What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just got in from a 3 miler. It's chilly and really windy tonight. Four or five tomorrow!
I wish it were chilly here. LOL

Yesterday, 4 miles: 32:23 (8:06 average) and it was 88 degrees. Luckily, it was overcast so the sun wasn't frying you... but still a scorcher with 80% humidity. :dazzle:


Just finished 7 miles on the mill at the gym. Special thanks to the young blonde next to me that helped me keep my stride. She had perfect form and I HAD to keep up, I wouldn't let her make me feel or look old. LOL!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just finished 7 miles on the mill at the gym. Special thanks to the young blonde next to me that helped me keep my stride. She had perfect form and I HAD to keep up, I wouldn't let her make me feel or look old. LOL!
Was that her running stride or her booty. :eek:

:D I suspect her booty.


Well-Known Member
Still creeping back to my race pace 5k.

Just finished 7 miles on the mill at the gym. Special thanks to the young blonde next to me that helped me keep my stride. She had perfect form and I HAD to keep up, I wouldn't let her make me feel or look old. LOL!

How is it everytime I go I am always surrounded by seniors doing their walks, or the weightlifters doing their 5 minute jog to complete their cardio to balance their workout.


Was that her running stride or her booty. :eek:

:D I suspect her booty.

Oh Boy! Believe it or not, I spent more time watching her shoes and her pace than anything else. Running next to another runner always helps, kinda feels like being in a race, gives me extra energy.

Be kind to me, I'm not one "those" guys at the gym. :eek:



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Oh Boy! Believe it or not, I spent more time watching her shoes and her pace than anything else. Running next to another runner always helps, kinda feels like being in a race, gives me extra energy.

Be kind to me, I'm not one "those" guys at the gym. :eek:

Oh I know.. I was just teasing. Im not one of those guys either..... However, I will say that there was a girl in front of me at the Talladega Half with nice "form" for about 1:30:00 of the race. I usually look about 10-15 feet in front of me at all times... and that was her position the whole time. So, my sight line always seemed to be her bum. :lol:


Active Member
The weather the last two days, in Wisconsin, has been cooler. Around 75-78 with lower dew points. In the morning, 7 am CST, it's been about 55-60. Great weather for running. This weekend it is supposed to warm up again, 85-90. Yesterday, I went for a bike ride and nothing today. I plan to get out and run again this weekend. It seems that after all that training, a six mile run seems to help my mood. I don't mind an easy four miles. But after a few days of back to back low miles and easy, my psyche is not the same as it is after one six mile run.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
The weather the last two days, in Wisconsin, has been cooler. Around 75-78 with lower dew points. In the morning, 7 am CST, it's been about 55-60. Great weather for running. This weekend it is supposed to warm up again, 85-90. Yesterday, I went for a bike ride and nothing today. I plan to get out and run again this weekend. It seems that after all that training, a six mile run seems to help my mood. I don't mind an easy four miles. But after a few days of back to back low miles and easy, my psyche is not the same as it is after one six mile run.
I know what you mean. I have been on a super light schedule for most of April and May and now Im cranking up into a 3 month schedule and my 5 miler this past Sunday was tough mentally to get prepared for. Once I got "in the zone" for it, I was pleasantly surprised how my body reacted since I had really done distances of 3 miles the last 2 months.


Well-Known Member
I ran seven miles on an indoor track after work yesterday, although it did not feel like they had the AC on. I may have been almost as well off outside in the Birmingham heat.

We're off to Blue Mountain Beach tomorrow morning. I'm going to try to squeeze in a three miler and five miler tomorrow and Sunday, respectively. I may have to grow some gills, as I have lost any meaningful ability to deal with the coastal humidity.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as I have done nothing for about two weeks, last night's 5 miles was a plesant suprise. Not as bad as I expected. Even had a mile or so there where I forgot I was running.

Upcomming plans include

Saturday - 5, maybe 6 if the spirit moves me
Monday - Township 5K run

And just to keep the story going. I was on one of my long runs once and there were two young women running intervals along the same route I was running. They would run past me and I would watch them fade into the distance. Then they would stop and I would pass them, then later they would pass me again. That went on for about 2+ miles. Quite inspirational ")



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Seeing as I have done nothing for about two weeks, last night's 5 miles was a plesant suprise. Not as bad as I expected. Even had a mile or so there where I forgot I was running.

Upcomming plans include

Saturday - 5, maybe 6 if the spirit moves me
Monday - Township 5K run

And just to keep the story going. I was on one of my long runs once and there were two young women running intervals along the same route I was running. They would run past me and I would watch them fade into the distance. Then they would stop and I would pass them, then later they would pass me again. That went on for about 2+ miles. Quite inspirational ")

Dave, I love when this happens. Sometimes, when my body settles down, I get so into my music that like you said, I forget im exercising and working very hard. I love the solitude of running. Time to yourself.


Well-Known Member
Dave, I love when this happens. Sometimes, when my body settles down, I get so into my music that like you said, I forget im exercising and working very hard. I love the solitude of running. Time to yourself.

I run without music, because I can get into 'flow' easier without it.

I have read Zen and the art of running. I am getting better at it. It is pretty sweet. It's not a matter of ignoring things, it's a matter of acknowledging things, accepting them, 'compartmentalizing' them, and moving on.

The mental process is sort of "OK, my knee hurts. I accept that, and now I don't have to think about it anymore"

When it works, the miles just roll by and you feel like you can fun forever.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I run without music, because I can get into 'flow' easier without it.

I have read Zen and the art of running. I am getting better at it. It is pretty sweet. It's not a matter of ignoring things, it's a matter of acknowledging things, accepting them, 'compartmentalizing' them, and moving on.

The mental process is sort of "OK, my knee hurts. I accept that, and now I don't have to think about it anymore"

When it works, the miles just roll by and you feel like you can fun forever.

I run with and without music. My reasoning is that I would hate to always depend on it and that one time I get to a race etc and I either forgot my ipod, it breaks or any various complications, I dont want it to be completely foreign.

I do the same thing. I acknowledge the source of something and tell myself that there is nothing you can do about it, lets move on. One of my favorite quotes is by Patton. I tell myself this a lot before setting out for a long run.

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

I have don a lot of reading the last few weeks. I will say that I take some of it to heart. If it deals with techniques in recovering from a cramp, how to breathe better, running form going up/down hills etc Ill listen. One thing I made the mistake in doing last month is trying to run (form wise) like a book was telling me to run. I couldnt finish 3 miles with failure. I tried and tried to make my foot land properly, stride a certain way etc.

The best thing I did 3 weeks ago is go back to the basics. Just run. If my body wants to run a certain way, let it. Going against the way it wanted to move was causing a lot of stress on my shins, knees and muscles. The last 3 weeks have been very joyful running... even in 80-90 degree heat.

I just dont over think stride, form or foot planting.


Well-Known Member
I finally registered for the Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 marathon yesterday. So now I'm in official training mode.

Did a nice 3 mile run. Felt good. The weather has been beautiful. Feels great running outside and not sweating before I even tighten my laces.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I finally registered for the Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 marathon yesterday. So now I'm in official training mode.

Did a nice 3 mile run. Felt good. The weather has been beautiful. Feels great running outside and not sweating before I even tighten my laces.

How much fun would it be if all us wdwmagic runners that are participating in the W&D got tech shirts with the wdwmagic logo printed on the front. That way, we could identify each other and represent our favorite site. :D

Register on WDWMAGIC. This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.

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