Woman hurt in boat accident in WDW 4/27/2010


Well-Known Member
Sounds like alcohol was probably involved. I sure hope his wife makes it through without any permenant injuries. I hate to see people injured by someone elses stupidity. Unfortuntately Disney will probably have to pay something for this. Slime ball lawyers all over the country will want a piece of Disney.
Disney isn't the perfect can do know wrong behemoth people think it is. There have been a number of these accidents have been happening lately and Team Di$ney Orlando need to be held accountable.


Well-Known Member
Disney isn't the perfect can do know wrong behemoth people think it is. There have been a number of these accidents have been happening lately and Team Di$ney Orlando need to be held accountable.
Gah, I'll bite.


What is Disney supposed to be accountable for?


New Member
Disney isn't the perfect can do know wrong behemoth people think it is. There have been a number of these accidents have been happening lately and Team Di$ney Orlando need to be held accountable.

Yea they are accidents and they happen!!!!! you can't just hold them accountable just because people are stupid!!!! with millions of visitors a year unfortunately many accident's are bound to happen. but the next time i get into a fender bender in CT! ill hold disney accountable. cause according to you team disney orlando is a bid screw up and responsible for all evil.


Well-Known Member
Yea they are accidents and they happen!!!!! you can't just hold them accountable just because people are stupid!!!! with millions of visitors a year unfortunately many accident's are bound to happen. but the next time i get into a fender bender in CT! ill hold disney accountable. cause according to you team disney orlando is a bid screw up and responsible for all evil.
You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.


This is NOT disneys fault.. You are told to YIELD to the ferries when you rent watercraft...

And the legal rule of the water is smaller craft ALWAYS yield to larger craft..

Morons... (the people that were in the small boat, not you guys)


Active Member
Disney isn't the perfect can do know wrong behemoth people think it is. There have been a number of these accidents have been happening lately and Team Di$ney Orlando need to be held accountable.

Disney takes their fare share of blame all the time. It would be nice at least one time to see the courts side with the corporations in cases where someone was being an idiot. I am sure this will be settled out of court anyway.


New Member
Disney takes their fare share of blame all the time. It would be nice at least one time to see the courts side with the corporations in cases where someone was being an idiot. I am sure this will be settled out of court anyway.

maybe on other thing yes but not this. they tell you ferry boats have the right of way they explain how the boat works and they go over what they are suppose to i just rented one a couple of months ago. and you sing a liability form as well. and it even said there were charges pending against the man driving the racer.


Not old, just vintage.
You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.

All the money and training in the world wouldn't have enabled the ferry captain to make a large boat swerve out of the way of a reckless driver. Sometimes the laws of motion just can't be broken. :shrug: The captain did the best thing he could in this situation and immediately reversed the boat so that it didn't continue to run its length over the small boat. If he hadn't done that we would probably be talking about fatalities rather than if they were Ukrainian or not.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.

You're right; the nimrods in the Sea Raycer definitely should have had more training and education, especially when it comes to right-of-way rules on the water.....


Well-Known Member
You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.
You have made it abundantly clear that you have absolutely no interest in facts, only an illogical desire to blame the management of Walt Disney World. Stop getting wrapped up in a bunch of internet hearsay and hyperbole. If you really knew how as much about Team Disney Orlando as you try to let on you would use specifics, and not this constant, vague "they cut costs by cutting training" for every single incident.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I hate TDO as much as the next person, but good god they are not at fault here. This was an accident caused by the guest, pure and simple.


Well-Known Member
You have made it abundantly clear that you have absolutely no interest in facts, only an illogical desire to blame the management of Walt Disney World. Stop getting wrapped up in a bunch of internet hearsay and hyperbole. If you really knew how as much about Team Disney Orlando as you try to let on you would use specifics, and not this constant, vague "they cut costs by cutting training" for every single incident.

Agreed, and this is absolute proof that there are some posters here that wait for situations to exploit to further their preconceived and utterly misguided agenda. This thread makes it very clear who these people are. I can't imagine what it is like to live your life with such a cynical view of others. Unimaginable. :(


Here we go again with HMF...

My offer still stands with you HMF. I'll come to your house, slam my fingers in your door and you're going to pay my tuition for college. Fair enough? I mean after all, you should've been trained better to prevent me from doing stupid stuff because in your book enough training and money would prevent me from doing that...

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Thinning of the herd.....

C'mon now. By this reasoning, anytime people died in a plane crash because of a mistake the pilot made, it would be Darwin in action. It doesn't make any sense to point to the passenger's injuries while snickering and say "Natural selection in action!"

You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.

You're already taking your share of lumps for this one, but I'll just seriously ask who should have received more training in this scenario...the guy who rented the watercraft?


Well-Known Member
...and swerving at the last possible moment to avoid
collision shall constitute reckless operation of a vessel, as provided in s.
327.33(1). Any person operating a personal watercraft must comply with the
provisions of s. 327.33.

The husband's swerve in this instance doesn't apply to the portion of the statue you bolded... His swerve was a legitimate attempt to avoid collision. The statue you quoted is meant to be about people who would purposely drive at something/someone to scare them, and then veer away at the last minute, even if a collision doesn't happen. That act would be reckless driving under the statue. But simply turning to try and avoid an impending collision is not reckless.



Well-Known Member
You are taking what I said WAY out of context. No' I cannot blame them for people being stupid but I can blame them for the cost-cutting and lack of training that leads to these types of accidents.

While i agree with your ideas here about how cost-cutting, lact of training, etc is leading to more accidents, this is not one of those cases.

This is a case of guest negligence. The general rules of the sea are that you stay to the right in the channel and smaller traffic yields right of way to larger traffic. Common sense says to get the F out of the way of the giant boat.

There's nothing Disney could have done here to prevent it beyond not renting a boat to a guest.

I have witnessed Disney not renting a boat to a guest because the guy had a margarita in his hand at the time.


Well-Known Member
Its too bad some people have bad common sense. Alot of tings that happen at disney get attention when they should not, but rightnow the media is all over it! Transportation is taking a hit, and should not for this as far as i can tell. I just hope that some day, the media will report what the final outcome was of the accidents and vindicate 75% of them. Thats a low %, but havve to start somewhere. Mono, TDO. Two bus crashes, TDO. But what about all the others? Im just saying, how come we here about the accident and all the immediate things, but whats, whose the final fault/outcome? Just give me the results.:drevil::shrug:


New Member
Its too bad some people have bad common sense. Alot of tings that happen at disney get attention when they should not, but rightnow the media is all over it! Transportation is taking a hit, and should not for this as far as i can tell. I just hope that some day, the media will report what the final outcome was of the accidents and vindicate 75% of them. Thats a low %, but havve to start somewhere. Mono, TDO. Two bus crashes, TDO. But what about all the others? Im just saying, how come we here about the accident and all the immediate things, but whats, whose the final fault/outcome? Just give me the results.:drevil::shrug:

i agree and see what your saying. But it will never happen. Just look at this article, this happened tuesday last tuesday!! and they put it out anyway. so why would they give you that then if it's the guests fault disney doesn't look bad which is what they media is all about.

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