What did you do?


Active Member
Whew...just got off the bike..32 miles of cycling on a saturday morning with not much traffic to contend with..it was great! Just under two hours, motivation was to not have the baysitter with the three year old for 3 hours! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member

How much fun would it be if all us wdwmagic runners that are participating in the W&D got tech shirts with the wdwmagic logo printed on the front. That way, we could identify each other and represent our favorite site. :D

Maybe as we get closer to the race we can figure out a spot to meet up before heading to the starting corrals. We could do a WDWMagic.com group warm up!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was my Borough 5K

Holy freaking hot. 90 F at 9:00 AM (It's pretty cruel we run by the bank with the big temperature display)

The fact we were grilling and eating cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and brats and drinking Newcastle Brown Ale the evening before the race did not help my time either.

I was doing slow but not too bad, until mile 2.5 where there are two nasty kicker hills. I hit the first one in stride and when I got to the top, my thighs said "bye bye".

Grunted out an ugly 33:33.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Yesterday was my Borough 5K

Holy freaking hot. 90 F at 9:00 AM (It's pretty cruel we run by the bank with the big temperature display)

The fact we were grilling and eating cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and brats and drinking Newcastle Brown Ale the evening before the race did not help my time either.

I was doing slow but not too bad, until mile 2.5 where there are two nasty kicker hills. I hit the first one in stride and when I got to the top, my thighs said "bye bye".

Grunted out an ugly 33:33.

I would have been lucky to make the race and not in the bathroom all morning. Holy cow. I would have died. :lol:


New Member
Was supposed to do six miles this morning which would have been our longest run ever, BUT the rain came at 3.7 miles and so we didn't get to finish.

It is hot as heck here to in Mobile AL, and so I have considered running at hte indoor track more at my church, but I get SO BORED going around that track for 60-80 laps.

I like being where I have a different view all the time....lol

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Was supposed to do six miles this morning which would have been our longest run ever, BUT the rain came at 3.7 miles and so we didn't get to finish.

It is hot as heck here to in Mobile AL, and so I have considered running at hte indoor track more at my church, but I get SO BORED going around that track for 60-80 laps.

I like being where I have a different view all the time....lol
I'm with you. Tracks and treadmills are rough on my brain!


Active Member
Original Poster
Got up early this morning to run but it was already over 80 and humid, so I waited and went out tonight for what was supposed to be a 3 miler but turned into 2 miles from hell. Still hot even though the sun was down and the humidity started an asthma attack.
Living up here in the north country I refuse to complain when there is heat, but this is really reeking havoc on my running.


Active Member
Ran six miles, plus extra mileage walking cool down. I miss having a training plan. Plans demand a lot from you and if you skip, I feel, it will haunt you on race day.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I'm with you. Tracks and treadmills are rough on my brain!
They are wickedly evil mentally. I also like to make runs go almost like out and backs. If not and Im hovering a few blocks from the house, it feels like that and I know the house is one block away.... and that repeats itself over and over when Im only 1 or 2 miles into a large run. :lol:

Yesterday was hard. I was tired from a busy weekend and I just couldnt get mentally going. 5pm run, 4 miles @ 33:28

I wish I had a Garmin etc. I would love to measure the elevation changes that I run. I could use runkeeper on my iphone, but it is just a bit heavy for me to carry along with my water pods.


Well-Known Member
They are wickedly evil mentally. I also like to make runs go almost like out and backs. If not and Im hovering a few blocks from the house, it feels like that and I know the house is one block away.... and that repeats itself over and over when Im only 1 or 2 miles into a large run. :lol:

Yesterday was hard. I was tired from a busy weekend and I just couldnt get mentally going. 5pm run, 4 miles @ 33:28

I wish I had a Garmin etc. I would love to measure the elevation changes that I run. I could use runkeeper on my iphone, but it is just a bit heavy for me to carry along with my water pods.

