What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?


New Member
What grinds my gears is people being so judgemental. First off WDW is a park for people of all ages young and old. When I see parents bringing their kids in a stroller I don't think "Oh no we have to wait on them get that loaded or for them to get that kid out" I see the parents with their children making memories for them that will last a lifetime. I envy those people as I do not yet have children of my own. One of my fondest memories was taking my then 2 year old adopted sister to the parks.(I am 27 years older to help with the perspective) Her reaction to seeing all the characters and taking her on the rides is something I treasure inside.

The other thing is peoples views on overweight individuals. I am a bigger guy. A few years ago I hurt my lower back severly and had alot of pain that kept me bedridden alot due to it. I ate less but gained weight. I had to stop working out and lifting as my body couldn't take it. I have never ever asked for assistance with a handicap pass,GAC or a electric cart as I have to much pride however wether the person has to use the cart because they are just fat or injured shouldn't matter. Who cares?Its their life so let them live it no matter how bad they treat themselves. Live your own and stop judging those with disabilities....and yes people who overeat have a mental disability just like smokers and drug addicts.
is it just me, or does it seam like america is the only country that blames PERSONAL choices on "mental disabilities" or 'diseases'?

Oh yeah i cant stop putting the bottle to my lips, or the cigerette to my mouth, or crack into my arm, or food down my throat, b/c i have a disease and i cant help it :cry:. Thats BULL CRAP. yes there are people who have a more addictive personality than others, but thats not a damn disease. the word disease has become a synomym for another word and it's called "excuse" or the phrase "lack of personal responsibility" and over eating disease now, is what people used to call, 'the lard ______ cant stop spending $10 at KFC to eat the family meal solo'
Thank You...

After reading this thread I have a better understanding of both sides of the issue. I do agree that alot can be determined on the demeanor of the child along with how the parents handle unfortunate situations. I guess I come from my way of thinking because I don't have a whole lot of money, and for me to make a trip down to WDW I don't want to have the trip lie on the balance of a child who hasn't learned how to control their overreactive emotions. :rolleyes:
YAY your welcome!!! :)

the 1st person EVER who liked 1 of my posts :D


Well-Known Member
is it just me, or does it seam like america is the only country that blames PERSONAL choices on "mental disabilities" or 'diseases'?

Oh yeah i cant stop putting the bottle to my lips, or the cigerette to my mouth, or crack into my arm, or food down my throat, b/c i have a disease and i cant help it :cry:. Thats BULL CRAP. yes there are people who have a more addictive personality than others, but thats not a damn disease. the word disease has become a synomym for another word and it's called "excuse" or the phrase "lack of personal responsibility" and over eating disease now, is what people used to call, 'the lard ______ cant stop spending $10 at KFC to eat the family meal solo'

YAY your welcome!!! :)

the 1st person EVER who liked 1 of my posts :D

Yea like you don't have any issues. Yours may not be smoking,eating, or drugs but I am sure there is something about yourself you wish you could work on. Mine happens to be my physical side. I at least can show compassion for someone who has a addiction as I have been there unlike you who feels the need to judge people.


Well-Known Member
You know that if you do not bring your kids I am going to call you unfit don't ya?...;):p

Well, if we go next year, the good news is that our son is definitely going with us. The bad news is that there's still a chance on us leaving the baby at home. :p

But in my defense, I must tell you that it is my wife who keeps wanting to keep that option on the table. I'm actually the one pushing to take them both. After the past two trips of her being in a hurry to get back home to see her baby, I don't want to have any attachments back home, so that we can take our time towards the end of the trip and not feel like we have to be in a hurry on the way out. :D


Well-Known Member
I try not to let anything get to me while at the parks (although there has been the rare occasion that something has happened). I get my gears ground enough just about every day dealing with the public in my chosen profession :hammer:. I'm there to vacation and to forget about getting my gears ground.:cool:


Well-Known Member
I think the worst comes out of people during parade time. You spend an hour trying to jostle for position get a good space so you and your children can see, hopefully getting a nice 1 foot radius around you for breathing room when all of a sudden someone thinks that 1 foot can fit their whole family. Please I undertand you want to see this parade but people need some personal space.


New Member
is it just me, or does it seam like america is the only country that blames PERSONAL choices on "mental disabilities" or 'diseases'?

