Woman hurt in boat accident in WDW 4/27/2010


Active Member
say what you will, but it was the guests fault... you don't blame the train for hitting a car at the crossing either..

They have right-of-way, they can't stop on a dime.... IF you don't accept that responsibility, then don't rent a boat. period.

I didn't say it was Disney's fault! I just don't think someone who has an accident should be subjected to be called a moron etc

I doubt he purposely drove the boat into the ferry that's why its called an accident...most motor accidents are caused or involve very good experienced drivers...same logic here (I think anyway). He was obviously not skilled enough to drive the boat, and so an accident occurred..how does that make him liable for all the negativeness on this board?! How would you feel if he actually uses these boards? It looks like he's from the UK and owns/rents in Celebration probably quite an avid WDW fan and maybe someone who goes on these boards and no one needs to be subjected to that.

It just makes me chuckle a bit that these are Disney boards with the most UNDISNEY people on them! :brick:


Well-Known Member
Accidents are never straight forward, in the car, on a boat, whereever they occur. It's fine to try to assume who's at fault but it will always be an assumption.
The man said he ran into the ferry. The ferry captain said he ran into the ferry. The police report says the man ran into the ferry.

I'm not sure where the assumption is in this case.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
The man said he ran into the ferry. The ferry captain said he ran into the ferry. The police report says the man ran into the ferry.

I'm not sure where the assumption is in this case.
You failed to conclusively rule out alien mind control as a probable cause.:D


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I didn't say it was Disney's fault! I just don't think someone who has an accident should be subjected to be called a moron etc

I doubt he purposely drove the boat into the ferry that's why its called an accident...most motor accidents are caused or involve very good experienced drivers...same logic here (I think anyway). He was obviously not skilled enough to drive the boat, and so an accident occurred..how does that make him liable for all the negativeness on this board?! How would you feel if he actually uses these boards? It looks like he's from the UK and owns/rents in Celebration probably quite an avid WDW fan and maybe someone who goes on these boards and no one needs to be subjected to that.

It just makes me chuckle a bit that these are Disney boards with the most UNDISNEY people on them! :brick:

From the news report:

The captain of the ferry boat, William Green, told investigators he was traveling southbound along a waterway at Disney world and witnessed a small two-seat watercraft traveling recklessly toward his vessel.

Anyone driving a boat, car, hot-air ballon, or kite recklessly will get the moron label from me. The woman in the two-seater is lucky to be alive because her moronic husband was driving that way. But how would you feel if someone on the ferry (such as a small child) was hurt as well? Spare me the righteous indignation on the part of those who caused this incident. Because it's not a accident if someone is driving a vehicle in a reckless manner and fails to follow the proper rules that govern its use...

And as for the "UNDISNEY people" barb, well I think we would all say we're people first an Disney fans/afficianados second. So we, just like you, are all entitled to our opinions. If you don't enjoy them, don't bother reading this thread any more. But don't expect us to stop letting our feelings and opinions be known.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
From the news report:

The captain of the ferry boat, William Green, told investigators he was traveling southbound along a waterway at Disney world and witnessed a small two-seat watercraft traveling recklessly toward his vessel.

Anyone driving a boat, car, hot-air ballon, or kite recklessly will get the moron label from me. The woman in the two-seater is lucky to be alive because her moronic husband was driving that way. But how would you feel if someone on the ferry (such as a small child) was hurt as well? Spare me the righteous indignation on the part of those who caused this incident. Because it's not a accident if someone is driving a vehicle in a reckless manner and fails to follow the proper rules that govern its use...

And as for the "UNDISNEY people" barb, well I think we would all say we're people first an Disney fans/afficianados second. So we, just like you, are all entitled to our opinions. If you don't enjoy them, don't bother reading this thread any more. But don't expect us to stop letting our feelings and opinions be known.
I think taking one quote over another is unfair. Yes, if the ferry Captain is correct, then the husband is probably a moron. But until an investigation has been concluded, charges laid and a finding of guilt rendered, all opinions are just conjecture.

