What is the funniest thing you overheard another guest say in WDW?


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago we were at the bus stop at Old Port Royale at CBR waiting for a bus to one of the parks. They have soda machines in the bus stops and a little boy, about 7, wanted one. His parents told him no, he had bottled water in the bag they were carrying. He asked his mom "Mom can I please just have $1?" and she said "No thats not enough for the soda and your not getting one". "well then $3?" "No". "How about $8?" "No, you are not getting any cash from me!" his mom said. So the little boy looked at her and said "Well then your mastercard will work for me!".

My husband and I laughed about it. Such a quick thinker that boy was.


Well-Known Member
There is a huge difference between misreading the sign due to the font and just downright not even trying to remember. What your husband did is not out of the ordinary, some of the fonts they use on the signs in Fantasyland could be misread.

But when I hear people say things like "Fast Track" (Test Track), "The Big Ball Ride"(SSE), "The Aquarium"(TLS/TSwN), "The Haunted House" (HM), "Starwars" (ST), "Disney World" (when referring to MK). Its gets frustrating because thats just simply a lack of effort on their part to even attempt to learn/read the frikkin ride/park names.

I wouldn't say it's a lack of effort. The words being used ARE similar to the names and could very easily be confused. The haunted mansion is, in fact, a house so it wouldn't be far off for someone to accidently say house instead of mansion. Star tours is based off of star wars and has decor and sounds of star wars. The exterior is star wars. All of the merchandise is star wars so it would be very easy to use a different term. I, for one, am one that may say star wars instead of star tours. Does that make me ignorant? No, it's just a simple case of using more familiar words to describe something. Everyone has their things they are particular about. I, for one, am very irked when people mix up carseat brands and types. To me, the carseat doesn't sit "backwards," it's REARFACING. The words mean the same thing. Would I call someone lazy for using backwards? No. As long as they aren't saying "that kid thing" or " big waste of money" or "seats for BABIES" Im fine.


New Member
There is a huge difference between misreading the sign due to the font and just downright not even trying to remember. What your husband did is not out of the ordinary, some of the fonts they use on the signs in Fantasyland could be misread.

But when I hear people say things like "Fast Track" (Test Track), "The Big Ball Ride"(SSE), "The Aquarium"(TLS/TSwN), "The Haunted House" (HM), "Starwars" (ST), "Disney World" (when referring to MK). Its gets frustrating because thats just simply a lack of effort on their part to even attempt to learn/read the frikkin ride/park names.

I like this thread and a lot of the posts made my day, but one thing a lot of the vets on this site have to remember is it can be someones first time at wdw and there is so much to take in and remember in a short period of time they just want to get their point across. If someone came up to me and used those off names I'd still know what they are talking about. Exact names are not something people are going to focus on or study for a vacation...especially when its not really a big deal.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
There is a huge difference between misreading the sign due to the font and just downright not even trying to remember. What your husband did is not out of the ordinary, some of the fonts they use on the signs in Fantasyland could be misread.

But when I hear people say things like "Fast Track" (Test Track), "The Big Ball Ride"(SSE), "The Aquarium"(TLS/TSwN), "The Haunted House" (HM), "Starwars" (ST), "Disney World" (when referring to MK). Its gets frustrating because thats just simply a lack of effort on their part to even attempt to learn/read the frikkin ride/park names.

Well, how many people know how to properly pronounce all of the restaurant or even food names in the WS? So what? They're on vacation, and they're not really bothering anyone.

Let it go, smile ruefully, and go on with your vacation as well....


But when I hear people say things like "Fast Track" (Test Track), "The Big Ball Ride"(SSE), "The Aquarium"(TLS/TSwN), "The Haunted House" (HM), "Starwars" (ST), "Disney World" (when referring to MK). Its gets frustrating because thats just simply a lack of effort on their part to even attempt to learn/read the frikkin ride/park names.

THIS. I've heard someone say "Let me get a Fast Track for Fast Pass!" (FastPass for Test Track?)

Also, one time, I was walking through the FP entrance of Soarin' and the CM wouldn't let this unpleasant, mannish looking woman and her son through because the clock was one minute before the time on her pass. So they waited, and when the clock hit the next minute, he let them through and the woman mutters, "Smallest p---s on the planet." Shortly after, another CM ran up to her and goes something along the lines of "Ma'am, this is a family blah blah blah language like that blah blah ejected from the park." HE TOLD HER. After the ride, she walked right across the lawn between the back-side of Innoventions and The Land as if it was the most normal thing in the world. :brick:



Well-Known Member
THIS. I've heard someone say "Let me get a Fast Track for Fast Pass!" (FastPass for Test Track?)