Oh yeah i cant stop putting the bottle to my lips, or the cigerette to my mouth, or crack into my arm, or food down my throat, b/c i have a disease and i cant help it :cry:. Thats BULL CRAP. yes there are people who have a more addictive personality than others, but thats not a damn disease. the word disease has become a synomym for another word and it's called "excuse" or the phrase "lack of personal responsibility" and over eating disease now, is what people used to call, 'the lard ______ cant stop spending $10 at KFC to eat the family meal solo'

This is SOOOO not true!! I work for a non-profit agency and we deal with a lot of people with all sorts of disabilities. Being overweight, addicted to either alcohol or drugs, having multiple personalities, or whatever the case may be, is NOT something to be taken light of!!! I have members in my families that have died from alcoholism, drug usage, overdosing and many other things. These are very much real and they are "diseases" because not everyone is able to control it or beat it.

I certainly hope that nothing like that ever happens to you in your life because it would be ashame if you had no one to turn to or lean on....:shrug: Is cancer not a disease either?!? Even you're a smoker and develop lung cancer...that doesn't mean you're any less of a human being because you smoked!! And also, there have been cases of people getting cancer and have never smoked or been around smoke a day in their life!!

I hope to God none of this ever happens to either you or family!!!


Well my husband hates that "squeezy cheese" that they have in the restaurants (I LOVE IT:slurp:) and I hate hot sweaty people standing to close in the queues with a "less than fresh aroma" YUCK:hurl:. Go home and have a shower:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Well my husband hates that "squeezy cheese" that they have in the restaurants (I LOVE IT:slurp:) and I hate hot sweaty people standing to close in the queues with a "less than fresh aroma" YUCK:hurl:. Go home and have a shower:ROFLOL:

On that note, I have to add... I hate having to stand next to big hot sweaty men in tank tops with all their gross sweaty arm pit hair hanging out everywhere... :hurl:


Active Member
I can't wait 8 years after I have a child...:lol:

That is why we left our two little ones with Gramdma and Gramdpa and told them we were going on a mommy and daddy vacation. We finally brought them to WDW when they were 6 (daughter) and 3 (son). My son still doesn't remember his first trip, just the one we did when he was 4 1/2.


New Member
People who are totally oblivious to everyone around them - you know, those folks who stop dead in the middle of a walkway to discuss something with their group. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to thread our way around the roadblock.

Folks who stare for many long minutes at the menus and then can't make up their mind when it comes time to order.


New Member
Yea like you don't have any issues. Yours may not be smoking,eating, or drugs but I am sure there is something about yourself you wish you could work on. Mine happens to be my physical side. I at least can show compassion for someone who has a addiction as I have been there unlike you who feels the need to judge people.
i never said i didnt have any issues, no need to get so defensive about it by attacking me. im just saying that im sick of people saying them being fat and lazy, or smoking b/c they cant handle peer pressure, n now they;re doing it because the chemicals in it keep you addicted, is a disease. Insecure overweight persons act like there is no choice involved and labeling it the 'disease' crutch, its NEVER they're fault, its there parents fault, its the medias fault, its there spouces fault its EVERYONES fault EXCEPT there own.

I was 180 when i was in 4th grade and 225lbs when i was 15, I made the choice to get off the couch, I made the choice to put down the 2 big macs for lunch, and I made the choice to exercise. So you can call it a disease if you want, but my dad had luchemia, thats a REAL disease, a person not WANTING to decide to work out and stop eating unhealthily, thats a PERSONAL decision that no one can be blamed for except the one rolling around the EMV in disney.
This is SOOOO not true!! I work for a non-profit agency and we deal with a lot of people with all sorts of disabilities. Being overweight, addicted to either alcohol or drugs, having multiple personalities, or whatever the case may be, is NOT something to be taken light of!!! I have members in my families that have died from alcoholism, drug usage, overdosing and many other things. These are very much real and they are "diseases" because not everyone is able to control it or beat it.

I certainly hope that nothing like that ever happens to you in your life because it would be ashame if you had no one to turn to or lean on....:shrug: Is cancer not a disease either?!? Even you're a smoker and develop lung cancer...that doesn't mean you're any less of a human being because you smoked!! And also, there have been cases of people getting cancer and have never smoked or been around smoke a day in their life!!

