What is the funniest thing you overheard another guest say in WDW?


New Member
I've heard a few good ones over the years. Once, while walking to our car in the Epcot carpark I over heard a lady telling a CM that she couldn't find her car. He asked her if she could remember anything about which area she'd parked and she replied "Yes, I came over on the Monorail" :hammer:

Another time we were in a queue for a ride and the family in front of us where complaining about Disney charging you again to get into Universal Studios :rolleyes:

My own Dad even asked me at Kennedy Space Center if it was owned by Disney :lol:


Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago at Epcot....a family is standing outside of the Land pavilion holding up their maps: "I KEEP SEEING ALL THESE SIGNS FOR FUTURE WORLD, BUT THE GUY JUST TOLD ME THAT THING OVER THERE IS SPACESHIP EARTH!" :lol: :cry:


New Member
When I was a Cast Member, a guest asked me when it was gonna stop raining.:shrug:He got mad and walked off. I could hear him telling his wife that if they (Disney) didn't stop the rain then they would have to leave.

I don't know how many times guests asked me how long the rain would last :shrug:

The other week, we went to the Poly to watch Wishes, without realising it was grad night. We stayed and had a drink on the beach anyway. The castle was changing colours, and lights were beaming out from across the park. A family walks past and the kid says, "the light show's cool", to which his dad replies, "No, Epcot was better, they had lasers and fireworks and everything"


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you've all heard a version of this...

Walking through the FP queue of Kilimanjaro I overheard a child ask what the other line was for (refering to the FP one) and the mother replied, "It's for special people!"

And have you ever heard an argument on property and wanted to jump in and clear it up? On the bus one day I heard a young girl taking to another family. She was a real sweet thing (down to Disney with a school band or somthing) and she was telling the family about the rides she had already been on and was recommending some to them. She mentioned TSMM and the father (or male) of this family said, "Oh yeah, we've already been on that over at the MK!" She said, "No, this is a different ride at DHS!" Anyways, the father argued with her until she gave up and said, "well, what do I know!" I so wanted to jump in and defend the girl and tell the male that he didn't know what the heck he was talking about!!!


Well-Known Member
While in the large main street gift shop in The Magic Kingdom, I spotted a lady with three young boys. They kept screaming "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! I want this! and I want that!" Finally she yelled back at them..." I don't want to hear the word Mommy for the next twenty minutes!"

After about 30 seconds, the youngest boy tugged at her skirt and whispered
"Excuse me Miss...."


New Member
Awesome Thread!!
I have a few...

1.) Once when I was out to dinner (not at WDW) I heard a family at another table talking about their trip to WDW that I assume was coming up pretty soon. The Dad actually said "You'll love it there! You don't even have to do anything because you just hop on the tram (i think he meant the monorail) and it drops you off at your hotel and at all the rides!"

2.) At the world showcase there was a family and a teenage girl in the family said "Why are we even doing this? This place is stupid - it has NOTHING to do with disney!" ...:rolleyes:

3.) At magic kingdom a family waiting in line in front of me said "OK, after this ride we'll leave and walk over to the animal kingdom". I laughed. Loudly.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
The mom of a family on the way to Epcot on the bus, "Hey, the first thing we gotta do is go on fast track because I heard that gets a long wait". I laughed so hard, people need to do their research seriously.
It's incredibly rare for Guests to call Test Track by it's proper name. When I worked at Epcot, I heard Fast Track, Race Track, Race Cars, Test Cars, Car Track, Test Pass, Fast Pass and "the Car Ride Thingy" on a daily basis. I totally understand people calling Mickey's Phillharmagic "Mickey's Phillharmonic." But "Test Track?" Really?


Well-Known Member
It's incredibly rare for Guests to call Test Track by it's proper name. When I worked at Epcot, I heard Fast Track, Race Track, Race Cars, Test Cars, Car Track, Test Pass, Fast Pass and "the Car Ride Thingy" on a daily basis. I totally understand people calling Mickey's Phillharmagic "Mickey's Phillharmonic." But "Test Track?" Really?

love me some sarcasm.... lol!


Well-Known Member
from March...

We were in MK.. and there was a mother or grandmother with kids.. and the kid say "Can we go on .. ( what ever ride it was) and the mother says.. " No ,, it a 20 minute wait...

Okay.. tell me what ride isn't listed as 20 minutes five minutes after the park opens..

so I assumed that they walked the whole park and then went home..

and most time.. 20 minutes may mean NO MINUTES by the time you get in line..


