What is the funniest thing you overheard another guest say in WDW?


New Member
The funniest thing I've ever heard was back in 1995 when my brother, sister-in-law and myself took a trip to WDW.

We were walking through the castle in the Magic Kingdom and a man and woman were walking in front of us. All of a sudden we heard the man yell at his wife, "I don't care what you say, I cant't survive on one hotdog a day!"

Needless to say, we found his statement very amusing and we still think about it today.
Something my dad would say..he's a big, burly man and likes his food.:lol:


Active Member
Craziest things I've heard

  • "After you go down the final hill on Splash Mountain, you go completely under water"
  • "Space Mountain goes 60 mph"
  • While getting my Free NYE hat and blower in front of WoL, this guy said "This building used to be the old JII" :eek:
  • "Can we ride the golf ride?" Obviously, this was about SSE.
  • "Once I went on Rock n Roller Coaster and I saw a man fall out of his seat"
  • "Magic Kingdom is the newest park in the resort" :lol:
  • "The monorail goes under Bay Lake" :lookaroun
  • "At night, they play Hannah Montana songs on RnRC" Oh gawd. :lookaroun
  • "SGE always has long lines"
  • "Once while riding Jungle Cruise, I fell out of the boat and they closed the attraction for 2 days while they looked for me. Guess where I was? Dancing with the africans." :ROFLOL:
  • " Lets go on fast track" This lady points at text track and runs into the line


Active Member
Actually, neither one of these is really necessarily a "clueless" guest. Space Mt at DL is set to music, so it's not unreasonable that a lot of people probably expect the one at MK to be the same.

And by today's standards, Space Mt IS a "slow" ride.

I thught about the same thing. They must have rode rockin Space Mountain back in 2006.
The funniest thing happened to me on my previous holiday. Was at the magic kingdom in December and I was wearing a Kwik-E-Mart shirt which looked like a uniform, it blatantly had 'Universal Studios' written on the sleeve and I had people come up to me all day and ask me what time the parades were on, how long que times are for rides and where the loos are. Last time I wear that shirt to any theme park, was funny though.

I know how you feel! I have an Imagineering shirt I like to wear to Disneyland CA (where is there a better place to wear it!), and even though I don't have a name badge, I still get people asking me questions. One time, a guy SHOUTED from across the street in Frontierland "HEY LOOK! AN IMAGINEER!" - kind of embarassing! If I get asked something, I tell them I'm not actually a CM, but I can usually help them with their query anyway =). A CM saw it happen once and gave me an honoury citizen button, haha.

One time I was wearing just a shirt and a vest (nothing Disney or Imagineering at all), just standing on Main Street, and I got asked a question... I guess someone my age looking smart made the lady assume I worked there! Good job I knew where to get some ice-cream lol - but I didn't even get a thanks!

My friend is the same. He's a professional photographer and always brings a big camera with him around his neck. Couple that with the Disney polo necks he wears, and the Disneyland baseball caps - he gets a lot of people asking him to take their photos! But he just smiles and helps them, it's the friendly thing to do after all.


Well-Known Member
One night I was coming out of the Haunted Manison and a group of 3 or 4 teenagers were yelling "LEOTA" at the Mansion. When I asked what they were doing, they informed me that if you yelled "Leota" 3 times, her shadow would appear in the window. They were so excited about seeing a real ghost I didn't have the heart to tell them that the shadows in the window are timed to appear every 7-10 minutes.
I never knew that either! That's pretty cool. Which window(s) does the shadows appear?


Well-Known Member
One year we went with our whole family. Somehow my husband and I ended up with the 6 kids (2 of ours, 2 of my brother's and 2 of my sister's). Well, it had been a long day and we were waiting for the parade to start. My youngest nephew said he needed to use the potty and I knew he wouldn't go with me to the ladies room. So I quickly said "ask Uncle Daddy"...meaning to say my husband's name and it slipped out as daddy. The people around us started laughing. The kids all called him "Uncle Daddy" for the whole rest of the trip...never letting me living that down, they still write it on his birthday cards.


Active Member
a few years back my mom dad grandma grandpa brother and i were walking around MK when we saw a mother yelling at her child (who was crying at the time) "you WILL have fun at DW damit!!" while shaking the kid...I felt bad for the child of course but that terriable part of me had to laugh...since then we have said that to eachother in all situations...



A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Waiting for the post-Maelstrom movie to start- "So, did you guys take the Norwegian boat to get here?"