Also, one time, I was walking through the FP entrance of Soarin' and the CM wouldn't let this unpleasant, mannish looking woman and her son through because the clock was one minute before the time on her pass. So they waited, and when the clock hit the next minute, he let them through and the woman mutters, "Smallest p---s on the planet." Shortly after, another CM ran up to her and goes something along the lines of "Ma'am, this is a family blah blah blah language like that blah blah ejected from the park." HE TOLD HER. After the ride, she walked right across the lawn between the back-side of Innoventions and The Land as if it was the most normal thing in the world. :brick:


It's rarely the kid at fault. It's normally the parent that acts like a child throwing a tantrum. I've seen behavior like that. On our last trip in '07, DH and I were walking through DHS where ST is. A British family were walking along, and the father was pushing their boy (no older then three), in the stroller. The child was crying--most likely tired and wanted a nap. (This was during the middle of the afternoon). So what does the father do? He shakes the stroller so violently that the child flew out of the stroller and at least a yard, and of course, the child is crying more loudly. The father starts cursing his child out for crying, "God f***ing d@mn it! Why are you bloodying crying?! " I really wanted to confront the father, but I knew I it would resolve nothing. I know if I approached him, nothing would be resolved, and I would be heated. You can't reason with people like that. These are the same people that will curse, scream, and blame you for something that's their fault. I hate negative people that are ugly inside-out.
My wife and I were at MK in frontier land when a girl walked passed us saying "oh my god, would people just stop farting". we absolutely lost it. we still laugh about it to this day and it was back in 2005.

Little Princess

New Member
My dad and I were on Alien Encounter ( :cry: ) many moons ago and it was just getting to the part where the "maintenance man" was getting ripped to shreds. The water drops (blood) were coming down and a man in front of us jokingly said, "Who had such a sick, twisted mind to come up with this?!" amongst all the screams coming from the audience. He was just so calm among the panicking mass. It was hilarious.

Gosh, I miss that ride..
Actually, neither one of these is really necessarily a "clueless" guest. Space Mt at DL is set to music, so it's not unreasonable that a lot of people probably expect the one at MK to be the same.

And by today's standards, Space Mt IS a "slow" ride.

To be clear, the first guy was standing there, right infront of a sign that read "SPACE MOUNTAIN" So I thought he was clueless, not about if it had music or not, also, he was holding an open map.:ROFLOL:
Everyone has their things they are particular about. I, for one, am very irked when people mix up carseat brands and types. To me, the carseat doesn't sit "backwards," it's REARFACING. The words mean the same thing. Would I call someone lazy for using backwards? No. As long as they aren't saying "that kid thing" or " big waste of money" or "seats for BABIES" Im fine.

I guess I would "irk" you then, I have always called carseats "babyseats":lol: What is wrong with that?


While walking through China in EPCOT, I overheard an elderly gentleman ask his wife, "Why are there so many Asians working here?"
His wife replied with, "I think Disney hires people from Vietnam to work in the kitchens."
"Oh, I see." said the man.

:lookaroun :shrug: :lookaroun


New Member
I was leaving Epcot one night in March after Illuminations, chatting with a friend of mine who is a CM. Behind us was a family with a little boy who looked to be about 10, who was pretty upset that Siemens had put their logo (which is just their name) on SSE in lights. The Dad tried explaining to the little boy that Siemens is a company name, which makes it okay, but the little boy was convinced otherwise. "Don't they know what that means? It's inappropriate!" he said very seriously. My friend and I could barely contain our giggles long enough to move where the family wouldn't hear!


New Member
It's incredibly rare for Guests to call Test Track by it's proper name. When I worked at Epcot, I heard Fast Track, Race Track, Race Cars, Test Cars, Car Track, Test Pass, Fast Pass and "the Car Ride Thingy" on a daily basis. I totally understand people calling Mickey's Phillharmagic "Mickey's Phillharmonic." But "Test Track?" Really?

My own grandma calls it "Mickey's Phillharmonica". But it's rather sweet so we don't correct her!


Well-Known Member
While walking through China in EPCOT, I overheard an elderly gentleman ask his wife, "Why are there so many Asians working here?"
His wife replied with, "I think Disney hires people from Vietnam to work in the kitchens."
"Oh, I see." said the man.

