of uninteresting characters, a hackneyed plot, and more boring narration than actual meaningful dialogue," Berman said. "We tried to find an audience on Tuesdays, then on Wednesdays, and we were prepared to move its time slot to Friday nights or Saturday afternoons before ultimately realizing that the series had zero potential." Television experts cited several other possible reasons for the early cancellation, such as the overly expensive sets and costumes, the show's subject matter, and the fact that the series' projected breakout character—a brash, outspoken black man named Carl Everett—tested very poorly with audiences. Fox remains optimistic about its other fledgling program, NLCS, but critics say the series has "very little chance" of making it past seven episodes.

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