What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5 miles tonight. Lordy, it was hard. I went to Moe's for dinner at 6. At 7 I went running. I had to get it in tonight. I dont miss mileage. Period.

I would confirm my rock hard stomach that i have always touted since A) I didnt puke B) I still, somehow averaged about a 9:15 mile with a Joey Bag of Donuts in my belly & C) I didnt puke.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
ROBO Nick. Love it.

Ah, i see you are a righty wrist Garmin. Im a lefty. :p

I'm left-handed and right-handed...ambidextrous (spelling?) Wear my 305 on the right because it's more comfy to control with my left. Left is my free hand since that water bottle is strapped to the right...I'm just all sorts of messed up. I dig the ROBO Nick :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
5 miles tonight. Lordy, it was hard. I went to Moe's for dinner at 6. At 7 I went running. I had to get it in tonight. I dont miss mileage. Period.

I would confirm my rock hard stomach that i have always touted since A) I didnt puke B) I still, somehow averaged about a 9:15 mile with a Joey Bag of Donuts in my belly & C) I didnt puke.

Well done Joel, know the feeling exactly :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I write and draw with both hands, but I can only use my left for eating / utensils...:shrug:
Im the same way. I can do things better with left than right... and somethings are so foreign to to the other hand, it is impossible. :lol:

Back in the saddle again!!! Knocked out a 5k this morning.. averaged about 9.40 per.. felt really good...
Nice Job.

Well done Joel, know the feeling exactly :)
A doughy brick in your tummy is a no fun run.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
St Patrick's Day 5K tomorrow morning - will mark the beginning of my fourth year of race running, and my 4th time to compete in this fun event.

I throw that out there to remind us all that a race doesn't have to be a long distance to be worth doing. One of these days, I'd like to do the 5K at Disney that goes along with the ESPN Weekend events - the schedule just hasn't cooperated so far. :D

I also mention this to say that the "couch to 5K" program is a great way to begin a hobby that can provide you with an increased quality of life: lower blood pressure, slower resting heart rate, weight loss, etc.

When I first ran a 5K, I didn't have any formal plan for training, but I used that little race as a building block toward running a half marathon the following January, and from there - full marathons.

The saying is true: If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon. :D (eventually :lookaroun )


Well-Known Member
I throw that out there to remind us all that a race doesn't have to be a long distance to be worth doing. One of these days, I'd like to do the 5K at Disney that goes along with the ESPN Weekend events - the schedule just hasn't cooperated so far. :D

Darn tooting. 5k's are just plain old fun. Some are phenomenally well set up and raise funds for good causes. Others are in need of some help, like a 5k I did last year that measured their course using MapMyRun and then wondered why all the runners said it was .25 mi longer, but shows promise especially since they let you run with your dogs!

Although at this point I usually pick a 5k for 3 reasons.
1) I figure it will be a small crowd, or skewed to other age groups so I can look good when I say I was 2nd (of 2) in my age group. Need a morale booster every now and then.
2) It's gonna be a phenomenal party. 5k around here has a massive food spread, free beer, great music, good vibes. Being thrown by a brewery obviously helps with all that.
3) It's for a cause I believe in.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
St Patrick's Day 5K tomorrow morning - will mark the beginning of my fourth year of race running, and my 4th time to compete in this fun event.

I throw that out there to remind us all that a race doesn't have to be a long distance to be worth doing. One of these days, I'd like to do the 5K at Disney that goes along with the ESPN Weekend events - the schedule just hasn't cooperated so far. :D

I also mention this to say that the "couch to 5K" program is a great way to begin a hobby that can provide you with an increased quality of life: lower blood pressure, slower resting heart rate, weight loss, etc.

When I first ran a 5K, I didn't have any formal plan for training, but I used that little race as a building block toward running a half marathon the following January, and from there - full marathons.

The saying is true: If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon. :D (eventually :lookaroun )
Well said Doug. Here's to my 16 months of solid running.


New Member
St Patrick's Day 5K tomorrow morning - will mark the beginning of my fourth year of race running, and my 4th time to compete in this fun event.

I throw that out there to remind us all that a race doesn't have to be a long distance to be worth doing. One of these days, I'd like to do the 5K at Disney that goes along with the ESPN Weekend events - the schedule just hasn't cooperated so far. :D

I also mention this to say that the "couch to 5K" program is a great way to begin a hobby that can provide you with an increased quality of life: lower blood pressure, slower resting heart rate, weight loss, etc.

When I first ran a 5K, I didn't have any formal plan for training, but I used that little race as a building block toward running a half marathon the following January, and from there - full marathons.

The saying is true: If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon. :D (eventually :lookaroun )

This is where I am currently.. I continue to come to this board for motivation, guidance and support... thanks for all of it... I dream of a half-marathon...

