What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
8 miles this morning at 10:18 pace with 400 feet of elevation gain.

Taking it and moving on.... 7 weeks to Nashville....
Very Nice. Well done. Are you doing the full or half? If we are on the same Hal schedule, we are off on mileage. I cant wait till Nashville.

This morning started at 5:30. Oy. However, it was a stellar morning. 46 degrees. Perfect.

16 miles
2:07:04 - 8:30 pace
1,036 elevation gained (rocked some hills today)
7:45 pace was my best mile and 9:15 was my slowest (I recall what hill that was up :lol:)


Well-Known Member
Very Nice. Well done. Are you doing the full or half? If we are on the same Hal schedule, we are off on mileage. I cant wait till Nashville.

This morning started at 5:30. Oy. However, it was a stellar morning. 46 degrees. Perfect.

16 miles
2:07:04 - 8:30 pace
1,036 elevation gained (rocked some hills today)
7:45 pace was my best mile and 9:15 was my slowest (I recall what hill that was up :lol:)

Just the half!
My first full should be Memphis in December, if it goes according to plan.

Great run today Joel!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just the half!
My first full should be Memphis in December, if it goes according to plan.

Great run today Joel!

Ah. Ok... You will finish well before me. If you stick around, lets exchange bib numbers and try to keep an eye out for one another. I can recall what you look like, so we can refresh our memories closer to April 30th.


Well-Known Member

Ah. Ok... You will finish well before me. If you stick around, lets exchange bib numbers and try to keep an eye out for one another. I can recall what you look like, so we can refresh our memories closer to April 30th.

Absolutely. Scott H (SpongeScott) is running the half as well.


RunDisney Addict
Had a great crosstraining day today. Did about 75 minutes of weight training.

Tried to hit the treadmill afterwards, and my legs immediately said, "HEY! You said we had the day off!" and decided not to run. I got about a mile in before I finally gave in on the run.

I did work my legs pretty hard in the workout, so I"m not totally suprised...not totally happy that I failed at the end.

That's what the next workout is for....revenge.


Well-Known Member
40 minute tempo run, 4.5 miles at 9:02

Should have been 8 seconds faster which would have had me under 9 minutes per mile overall, but still a solid run for me. Considering I had a half-mile for the week as of Wed night, a good finish to my week with 22 miles.


1 00:08:45 1.00
2 00:09:11 1.00
3 00:09:19 1.00
4 00:09:02 1.00
5 00:04:20 0.50


Well-Known Member
Get out. Scott will be there. I'll have to ping Scott and ask him about it. After being on wdwmagic for 7 years and knowing Scott on the site and FB, I might meet him in person. :D

Yep. I have met him a couple of times IRL. He only decided to do Nashville a couple of weeks ago.:)

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
That is really cool dave. Glad someone can go and represent wdwmagic running forum and support Nick.

I have been absent for a few days. Feels like a week. Storm blew over a tree, which took out the power line, which cut a power pole in half, which ripped my breaker box off my house, which arced and blew that up in the rain water, which sent the charge down the ground wire to the antique way of grounding such to the water pipe, which sent that charge down my water pipe to the water main, which blew out the water main at the end of my driveway, which flooded the street for 2 days before water works could get out to the house.

Needless to say, I skipped my Wednesday long run since I was up at 3:30 am that day. I moved it to last night and skipped my 4 miles. Last night, 8 miles, 1:07:09 a 8:15 pace.

I mapped out Nashville 26.2 and it seems there is only 500 feet of elevation change. People keep talking about how hilly it was.I think that Im ok since last night over 8 miles, I had 800 feet of elevation change and last weekend, I had almost 1000 over 15 miles. Nashville 26.2.... bring it!

Thanks Joel, Dave is a trooper! Coryna (fmingo) is trekking up there as well on Saturday, so that is just great, to have two wdwmagic members come and support me.
I received pics of the SWAG for the race...really nice bling! 3 different speedster buckles for the 100: gold=sub20hrs, silver=sub24hrs (that's the one I'm shooting for), and bronze=30hrs. And a big fat gold medal for the entire race festival. Can't wait.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
New shoes!

Been having some weird foot and ankle pains lately, and dummy me finally realized that I hadn't changed running shoes in awhile. So I totalled up the miles on these shoes and it was over 700 miles. So I started with a fresh pair this weekend, and boy are my feet happier! I forgot what cushioning feels like. LOL. Timing was good too because I went on a particularly hilly run Sunday morning since my husband decided it was finally warm enough for him to hop on his bike and accompany me which meant I could run on the hilly forest trail that I don't go on alone. Felt good.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Been having some weird foot and ankle pains lately, and dummy me finally realized that I hadn't changed running shoes in awhile. So I totalled up the miles on these shoes and it was over 700 miles. So I started with a fresh pair this weekend, and boy are my feet happier! I forgot what cushioning feels like. LOL. Timing was good too because I went on a particularly hilly run Sunday morning since my husband decided it was finally warm enough for him to hop on his bike and accompany me which meant I could run on the hilly forest trail that I don't go on alone. Felt good.
Good for you. I love new shoes. I love the first 100 miles in them. Im weird since most dont like them till they are broken in.


Active Member
Ran my first 10k on Saturday! My time was 1 hour 4 minutes and 22 seconds! YIPPEE!!!!: Working up to the Wine & Dine half! This was my first race after 2 stress fractures in my right leg last year! Got cleared to run the middle of December and I've been trying to go slow & steady to prevent any more injuries!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Ran my first 10k on Saturday! My time was 1 hour 4 minutes and 22 seconds! YIPPEE!!!!: Working up to the Wine & Dine half! This was my first race after 2 stress fractures in my right leg last year! Got cleared to run the middle of December and I've been trying to go slow & steady to prevent any more injuries!

Congratulations! Must feel good to be out on the road again.


New Member
I'm back!!!

Boy did I slack off...

First day we were there I knocked out a 5k.. with relative ease.. since then.. I have shut it down.. we had a great time at Disney.. stayed at the new BLT.. the room was amazing.. the trip was fantastic.. but I have done nothing since getting back.. now with the time change.. I'm adjusting.. going to try and run a 5k sometime this week to try and get back into a groove...

Grats Tink!!! Hope everyone is doing well...

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