:lookaroun :shrug: :lookaroun

Archie Bunker was there?! :lol: J/K That sounds like something my step-dad would say. :rolleyes:

I was leaving Epcot one night in March after Illuminations, chatting with a friend of mine who is a CM. Behind us was a family with a little boy who looked to be about 10, who was pretty upset that Siemens had put their logo (which is just their name) on SSE in lights. The Dad tried explaining to the little boy that Siemens is a company name, which makes it okay, but the little boy was convinced otherwise. "Don't they know what that means? It's inappropriate!" he said very seriously. My friend and I could barely contain our giggles long enough to move where the family wouldn't hear!
That is soooo adorable! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I guess I would "irk" you then, I have always called carseats "babyseats":lol: What is wrong with that?

Well, it does because carseats aren't for "babies" only. They are there for those not fitting the "adult" aim of seatbelts. When people say babyseats, it gives others the impression it's only for babies. That leads to others not using carseats when they should. I've seen way too many people say their 2yr old cant seat rearfacing because "that's for babies" or that their 3yr old can use a booster cause they don't need that babyseat. Not to mention, toddlers, preschoolers, and schoolage kids who really should still be in harnesses or high back boosters will have issues sitting in one because "Susie's mom says it's a 'babyseat' so I don't want to use it anymore!"


Well-Known Member
Well, it does because carseats aren't for "babies" only. They are there for those not fitting the "adult" aim of seatbelts. When people say babyseats, it gives others the impression it's only for babies. That leads to others not using carseats when they should. I've seen way too many people say their 2yr old cant seat rearfacing because "that's for babies" or that their 3yr old can use a booster cause they don't need that babyseat. Not to mention, toddlers, preschoolers, and schoolage kids who really should still be in harnesses or high back boosters will have issues sitting in one because "Susie's mom says it's a 'babyseat' so I don't want to use it anymore!"

But another perspective is that if I'm talking about a "car seat" then how would someone discern that from the "baby seat" which is just a loose term for the kid's seating apparatus? My car came with very nice leather "car seats" but they aren't appropriate for infants, babies, toddlers, or small children. Not to be argumentative. It's just a little insight into how the "baby seat" term can become a loose term just to differentiate. Personally, when our boys made it into boosters we just called 'em "boosters" or "big-boy seats" vs. still calling it a "baby seat". :wave:


The funniest thing happened to me on my previous holiday. Was at the magic kingdom in December and I was wearing a Kwik-E-Mart shirt which looked like a uniform, it blatantly had 'Universal Studios' written on the sleeve and I had people come up to me all day and ask me what time the parades were on, how long que times are for rides and where the loos are. Last time I wear that shirt to any theme park, was funny though.


Active Member
I was leaving Epcot one night in March after Illuminations, chatting with a friend of mine who is a CM. Behind us was a family with a little boy who looked to be about 10, who was pretty upset that Siemens had put their logo (which is just their name) on SSE in lights. The Dad tried explaining to the little boy that Siemens is a company name, which makes it okay, but the little boy was convinced otherwise. "Don't they know what that means? It's inappropriate!" he said very seriously. My friend and I could barely contain our giggles long enough to move where the family wouldn't hear!

Haha! That is hysterical! I don't think I would have been able to control my laughter!
Well, it does because carseats aren't for "babies" only. They are there for those not fitting the "adult" aim of seatbelts. When people say babyseats, it gives others the impression it's only for babies. That leads to others not using carseats when they should. I've seen way too many people say their 2yr old cant seat rearfacing because "that's for babies" or that their 3yr old can use a booster cause they don't need that babyseat. Not to mention, toddlers, preschoolers, and schoolage kids who really should still be in harnesses or high back boosters will have issues sitting in one because "Susie's mom says it's a 'babyseat' so I don't want to use it anymore!"

Well, I also call all my kids my babies, even though my daughter is almost 8, and my sons are 6 and 2, why can't you lighten up a little!! I can see where you are coming from, but it makes it seem that if people do not call it what you think it should be called they are stupid, and do not know how to keep their children safe. But just because I call it a babyseat, does not mean I do not know how to use them!!!


Well-Known Member
One of the funniest things happened within my own family. My family ,which included my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and uncle, were walking out of Epcot one afternoon. I believe we were walking from world showcase exiting on the walkway that brings you close to the imagination pavillion. Well since my grandma and uncle are older people they told us to walk ahead they were going to take there time and they would meet up with us. We agreed and were on our way. Time and time went on and still no sign of them so we called their cell phone. We found them lost over by test track because they couldn't find Spaceship Earth. They said they lost the ball and didn't know where to go:ROFLOL:.....hahaha we laughed for the rest of the trip about that one..How can you not find spaceship earth lol

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