Darn tooting. 5k's are just plain old fun. Some are phenomenally well set up and raise funds for good causes. Others are in need of some help, like a 5k I did last year that measured their course using MapMyRun and then wondered why all the runners said it was .25 mi longer, but shows promise especially since they let you run with your dogs!

Although at this point I usually pick a 5k for 3 reasons.
1) I figure it will be a small crowd, or skewed to other age groups so I can look good when I say I was 2nd (of 2) in my age group. Need a morale booster every now and then.
2) It's gonna be a phenomenal party. 5k around here has a massive food spread, free beer, great music, good vibes. Being thrown by a brewery obviously helps with all that.
3) It's for a cause I believe in.

Never thought I would ever agree with that statement.. but NOW I DO :p

Well said Doug. Here's to my 16 months of solid running.

Congrats Jmax!!!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Mile 2 was when my dinner was really not settling well and I wondered if I needed to stop my garmin if I totally lost it :)

Isn't it crazy the things we runners think about?! It wasn't, "oh no, I might puke" - it was "oh no, if I puke I might screw up my Garmin results" :ROFLOL:

ROBO Nick. Love it.

That's a great name for him!

5I had to get it in tonight. I dont miss mileage. Period.

I would confirm my rock hard stomach that i have always touted since A) I didnt puke B) I still, somehow averaged about a 9:15 mile with a Joey Bag of Donuts in my belly & C) I didnt puke.

I'm the same way. My husband complains that I'll say I'm too sick or that some body part is aching me so I can't go somewhere he wants to go yet somehow I managed to get my run in that morning no matter how miserable I felt. :lol: I sympathize with the full tummy feeling. You may recall I ran the final TOT13K on a VERY full stomach after my first dinner at Le Cellier.

Back in the saddle again!!! Knocked out a 5k this morning.. averaged about 9.40 per.. felt really good...

Good for you. The first run back is the hardest. You'll be back in your routine in no time.

St Patrick's Day 5K tomorrow morning - will mark the beginning of my fourth year of race running, and my 4th time to compete in this fun event.

I throw that out there to remind us all that a race doesn't have to be a long distance to be worth doing. One of these days, I'd like to do the 5K at Disney that goes along with the ESPN Weekend events - the schedule just hasn't cooperated so far. :D

I also mention this to say that the "couch to 5K" program is a great way to begin a hobby that can provide you with an increased quality of life: lower blood pressure, slower resting heart rate, weight loss, etc.

When I first ran a 5K, I didn't have any formal plan for training, but I used that little race as a building block toward running a half marathon the following January, and from there - full marathons.

The saying is true: If you can run a mile, you can run a marathon. :D (eventually :lookaroun )

Well said. I agree with every word.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
This is where I am currently.. I continue to come to this board for motivation, guidance and support... thanks for all of it... I dream of a half-marathon...

If you can dream it, you can live it. I tell my kids that all the time. Just commit to it and be disciplined, and you can achieve it with the power of positive thinking. The year I ran the NYC marathon (2005) I had a Running Journal that said on the cover: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." Over the course of 7 months I went from being able to complete 2 miles to completing a marathon. And in doing so I discovered a love of running I never knew I had.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I'm the same way. My husband complains that I'll say I'm too sick or that some body part is aching me so I can't go somewhere he wants to go yet somehow I managed to get my run in that morning no matter how miserable I felt. :lol: I sympathize with the full tummy feeling. You may recall I ran the final TOT13K on a VERY full stomach after my first dinner at Le Cellier.
I do recall that. Italian food too. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Thought I would share this with people that can appreciate it :)

I was fitted for new shoes today by a 3 time Olympian, He ran for Canada in 2000, 2004, and 2008 in the 1500 and 3000 meter. He never medaled, but was 4th in 2000.
He has run a 3:50 mile....I can barely run a 3:50 1/2 mile! He co-owns the local running store here in Tallahassee, and came out when the first associate was occupied with someone else.

Anyways, have some new Guide 3's =) It was my first true gait analysis and reconfirmed what I thought I knew, but actually went up a half-size. Going to use them for my 4 miler on Sunday. Last longer run in my current shoes will probably be my 9 miler planned for tomorrow as they are over 350 miles, and I think I am starting to feel it. I could definitely feel it when I put the new ones on!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
12 Miles this am at a 8:22 pace. Im still trying to get use to the fact that my old routes on mapmyrun were a bit off compared to what I was running. 8:22 pace seems slow for my usual.

I have to remain focused on the bigger picture and say that my realistic goal for the Nashville Full is someplace between a 8:00-9:00 minute pace over 26.2. Ill be 110% satisfied.


RunDisney Addict
Inside run again last night...did 4.5 miles on Wednesday night, and another 2 last night, along with some weight training.

It is *just* too cold outside right now for running....highs in the high 30's. Another 10 degrees and I can start going outside :)

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