What did you do?

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
My usual No Watch Monday. A very pleasant 3+ miles today in darkness (only thing I love about Daylight Savings time) and 49 degrees. Still in shorts and regular tech shirt so I can "feel" the love of winter and the cold coming.

HAHA 45 for my run this morning and that was still nice, the cold is a few months away yet.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
5 miles on the TM this morning - short tempo workout: in the middle I did two reps of 1.5 miles at 9:15 min pace. I usually don't run further than 8 miles on the weekends unless I'm training for something long, but I decided that I should throw in at least one 10-miler before my upcoming 10K. I'll do that as I get closer. Endurance helps speed, even at shorter race distances.

Forgot to add that I renewed my NYRR Club membership today, and one of the questions they ask is your fastest per mile pace in any race over 1 mile. Because of my 5K race last Fall, I was able to enter a time of 8:38 min which was really cool!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Looks really nice! I hadn't seen that one before. How is it?

Brand new and the only gps on the market to be a competitor for the Suunto Ambit. Researched the hell out of both for a long time and finally decided on the fenix.
It's not on my wrist yet. Should be on the doorstep in 10-15 days. I'm going bonkers...

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
25mi today, just a fraction under. Really strong north winds trashed my legs.

Lately, just for my training, I've been training my body to more efficiently use my own fat storage instead of ingested carbs. It's more efficient in ultradistance, also cutting down on gels every 30 mins. Prevents insulin spikes too. Transition is a b---h because I've had to change my diet (not relying on carbs so much) and absolutely no gels, or sports drinks during my runs. Just water and s-caps, and a fruit/nut bar if over 2 hours...and my normal runs are always 4 hours at least :D. Major bonking and crashing. Hopefully just a few more weeks, and I should feel a difference.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
25mi today, just a fraction under. Really strong north winds trashed my legs.

Lately, just for my training, I've been training my body to more efficiently use my own fat storage instead of ingested carbs. It's more efficient in ultradistance, also cutting down on gels every 30 mins. Prevents insulin spikes too. Transition is a b---h because I've had to change my diet (not relying on carbs so much) and absolutely no gels, or sports drinks during my runs. Just water and s-caps, and a fruit/nut bar if over 2 hours...and my normal runs are always 4 hours at least :D. Major bonking and crashing. Hopefully just a few more weeks, and I should feel a difference.
I love the science of the body. Very powerful stuff.


Well-Known Member
I didnt either at first, and the first 5 minutes are no fun, but once you warm up, and dont over dress, I just love the chilling of my lungs and the lesser fatigue it does to my body.
I hear ya. I did mornings last winter and felt the same way. But I have more time in the afternoon now. And that first 5 minutes was no fun.;)

Won't be coming north any time soon I guess.
Nope. I'm from South Texas and even Georgia is too far north for me. :D


Well-Known Member
No running for me today. :( After running on a sore knee for most of my 15 miler on Saturday, it has remained sore. Not bad, just a little annoying. I have been icing it and putting some e-stim on and it was feeling better, not totally better, but better. Tried to run this evening and had the crunch, crunch feeling of patella not tracking quite right. Grrrrrrrrrr! So back home for some strengthening exercises and more e-stim. My personal PT is cracking the whip! May take a few days off and see how it feels later in the week. This can't be happening now! I have Goofy training to do! Better to take a few days off now I guess than have a repeat of 2010 and be layed up for 3 months.


Well-Known Member
Today was a speed work day. That crazy 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400 I mentioned a while back. 6:40 pace decreasing down to a 6:10 pace for the last distance. Totalled about 4 1/4 miles over this one, but cut the warmup/down a little short due to time.


Well-Known Member
4.10mi @ 9'28"/mile. Ok run, low energy but no ITB issue so I can't complain too much. Planning on two more short runs like that before the half on Sunday.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Today was a speed work day. That crazy 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400 I mentioned a while back. 6:40 pace decreasing down to a 6:10 pace for the last distance. Totalled about 4 1/4 miles over this one, but cut the warmup/down a little short due to time.

I know exactly the one you are talking about. Which do you find tougher - the speed workout where you decrease distance while increasing pace or the one where you decrease pace while increasing distance? For some reason the first one is so much harder for me than the second one even though it's just the same thing in reverse.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
25 miles this morning. It was quiet, lonely, and I felt like the only person on earth. I could have run another 50 miles if not for a meeting I had this afternoon.

Tomorrow, hopefully, will be a selfish running day; hitting trails and beach all morning and early afternoon. Maybe 35-40 miles.

Getting amped up for a small group 50 miler at the end of October and testing out new gear: Garmin fenix, and a polar tec balaclava with ventilator face mask, to control the temp of air intake and eliminate condensation. 3am start.

Need to get knee pads for DWG 50k. There will be blood, oh yes, lots of blood.

Pain is irrelevent.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
25 miles this morning. It was quiet, lonely, and I felt like the only person on earth. I could have run another 50 miles if not for a meeting I had this afternoon.

Tomorrow, hopefully, will be a selfish running day; hitting trails and beach all morning and early afternoon. Maybe 35-40 miles.

Getting amped up for a small group 50 miler at the end of October and testing out new gear: Garmin fenix, and a polar tec balaclava with ventilator face mask, to control the temp of air intake and eliminate condensation. 3am start.

Need to get knee pads for DWG 50k. There will be blood, oh yes, lots of blood.

Pain is irrelevent.
Checked out that watch.... killer. It all but reads your blood sugar and your hydration level. That will be the next model.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Checked out that watch.... killer. It all but reads your blood sugar and your hydration level. That will be the next model.

Hell yeah. There is one logical aspect about the ultratracking that doesn't seem to make sense, but I'll test it out first before I start questioning it. It's still f'ing awsome, and if it does what it says it can do, then it's F'ING KILLER.


Well-Known Member
nice 68 degrees late afternoon / evening run for me 4.12 @ a 8:10 pace. hit 3 at 24:11.. ( geting ready for next weekend , ) , plus 30 pushups and 20 situps post run!


Active Member
I completed my 3rd Cross-Fit Fundamentals class this evening after work and am still enjoying it. Today's workout consisted of a warmup, which included a 400meter run, 10 squats, 10 pushups, and 10 inverted rows. The workout itself consisted of 3 rounds of performing 300 meter rows and thrusters back-to-back. However, I ended up doing 4 rounds instead. I have to say performing rows on a rowing machine is a lot harder than doing barbell rows and tons of fun as well. I am glad that I have become a cross-fitter and would recommend it to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Afternoon 3 miles at about 11 minute pace. Not a PR but that is fast for me. Started slow on purpose but plenty of work-related stress had me at a 9 minute pace on mile 3. It was 76F and about 50% humidity. Sun was dropping so it was very pleasant. I'm pacing slower for Marathon but I think after that some PRs are going to go down this winter.

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