I hope to God none of this ever happens to either you or family!!!
Look up i answered most of that, and i never said anything about someone not being there or being able to lean or anyone dont read into things b/c your angry that i wont give people like that a crutch. If people would have played softball with me my whole life, i would never had gotten to where i am now. I actually GOT to where i was by my family members saying "no your not fat, here eat this, no you can eat that, etc etc etc" I didn't assume any personal responsiblity and its people and organizations that allow people to take away personal responsiblity that are partially to blame

when did everyone in this country get this sence of entitlement? So because I dont feel like working i DESERVE a paycheck in the mail, food, a roof over my head, clothing, a cell phone (yes the gonverment now gives out free cell phones, i kno this b/c my uncle is one of those people who has been told awww poor him you have a disease and now he sits around all day living off my grandma talking about how they're gonna make him a foreman and put him on the fast track in college and god only knows what else, it's just that the school board wont GIVE him a GED so he can go do it :confused:). I know it's a little bit of a streach, but my point was that you are crippling people who are in terrible shape already. if you make excuses for someone who already has problems and a TERRIBLE life, what makes you think they're gonna change it? If someone would have told me I had a disease and it wasnt my fault i couldnt put down McDonalds and i was glued to the TV, do you think i would have changed? HELL NO! Samething with alcohol smoking or anything else you wake up go out and do on your own, no one telling you or making you do it.

I'm not saying those people dont have problems, dont get confused, but they dont have a disease. Diseases dont make you eat cheeseburgers, lack of self control does. Diseases dont make you go down to local bars and keep asking for drink after drink after drink, lack of self control does. After living for 20, 30, 40 years, people know action reaction. You know if i drink alcohol i get tippsy, i drink more i get drunk i drink more i dont remember what happens. So if they really truely didnt want to get that messed up, you know what would happen? They wouldnt go down to the bar, they would buy alcohol at the supermarket. you might not believe me, but people have stopped and no family member or orginazation did it as much as you might want to believe it did. They might have HELPED, but thats all they did. The bottomline is that that person made a choice, they said enough was enough and they stopped.

The one thing that god gave us that was a double edge sword was free will. It's free will that gives us the good, the bad, and the indifferent.


Active Member
Thank God that Walt didn't share your sentiment! There would be no Disneyworld.
Exactly! Walt originally built DisneyLand because he felt it would fill a void that he himself experienced as a parent. DisneyLand was created because Walt himself felt that there was no quality place to take his child and have fun! He built it for families!!


1.Great! Talk as much as you want in the queues! It wouldn't ruin my day! It just Grinds My Gears!
The meaning of grinding your gears is at the beginning of the thread:wave:
2.I'm too young to handle kids
3.I run a mile everyday
4.Why would I stay home from disney? I used to spend more time there than home.I call the parks my home.

:wave:Thank you very much for your opinion!

Wow. I don't think you comprehended my post. :veryconfu

I can tell that you are too young to handle kids. Theme parks may not be the best place for you if this is the case. Just sayin'.

And I'm great you run a mile a day. So do I. Plenty of people can't run a mile a day, let alone walk one. Give them a break.

Thank you for your opinion. :brick:


New Member
...Standing in the parks, watching my kids have a great time, and thinking of moronic posts like these:

What grinds my gears is when people bring children to Walt Disney World... Let me explain myself before you freak out...

If your child needs to be in a stroller, it's probably not the best time to bring them. Chances are:

a) They are going to be too young to remember :brick:
b) You are going to spend more time dealing with screaming children in the heat than actually enjoying yourself :brick:
c) No one around you wants to listen to your screaming children in the heat :brick:
c) Spare yourself the trouble of having to load and unload your stuff on and off busses, trams, monorails ect... :brick:

It would be more enjoyable for everyone if your kid was around the age of 8 or so when you can have a little more control over the child, and I think the kid would be more appreciative after the trip too. Plus they will be tall enough to ride more of the rides if they are over, thus everyone in your party doesn't have to split up.

i actually gotta agree, bringing kids just causes more headach and pain for yourself and others then it does good. And since kids memories dont work until 3, and they dont even work well until 5 or later its a complete waste (im not making this up we learned it in psychology n i know ima get the person whose all like 'omg i totally remember bla bla bla, your full of crap', but memories are so flawed its ludacris).

my teacher broke out in laugher when she was talking about her sister in law spending buko bucks on her kids 2nd birthday n how that kid isnt even gonna remember it n how she remembers her 3rd birthday PERFECTLY, but it was proved that it was her sisters 3rd birthday not hers, even still it doesnt take away how vividly she remembers all of the details of 'her 3rd b-day'

I'm not going to touch this thread with a 12 foot pole. I don't want a bunch of net parents yelling at me when I weigh the pros and cons of bringing infants and small children to Disney.

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