Woman hurt in boat accident in WDW 4/27/2010


Well-Known Member
You're already taking your share of lumps for this one, but I'll just seriously ask who should have received more training in this scenario...the guy who rented the watercraft?
Hang on a minute was this a guest or a Disney Ferry? If it was a guest I take everything back.


Well-Known Member
A guest drove into a larger, slower, less agile Disney ferry on Lake Buena Vista. Do you read the articles before posting?
I read the article but thought it was the other way around. Okay' my mistake this was the guests fault. I still stand by my feelings about TDO but yeah this was definitely guest negligence.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I read the article but thought it was the other way around. Okay' my mistake this was the guests fault. I still stand by my feelings about TDO but yeah this was definitely guest negligence.
Well, that explains everything! :lol:
Glad to see that you hadn't actually gone completely bonkers.


Well-Known Member
After doing a little research I found out that the boat accident was only one in a series of accidents for the husband.. take this one for example:


The report on this one stated that while trying to park one evening at his own home, he assumed the house would move away for him but was caught by surprise when it didn't. He did say though that he thought he was further away from the house than he was just prior to the accident.

very offensive

but really funny!


Well-Known Member
I know one of the bridges you pass under is barely wide enough for the pontoon boat we rent at DTD. I saw this one coming sooner or later. Those ferries don't slow down. You have to yield to them. They also don't respect no wake zones. Plus there are stupid guests who think they're toys.


Active Member
Quick question and it might be dumb but its late and I am not be thinking straight. But if the driver of the small boat swerved to the right to avoid the oncoming boat, how did the passenger in the boat suffer injuries without the driver. Just an offtopic thought. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic, but I am pretty sure that there is no Skipton in the Ukraine - I think they were probably from Skipton, UK (United Kingdom). It does say on one of the reports that the wife was from England.
What happened to common sense! I've driven these little boats.I enjoyed them & I was NOT driving anywhere NEAR any big boat.Think about it,you can see the bigger boats AND you have plenty of time to get out of their way.STUPID,to think the bigger boat will move out of the way,it's common sense...not rocket science!:shrug:


New Member

this is why eventually we won't be able to do anything at all that involves any risk what so ever, people are simply idiots.:brick:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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Original Poster
Quick question and it might be dumb but its late and I am not be thinking straight. But if the driver of the small boat swerved to the right to avoid the oncoming boat, how did the passenger in the boat suffer injuries without the driver. Just an offtopic thought. :shrug:
The steering wheel is on the right side on the boats.



Well-Known Member
Great. Just a matter of time until no more sea racers due to a completely ignorant person.

No 2 ways around it - 100% the husbands fault. I've driven those things many times. I would NEVER get close to a ferry. Guy was obviously being a moron.


Active Member
Wow...after 7 pages of reading all I conclude is that these boards have gone seriously downhill...may I remind some of you that kids read these boards as I used to, to get their disney fix and find out about news and upcoming projects and the way SOME of you have reacted to this accident is just plain childish and rude!

Accidents are never straight forward, in the car, on a boat, whereever they occur. It's fine to try to assume who's at fault but it will always be an assumption.

The poor guy will feel blame whether its his fault entirely or not because he was driving the boat when hes wife was badly injured. I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery and suffers no long-term problems from the ACCIDENT.

And of course the media will jump all over it...WDW has got such a bad reputation for transport at the moment and unless they do something about it soon there will always be critics even if/when accidents aren't their fault.

(Sorry about the rant I love reading these boards and I just get so frustrated when I read such rude posts, which seems to be on a daily occurence now!)


Wow...after 7 pages of reading all I conclude is that these boards have gone seriously downhill...may I remind some of you that kids read these boards as I used to, to get their disney fix and find out about news and upcoming projects and the way SOME of you have reacted to this accident is just plain childish and rude!

Accidents are never straight forward, in the car, on a boat, whereever they occur. It's fine to try to assume who's at fault but it will always be an assumption.

The poor guy will feel blame whether its his fault entirely or not because he was driving the boat when hes wife was badly injured. I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery and suffers no long-term problems from the ACCIDENT.

And of course the media will jump all over it...WDW has got such a bad reputation for transport at the moment and unless they do something about it soon there will always be critics even if/when accidents aren't their fault.

(Sorry about the rant I love reading these boards and I just get so frustrated when I read such rude posts, which seems to be on a daily occurence now!)

say what you will, but it was the guests fault... you don't blame the train for hitting a car at the crossing either..

They have right-of-way, they can't stop on a dime.... IF you don't accept that responsibility, then don't rent a boat. period.

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