You have chosen to jump to a conclusion that is only supported by a portion of the limited evidence available. I think the poster you quoted is simply pointing out a rush to judgement.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was Disney's fault! I just don't think someone who has an accident should be subjected to be called a moron etc

I doubt he purposely drove the boat into the ferry that's why its called an accident...most motor accidents are caused or involve very good experienced drivers...same logic here (I think anyway). He was obviously not skilled enough to drive the boat, and so an accident occurred..how does that make him liable for all the negativeness on this board?! How would you feel if he actually uses these boards? It looks like he's from the UK and owns/rents in Celebration probably quite an avid WDW fan and maybe someone who goes on these boards and no one needs to be subjected to that.

It just makes me chuckle a bit that these are Disney boards with the most UNDISNEY people on them! :brick:

Big difference between a car accident and an accident on a sea racer. There's a lot more room on the open water, and you're only going about 20 miles per hour.

I hate to say it, but I can't see how anyone who is able to operate a motor vehicle couldn't safely operate one of those boats. It's not difficult to steer. He was doing something lacking common sense.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I think taking one quote over another is unfair. Yes, if the ferry Captain is correct, then the husband is probably a moron. But until an investigation has been concluded, charges laid and a finding of guilt rendered, all opinions are just conjecture.

You have chosen to jump to a conclusion that is only supported by a portion of the limited evidence available. I think the poster you quoted is simply pointing out a rush to judgement.

The Sheriff's Office has stated charges are pending against the driver of the two-seater. I'm guessing it's not for failing to wear a seatbelt.....

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
How fast can these personal watercraft travel, and are the engines governed to keep them under a certain speed?

Maybe a radio activated kill switch could be installed to kill the engine if you get within X number of feet of the ferries. That would help avoid these accidents in the future.


New Member
  • There was recently a bus driver who ran into the back of a parked bus.
  • There was recently a driver in a personal vehicle who made a U turn and ran into a bus.
  • There's this guy who ran into a pontoon ferry boat.
Same person?


Well-Known Member
ok, i hope the woman is alright, however it sounds like the woman's husband or whoever was driving what i am assuming is one of the small sea raycer boats was completely ignorant if they thought that one of the ferry's could maneuver better and quicker than he could. I mean who aims for a large object like this with the idea that "oh, he will move". People like this are why it won't be long before the rest of us can't enjoy renting a boat at wdw.




Beta Return
The captain of the ferry boat, William Green, told investigators he was traveling southbound along a waterway at Disney world and witnessed a small two-seat watercraft traveling recklessly toward his vessel.

For once, a news report about a Disney accident finally quotes something that lets Disney and/or its CM actually defend it/him/herself. None of the news coverage of the bus accidents ever had comments from the bus drivers themselves - so those poor saps never even get the opportunity to let the public know their side.

When I used to rent the water mice and travel the Sassagoula River, I would almost drive myself up onto shore just to make sure I was enough out of the way of one of the DtD pontoons (which they're calling a Ferry in these stories - kind of misleading).

If this moron REALLY thought he could play chicken with the Pontoon, and win, it should have been HIS seat that went under the pontoon - and not his poor wife's. THAT would have been natural selection. This is just unfortunate fate.

I think WDW should just make you sign a 20-page waiver as soon as you cross the property line. Then at least they have a leg to stand on if someone sues them for not teaching their kid how to ride a bike near traffic, or if you don't understand how boats work, or if you're 70 years old and think ToT would be a safe experience for you.

This is getting old.


New Member
this is why eventually we won't be able to do anything at all that involves any risk what so ever, people are simply idiots.:brick:

you don't think they would take the boats away!!??!! they can't just stop operations just because accidents happen. then no one will come if they have nothing to offer those boats are popular. and there have probably been other accidents just never reported to the public. I would assume.

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