World Series

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Well, I for one think having an ALCS without Boston OR New York is a good thing in some ways. It had gotten to the point where both sets of fans (or many among them, anyway) were starting to think an ALCS matchup was written in the stars before the start of every season. It's good to be reminded they play baseball in other cities. :wave:

Go White Sox!


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
Well, I for one think having an ALCS without Boston OR New York is a good thing in some ways. It had gotten to the point where both sets of fans (or many among them, anyway) were starting to think an ALCS matchup was written in the stars before the start of every season. It's good to be reminded they play baseball in other cities. :wave:

Go White Sox!
everyone except Fox.

This is a good four teams going for the ring, but also makes a possible Sox-Astros matchup enticing. One team that has never even been in the WS against a team that hasn't won since 1917. Since the Angels just won in 2002 and the Cards have such a deep tradition (but haven't won in awhile), I would love to see the Sox-Astros make it. Screw the ratings, I'll be watching.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
everyone except Fox.

This is a good four teams going for the ring, but also makes a possible Sox-Astros matchup enticing. One team that has never even been in the WS against a team that hasn't won since 1917. Since the Angels just won in 2002 and the Cards have such a deep tradition (but haven't won in awhile), I would love to see the Sox-Astros make it. Screw the ratings, I'll be watching.
I agree. With the exception of the Angels, all of the remaining teams bring good reasons to root for them.

Here's how I rank the remaining teams, in order of who I'd like to see win.

1. White Sox
2. Astros
3. Cardinals
4. Angels


Active Member
Tuesday and Wednesday (games one and two) I am home/at my sister's. Then i am in WDW this weekend. needless to say, both Friday and Saturday, once Wishes/Iluminations is over, I am high-tailin' it over to ESPN club to watch the end of the those games!

I would LOVE to see a white sox v. Houston game. The weekend they would be playing in houston.... I WILL BE THERE FOR A WEDDING! No doubt I will be paying someone a LOT of money for a ticket, but it would be well worth it.

I am antsy already because I leave Thursday for WDW, but add to that the fact we play game one tonight v the angles.....UGH WILL THIS DAY NEVER END!?


Well-Known Member
I am saying Cardinals/White Sox! I'd love a St.Louis / Chicago series.

I'm registered for tickets for the series and if I win I'm taking Chief Illiniwek as my guest ;)


Well-Known Member
Dwarful said:
I am saying Cardinals/White Sox! I'd love a St.Louis / Chicago series.

I'm registered for tickets for the series and if I win I'm taking Chief Illiniwek as my guest ;)

whoops, forgot to clarify that I am an Illinois native but a lifetime Cardinals fan! (in case someone didn't know that already ;) )

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
DonaldDuckette said:
So my Yanks blew it-- oh well, just thrilled Boston lost and were swept- all the way for th White Sox now
What's funny is that a lot of Boston fans probably have similar thoughts: "Ah well, we got swept. They were clearly better, no big whoop. But I'm thrilled that the Yankees got all the way to Game 5 before having the rug ripped out from under 'em."

Dontcha love rivalries? :animwink:


Active Member
Dwarful said:
I'm registered for tickets for the series and if I win I'm taking Chief Illiniwek as my guest ;)

I can get you the hook up. ;)

That was a tough game last night, and one that we handed over to the angels. Why they sent AJ to steal second is BEYOND ME. We had a man on first with no outs in both the 8th and 9th inning, and still couldn't move him over. we did not execute. Hopefully tonight will be a different story. we tend to play harder when our backs are to the wall.


Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
I can get you the hook up. ;)

That was a tough game last night, and one that we handed over to the angels. Why they sent AJ to steal second is BEYOND ME. We had a man on first with no outs in both the 8th and 9th inning, and still couldn't move him over. we did not execute. Hopefully tonight will be a different story. we tend to play harder when our backs are to the wall.
I don't think AJ was sent. It's the 8th inning, he's a catcher, and the batter did not even attempt to swing at the ball. No manager in his right mind, behind in the 8th, would send a catcher on a straight steal. Either the batter missed a sign or he ran on his own.

And then Uribe almost getting tagged out at second base on the hit to right field. He didn't even hustle coming back to the base and barely beat the tag. Chicago looked like the team playing it's third game in three cities last night. Too long of a layoff.


Active Member
SpongeScott said:
I don't think AJ was sent. It's the 8th inning, he's a catcher, and the batter did not even attempt to swing at the ball. No manager in his right mind, behind in the 8th, would send a catcher on a straight steal. Either the batter missed a sign or he ran on his own.

And then Uribe almost getting tagged out at second base on the hit to right field. He didn't even hustle coming back to the base and barely beat the tag. Chicago looked like the team playing it's third game in three cities last night. Too long of a layoff.

I didn't catch what was going on completely, I was finishing my packing for my WDW trip tomorrow, so I was half watching, half packing. I would hope that Ozzie didn't send him, though I am sure that they missed a hit and run. ugh.