We were at MK on 3/31/10. I was waiting for DH and our 2 older kids to get off Space, When a kid and his dad walked by me, and the kids says, "Is this the way to the Rockin' Rollercoaster?" the dad says, "Yep!!! It is right over there, see it?" (pointing to Space!!!!!) I almost died!! :ROFLOL::lol:

A few minutes later, another boy and his dad walk by in the same direction, and this kids says, "this is that really slow ride, right, dad?" "Of course son, you have nothing to worry about!" I am not sure if the last one was just a dad who knew his kid would like it once he was on it, or if he was just that clueless!!!

Good times!

Actually, neither one of these is really necessarily a "clueless" guest. Space Mt at DL is set to music, so it's not unreasonable that a lot of people probably expect the one at MK to be the same.

And by today's standards, Space Mt IS a "slow" ride.


It's incredibly rare for Guests to call Test Track by it's proper name. When I worked at Epcot, I heard Fast Track, Race Track, Race Cars, Test Cars, Car Track, Test Pass, Fast Pass and "the Car Ride Thingy" on a daily basis. I totally understand people calling Mickey's Phillharmagic "Mickey's Phillharmonic." But "Test Track?" Really?

If that many people call it by the wrong name, then maybe the fault isn't with the guests, but with Disney.


Well-Known Member
If that many people call it by the wrong name, then maybe the fault isn't with the guests, but with Disney.
Your kidding right:hammer:It is cleary named in the guide maps and show guides. It is featured in in-room television programming. It is the fault of lazy and ignorant guests.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
If that many people call it by the wrong name, then maybe the fault isn't with the guests, but with Disney.
The thing is, it's not a complicated name at all, it even has alliteration going for it. As I said in my initial post, I can understand Guests mis-speaking names like Mickey's Phillharmagic or Innoventions. I'll even admit that having attractions named Spaceship Earth and Mission: Space in the same area of the same park was probably not the best idea ever. Guests having difficulty with simpler names like Test Track or Soarin' (I've heard, Flyin', Glidin', etc. on a regular basis), not so much. :shrug:


Active Member
When My husband and i were at Disney last year for our honeymoon we overheard all kinds of weird and crazy things, but this had to be the best.....

While standing in line to ride Dinosaur there were a group of three teenagers who were on Spring Break and although I tried not to pay attention to them I couldn't help it, one girl in particular was just so ditzy and "blonde" it was almost painful. So after twenty minutes of this we finally got near the front of the line and just as we're about to go in to the pre-movie area the girl says "Wow, with all the bones and and statues etc. I really feel like I'm back in the time of the dinosaurs...back in the 1800's" I kid you not!!! And the girl was dead serious too, I wasn't sure whether to laugh uncontrollably or be horrified at our public school system. I wanted to turn around ot her and say please get back to school and quick.

What makes it even worse is one of the guys with her started laughing at her and told her she was a moron and the dinosaurs were "way older than that...more like in the 400's" Oh geesh!!!

Their last family vacation must have been to this place.


New Member
We were in DS over by the Brown Derby where there's a fantastic garden with topiaries including a great sorcerer Mickey. A mom said to her son, "Come let me take your picture with Mickey." Son sighed big , rolled eyes, and said, "Mom... it's just a FLOWER."


New Member
On my husband's very first trip to WDW, before he even got to go to the parks for the first time, he decided to use the restroom at PC before we hopped on the bus. As he was washing his hands he heard some very disgusting noises coming from one of the stalls. An Australian man shortly came out of the stall, tugged at his pants and proudly proclaimed:"That's what we call an Aussie stinkbomb, mate."
Needless to say, it was pretty unforgettable :ROFLOL:


Your kidding right:hammer:It is cleary named in the guide maps and show guides. It is featured in in-room television programming. It is the fault of lazy and ignorant guests.

The thing is, it's not a complicated name at all, it even has alliteration going for it. As I said in my initial post, I can understand Guests mis-speaking names like Mickey's Phillharmagic or Innoventions. I'll even admit that having attractions named Spaceship Earth and Mission: Space in the same area of the same park was probably not the best idea ever. Guests having difficulty with simpler names like Test Track or Soarin' (I've heard, Flyin', Glidin', etc. on a regular basis), not so much. :shrug:

My point though is if that many people are getting the name wrong, then clearly guests themselves aren't the common denominator and can't really be blamed for the mistake. Obviously the common denominator must be something else.

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