What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
8.05 miles yesterday. Darn hot and took a saltstick cap in the first 1/3 of my run. That seemed to fight off the heat fatigue.

Go away heat.


Well-Known Member
How bad do they smell after an exercise? Keen's are horrible smelling. I have never had anything like it. Granted, I dont own a pair, but my daughters will clear a room or make us roll down the windows on the way home from school. No other shoe does that with her feet but Keen's.

They don't stink yet. I want to say they have are treated with something, or have silver nano particles infused in them to help prevent odor. Something like that.

However, they also say you can just toss em in the washer and then let air dry. Haven't done that yet, but it seems easy enough.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
They don't stink yet. I want to say they have are treated with something, or have silver nano particles infused in them to help prevent odor. Something like that.

However, they also say you can just toss em in the washer and then let air dry. Haven't done that yet, but it seems easy enough.
My daughters Keen's have the anti-microbial sole in them and it just doesn't help.

We put hers in the dishwasher top rack. :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
10.05 miles today. It is super hot, even early this morning when I ran.

Slow comfortable pace...the line on the pace graph when I upload my results from my 305 to computer was virtually flat.

The injinji socks seem to have stopped the weird under-the-toenail blisters.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
10.05 miles today. It is super hot, even early this morning when I ran.

Slow comfortable pace...the line on the pace graph when I upload my results from my 305 to computer was virtually flat.

The injinji socks seem to have stopped the weird under-the-toenail blisters.
im going to have to check these out.


Active Member
Original Poster
Breaking heat records up here and high ozone levels...Already having breathing trouble so no run today. Five miles yesterday, hopefull 5-6 tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
im going to have to check these out.

I bought a pair of their split toe (think with flip flops) but haven't bought the full on 5 toes yet. I want the liner ones, and no store around here seems to carry that style.

Did yet another boring 5k at race pace today. The weather sucks right now. Stupid heat.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I bought a pair of their split toe (think with flip flops) but haven't bought the full on 5 toes yet. I want the liner ones, and no store around here seems to carry that style.

Did yet another boring 5k at race pace today. The weather sucks right now. Stupid heat.
I did a search for them locally and they said Mountain High Outfitters at the summit carries them. Ill have to call and update you if they have the full 5 toes version. I would like those more.


Well-Known Member
It seems like forever since I have checked in on this forum. I ran 10 miles this morning before work. No watch, no iPod, no sun for the first 4 or 5 miles.

It was actually a pretty nice morning for running, probably about 67 or 68 degrees, but a little humid. I ran on a local greenway that is all asphalt and pretty flat, with a few very short, gradual inclines here and there. The terrain and weather conditions ought to be pretty close to the Wine and Dine terrain/conditions, other than there being some concrete at WDW on overpasses and the path between DHS and Epcot.

I was just happy to not be at my desk for a change, and the run went well. My legs were a little heavy for the first 2.5. I paused and stretched, and it made a huge difference. The middle 5 felt great, and after a little discomfort for about a mile, the last 1.5 felt good.

One month to go for the Wine and Diners!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
10.12 miles just now. Very hot today so I carried extra water on top of my fuel belt. Comfortable run and the injinji socks have made a huge difference in how my feet hit the ground. Did a bout a 8:30-9min pace.

Waves at the beach were strong, just waiting for Earl to hit now...


RunDisney Addict
4 miles this morning...mixing in some sprints to mix it up, as I was stuck on a treadmill today.

Thinking about doing a 10k for the local humane society on Labor Day...figured I might as well run for a good cause.


Well-Known Member
3 miles today

It was just really hot. I just sort of screwed around. Couple of laps on the track, then around the running path, then some loops in the parking lot, then on the path again. I just didn't feel like running.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
30 minutes today. I think I covered about 3.5 miles. I was a little sore from Tuesday hard push on my run and I am trying to rest up a bit for my saturday morning 12.5.

Im about to go put some ice pack on my calves and right shin. Oy!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
12.5 miles today. 6am and a AWESOME 63 degrees at start. It was dark. Loved it. I covered 12.5 miles in 1:45 seconds less time than it took me to cover 11 miles 2 weeks ago. Awesome run today.

12.5 in 1:43:30. 8.17 pace.

BTW, today I tried a different approach to my music today. I listen to Hans Zimmer Potc "Curse of the Black Pearl" and "At World's End". It really was different and got me in this zone that I have experienced many times on long runs. A few times during the score, when parts of the music goes into the main theme i would get chills and my arms would have goose bumps. :lol: Silly? possibly. I just love Hans Zimmers work.

I think Ill keep this trend with long runs from now on. :D

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
BTW, today I tried a different approach to my music today. I listen to Hans Zimmer Potc "Curse of the Black Pearl" and "At World's End". It really was different and got me in this zone that I have experienced many times on long runs. A few times during the score, when parts of the music goes into the main theme i would get chills and my arms would have goose bumps. :lol: Silly? possibly. I just love Hans Zimmers work.
I would think long instrumental pieces would be good choices for longer runs. I've never run with music, but it seems that mentally, it would better help focus the mind to be able to spend some time with one piece instead of bouncing from song to song every few minutes.

I'm laying low this weekend. Running the US 10K Classic in Atlanta bright and early Monday. Got three 3-milers in this week, so just taking it easy the next couple days. Was VERY happy with my last outing Thursday night, finishing just a hair over 27 minutes. My goal is to win proof of time for WDW with a time under 71 minutes Monday morning.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I would think long instrumental pieces would be good choices for longer runs. I've never run with music, but it seems that mentally, it would better help focus the mind to be able to spend some time with one piece instead of bouncing from song to song every few minutes.

I'm laying low this weekend. Running the US 10K Classic in Atlanta bright and early Monday. Got three 3-milers in this week, so just taking it easy the next couple days. Was VERY happy with my last outing Thursday night, finishing just a hair over 27 minutes. My goal is to win proof of time for WDW with a time under 71 minutes Monday morning.
It was. Wow. It was very interesting since I knew that my setlist on that playlist would last right at 1:40:00ish. Once that stopped, it went to the next playlist and the last .5 miles was so different compared to the rest. It was the most unenjoyable 3 or 4 minutes. Weird since i love the music that came on.

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