I was yelling at Uribe to get back to second! how lazy was that!?

and I agree, too long of a layoff. Hopefully they will come back sharp today, we are doomed if we go back to Anaheim down 0-2.


Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
I didn't catch what was going on completely, I was finishing my packing for my WDW trip tomorrow, so I was half watching, half packing. I would hope that Ozzie didn't send him, though I am sure that they missed a hit and run. ugh.

I was yelling at Uribe to get back to second! how lazy was that!?

and I agree, too long of a layoff. Hopefully they will come back sharp today, we are doomed if we go back to Anaheim down 0-2.
Look for me at WDW. We get there on Friday. Tall, good-looking guy, gray goatee, Yankees or Astros hat. That should limit it down! :lol:

A day at Disney beats your team doing bad in the playoffs!


Active Member
SpongeScott said:
Look for me at WDW. We get there on Friday. Tall, good-looking guy, gray goatee, Yankees or Astros hat. That should limit it down! :lol:

A day at Disney beats your team doing bad in the playoffs!

a day at disney beats just about any day!

I will be there tomorrow night, with two days in the parks on friday (mk) and saturday (the other three). Iwill be the girl wearing the orange bag with the Illini Basketball logo on the back. :) I hope that narrows it down.....

Oh, and I will be the girl running from epcot on saturday night to the ESPN Club to catch the end of the game.


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
What's funny is that a lot of Boston fans probably have similar thoughts: "Ah well, we got swept. They were clearly better, no big whoop. But I'm thrilled that the Yankees got all the way to Game 5 before having the rug ripped out from under 'em."

Dontcha love rivalries? :animwink:

Once the Red Sox got eliminated, I was fine with whoever goes on to win as long as it wasn't the Yankees or the Braves... guess what? It's not gonna be the Yankees or the Braves. I think I would prefer to see Houston or Chicago get it, followed by the Cards and then the Angels. And that's only because the Angels won a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read in the papers this morning, Pierzynski missed the sign. He thought the hit-and-run was on, but it wasn't. A couple of mental mistakes really cost the Sox last night. Hopefully, tonight will be different.


GenerationX said:
From what I've read in the papers this morning, Pierzynski missed the sign. He thought the hit-and-run was on, but it wasn't. A couple of mental mistakes really cost the Sox last night. Hopefully, tonight will be different.

I hope so... but, being from Chicago, I never get my hopes up... not for any team :lol:

I am a Cubs fan first, but it is nice to see the Sox doing so well. And the timing is fitting, at least in my tiny little circle. We lost a good friend and HUGE Sox fan this past June, and his widow has just received permission to have a small ceremony for him at Comiskey. So even though I was not a fan of the "new" park, I will have nothing bad to say about it from here on out :lol:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
Once the Red Sox got eliminated, I was fine with whoever goes on to win as long as it wasn't the Yankees or the Braves... guess what? It's not gonna be the Yankees or the Braves. I think I would prefer to see Houston or Chicago get it, followed by the Cards and then the Angels. And that's only because the Angels won a few years ago.

I've wondered lately, why all the animosity against the Braves?

I've noticed they rank right below the Yankees and Red Sox in terms of widespread hatred, it seems. Yes, they're in the playoffs every year, so I could see where that gets old for the casual viewer, and if you're a Mets or Phillies fan, finishing behind them year in and year out would get old, I imagine. (Marlins fans can't say anything, since they've squeezed two world titles out of two wild cards.)

But they've only won it all once. Every year, they have a great regular season and go down in flames. They can't even get out of the first round these days, so why all the hatred? Is it just people get sick of seeing the logo? I'm really curious. Help me understaaaaaaand the hate. :)


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
I've wondered lately, why all the animosity against the Braves?

I've noticed they rank right below the Yankees and Red Sox in terms of widespread hatred, it seems. Yes, they're in the playoffs every year, so I could see where that gets old for the casual viewer, and if you're a Mets or Phillies fan, finishing behind them year in and year out would get old, I imagine. (Marlins fans can't say anything, since they've squeezed two world titles out of two wild cards.)

But they've only won it all once. Every year, they have a great regular season and go down in flames. They can't even get out of the first round these days, so why all the hatred? Is it just people get sick of seeing the logo? I'm really curious. Help me understaaaaaaand the hate. :)
May I speak for Marlins fans darling? :p

Ok, the Braves are not my favorites...and I have reason to dislike them. Yes, we have won 2 championships in 8 years (take that NL East :p) but the reason the Braves are truly annoying is because we've never been able to play them well. They always beat us, so you can imagine the euphoria when we actually swept them during the last series. And yes, the fact that they always win the NL East plays a big part in it :lol:

I dislike them but I don't HATE them. Especially after all those hot Braves signed my baseball :lookaroun

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