I like the out and backs too, because then on the way back I know if I slow down it will only mean it takes me LONGER to get home. :)



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I like the out and backs too, because then on the way back I know if I slow down it will only mean it takes me LONGER to get home. :)

OR, I have a huge loop that starts in my neighborhood and then goes around a lot of the surrounding communities of Birmingham. All type of elevation. If I know that my race course will have 2 or 3 decent hills, Ill train with 5 or 6 in my route. In the neighborhoods I run in it is almost impossible to have a monster of a hill at least twice.

Where I start next to my house, the first 200 meters is up hill. The down a little for 100 meters and up another 200. Repeat this for the first mile. NICE warm up for the rest of the run. :lol:

You can see by the splits


that there was no gas in the tank.


But there was plenty of beer and brats (and grilled peaches)

A lesson in what NOT to eat the night before a race.

Love the elevation feature. Id love to have that.

At least you learned it before a super big one like a Disney race.

I have been trying so hard to run the first half with a decent pace and make my second half mileage faster then the first. it is so hard to mentally get over that challenge. Im still working on it. :animwink:

EDIT: dude, that is a serious watch. WOW. I clicked on the link at the bottom about the watch and just wow.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been out running in days. :( Our little toy schnauzer has had some serious issues with a ruptured...ahem...gland over the holiday weekend and still is not well. She's having a rough go of it as am I. It's like having an infant all over again. Don't feel right asking DH to keep an eye on her in the evening considering he's had just 1 day off work in the past month. I'm hopeful she'll be better in the next few days so I can get back out there. I've really got to step things up. In addition to the running I'm determined to get these nagging 10 lbs back off by vacation time in September. :cool:


Well-Known Member
...dude, that is a serious watch. WOW. I clicked on the link at the bottom about the watch and just wow.

Not to butt in on your conversation :D, but I bought my 305 on Amazon - it was listed at about $50 cheaper than on the Garmin site and had free shipping. And it's awesome.

Anyhoo. Yesterday I made it almost halfway through my run before packing it in - the heat was just brutal. Today was 30 minutes on the stationary bike...keeping up with cross training is really hard for me. But I just plunked down my entry fee for the Princess Half yesterday, so hopefully that will provide some motivation :cool:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Not to butt in on your conversation :D, but I bought my 305 on Amazon - it was listed at about $50 cheaper than on the Garmin site and had free shipping. And it's awesome.
What is the service charge to get the whole website landing page with all your stats etc as seen above?


Well-Known Member
What is the service charge to get the whole website landing page with all your stats etc as seen above?

Hmm...not sure if there is a service charge, phonedave is probably better to talk to about that. I use the included software that came with the watch...it shows elevation, pace, etc. but doesn't do mile splits (or maybe it does and I can't figure out how to display it). :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hmm...not sure if there is a service charge, phonedave is probably better to talk to about that. I use the included software that came with the watch...it shows elevation, pace, etc. but doesn't do mile splits (or maybe it does and I can't figure out how to display it). :shrug:

The watch is where the splits happen.

You set your watch to record splits automatically. Mine is set to do it every mile. You can set that distance however you want. You can also record a manual split anytime you want during your run by pressing the start/stop button. If you don't have your watch set to record splits, then the software will not be able to display it (because it is not in the data)

The free software that comes with the watch stores your run data on your computer. You can do lots of editing (such as deleting single splits - like that last 50 feet of a run you didn't want recorded) and lots of analisys. You can also record things like your weight on that software. You can also use it to program your watch, instead of having to squint at the menus and push the little buttons on the side.

The link I posted to is on the GarminConnect site, which is also free. You can upload your run data there as well (either directly from the watch, or you can export data from the software that comes with the watch). The GarminConnect site is not as robust as the software that comes with the watch, but you can link to it if you want. It is also on a server, and if your like me and don't back up all the time, and the Garmin data on your PC gets hosed, then you are glad you also upload it to the GarmiConnect site.

You can seach the GarminConnect site for runs that other people have done, such as ones in your area, or an area you are traveling to.


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