And that was today...:brick:


I was at Pop Century waiting to refill my :ROFLOL:cups. There were a father and his son in front of me and the father was obviously tired after a full day at the parks. The son asks, "Daddy what do they have to drink?" to which the dad replied, "Well lets see..they have coke,sprite,uh frozen coke and uh....Blue." the kid chose blue to which the dad said,"of course thats what you want." Couldnt help but laugh out loud


Well-Known Member
I'm not even kidding here, this was when I was little:

"Mary Kate and Ashley jumped off of Splash Mountain and survived"

And of course, the parents with the child leashes xP
Also, I've had an incident where a hild was talking about how he got his paper-cut from the Dinosaur ride at DAK--the dino at the end bit him. Obviously you could tell he was attempting to be macho, because the kids he was talking to were too small to ride :p


New Member
I was at Pop Century waiting to refill my :ROFLOL:cups. There were a father and his son in front of me and the father was obviously tired after a full day at the parks. The son asks, "Daddy what do they have to drink?" to which the dad replied, "Well lets see..they have coke,sprite,uh frozen coke and uh....Blue." the kid chose blue to which the dad said,"of course thats what you want." Couldnt help but laugh out loud

Friends from high school and I have called frozen raspberry drinks "blues" for years being that raspberry is blue in color for some unknown reason. I have my kids now asking for "blue" when we go to Dairy Queen.
for those of you so very about calling things by the wrong name...just skip this post.:rolleyes:

When my son was about 5 we went to Epcot, he called it Epircot..like Apricot. We cracked up, his sister corrected him, he knows the correct pronunciation. He's 9 now and we all still call it Epircot, it's our family joke.:p


Well-Known Member
On our last vacation last March, there was a kid who was whining a blue streak. I don't know how old he was (maybe 10 or so), but definitly old enough to not be acting like a two year old. His father was obviously embarressed and annoyed, and just kept walking ahead of him. Until he got by the camels in Adventureland. He turns around and takes his son gently by the shoulders and tells him, "Stand here,". The kid does, and is still whining and complaining about Lord knows what, when, yes, he gets spit on by the camel. Dad looks at him and starts laughing. And I had a good giggle, too.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
On our last vacation last March, there was a kid who was whining a blue streak. I don't know how old he was (maybe 10 or so), but definitly old enough to not be acting like a two year old. His father was obviously embarressed and annoyed, and just kept walking ahead of him. Until he got by the camels in Adventureland. He turns around and takes his son gently by the shoulders and tells him, "Stand here,". The kid does, and is still whining and complaining about Lord knows what, when, yes, he gets spit on by the camel. Dad looks at him and starts laughing. And I had a good giggle, too.:ROFLOL:
That's awesome! I would have done the same thing to my bratty kid.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome! I would have done the same thing to my bratty kid.

I would have taken out the belt :lol:

But this past trip while I was on E:E and got grouped with these 3 guys, this one guy turned to his friend when it was over and said, "Hey, they should have taken the picture when you go under that big monkey!" I got a little chuckle out of that one.


Active Member
When we took a family trip a few years back, my cousin (3 or 4 at the time I think) wanted a frozen banana. Well my aunt finally got her one and when she did, my cousin continued to cry and scream because it was bent, or broken. Whatever it was she didn't like the shape so wouldn't eat it. We still don't let her live it down. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I would have taken out the belt :lol:

But this past trip while I was on E:E and got grouped with these 3 guys, this one guy turned to his friend when it was over and said, "Hey, they should have taken the picture when you go under that big monkey!" I got a little chuckle out of that one.

I'm all for embarrassing your kids in public, if they act bratty. What I use to do to my two cousins (practically my younger sisters), when they start to throw a tantrum/whine/complain/etc. is to make a hand puppet of a cat, put the hand puppet in front of their face, and go, "Meow, meow, meow, meow." It sounds stupid just trying to describe, but every time I do it, my cousins would start laughing. They would still try to "be angry," but I would continue to pester them, until they realized how silly it is for a 10-12 year old kid to act like a five-year-old.

What my uncle would normally do if someone was throwing a tantrum he would just drop on the ground, start kicking his legs, and pretend to throw a tantrum on whatever (fill in the blank), was complaining about. They would get embarrassed over what my uncle was doing, and realize how silly they were acting.

I believe in scaring your children for the rest of their lives. :D

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