What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Visiting my hometown, Harlingen TX and ran the Jalapeno 100 10k. Out and back run with a 50 mph tailwind out. Sub 10 min pace out, 12 back into the wind. At least there are no hills here! It was 55F at start and it was funny to see the natives bundled up

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Visiting my hometown, Harlingen TX and ran the Jalapeno 100 10k. Out and back run with a 50 mph tailwind out. Sub 10 min pace out, 12 back into the wind. At least there are no hills here! It was 55F at start and it was funny to see the natives bundled up

Gotta love those tailwinds, but the headwinds are a b*tch! I'd rather have the wind going out than back, but you can't predict what you'll get in a race. Nice job.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Nice photos Joel!
Thanks. That was about the extent of good photos. The rest had some person right next to me and that isnt something I really want to have.

Great photos Joel! The professional shots always seem to catch me looking half dead! :ROFLOL:
I know. The sun was right in my face being 9am'ish. I wasnt about to smile. Natural reaction.... squint.

Great photos -very cool BLING. Congrats on your race! And wow -58- what a low bib#?

I got the #15 once but there was only 120 runners.
There were 7,000 runners this year. I was excited about such a low number. :lol: What a dork I am. It was because of the early bird special. $10 off if you registered back in August/September I think.


New Member
Hi Coach! You have to do a Disney race. I've been running (OK, jogging) for a year now and I used the Halloween 5K as motivation. I'm a big Jeff Galloway run/walk fan: jeffgalloway.com and also on rundisney.com. Then I survived the Disney half in January, then did another the next weekend (my left foot still hates me). That was so much fun I'm going to try the full marathon next January then do the Disneyland half to get that special medal. Congrats on the weight loss! I'm down to 224 from 246 a year ago. Shooting for 200.

I have to say.. the Disney race idea is very exciting!!! I just went to Disney run and checked it out... had I known ahead of time, I could have tried to make the Champions 5K run in a few weeks when we are going back.. but I don't think I'll be able to make it..

This morning I knocked out 3.18 at 30:28.. a 9:35 mile pace.. probably one of my better times.. I felt pretty good throughout...

I think I'm going to try and "rest" a bit tomorrow and then Wednesday morning I will attempt my first ever 5 mile run!!! :eek:

Thanks for the info on Disney run.. I could totally see myself attempting one in the near future..

BTW forgive the "newb" question.. how much distance are we talking about with a half and a full marathon?

Also- weight is 192 as of this morning.. gonna drop down to 175 (will be my lightest weight ever as an adult) by May first...


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
12 miles Saturday Am was cut short to 6. I was taking my usual walk break for 30 seconds at 4 miles and when I took back off, there was a little pain the the Achilles again. :mad: I shut it down at 6 miles. Luckily, it was in the actual Achilles and not the sheething the wraps around it and your heel like last time. I think I was too far gone for a quick recovery last time.

I am going today to get some of these, Super Feet, because I think with all the hills I have in my routes, my heel in my shoe padding is broken down too much. I recall the doctor last month telling me I might benefit from an insert since it would raise and support my Achilles.

It is a last ditch effort before having to take a month off or something like that and starting over. *finger crossed*


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I have to say.. the Disney race idea is very exciting!!! I just went to Disney run and checked it out... had I known ahead of time, I could have tried to make the Champions 5K run in a few weeks when we are going back.. but I don't think I'll be able to make it..

This morning I knocked out 3.18 at 30:28.. a 9:35 mile pace.. probably one of my better times.. I felt pretty good throughout...

I think I'm going to try and "rest" a bit tomorrow and then Wednesday morning I will attempt my first ever 5 mile run!!! :eek:

Thanks for the info on Disney run.. I could totally see myself attempting one in the near future..

BTW forgive the "newb" question.. how much distance are we talking about with a half and a full marathon?

Also- weight is 192 as of this morning.. gonna drop down to 175 (will be my lightest weight ever as an adult) by May first...
Good luck and kick some butt.

Half = 13.1 miles or 21,000 meters (techy answer :lol: )
Full = 26.2 miles

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
12 miles Saturday Am was cut short to 6. I was taking my usual walk break for 30 seconds at 4 miles and when I took back off, there was a little pain the the Achilles again. :mad: I shut it down at 6 miles. Luckily, it was in the actual Achilles and not the sheething the wraps around it and your heel like last time. I think I was too far gone for a quick recovery last time.

I am going today to get some of these, Super Feet, because I think with all the hills I have in my routes, my heel in my shoe padding is broken down too much. I recall the doctor last month telling me I might benefit from an insert since it would raise and support my Achilles.

It is a last ditch effort before having to take a month off or something like that and starting over. *finger crossed*

Never heard of those but they look comfy. I always go for the most padded shoes possible. They may not be light, but they're definitely stable and cushy. Maybe if I ditched my usual shoes for something lighter, I could do ONE mile at your usual long-run pace! :ROFLOL:Seriously, I hope they help you to feel better.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Never heard of those but they look comfy. I always go for the most padded shoes possible. They may not be light, but they're definitely stable and cushy. Maybe if I ditched my usual shoes for something lighter, I could do ONE mile at your usual long-run pace! :ROFLOL:Seriously, I hope they help you to feel better.
:lol: I just got back from getting them. The guys at the store are so nice and not prima donna running shoe store. I cant stand those types of stores and sports.

Anyway, with a price tag of $49 for the inserts, the told me to run in them and if they didnt work, bring them back. The reason I think that is abnormal is because they had to cut the insert to fit perfectly.

Fleet Feet, you rock.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
The volunteers were just as colorful. At one water stop, a group of high school students were wearing KISS face paint. At another, all the volunteers were adults and were dressed in pajamas. I took a bunch of photos - in at least one of the photos I posted, you can see one of my disposable cameras in the drink holster. :lol: As soon as I get them developed, I will do a race report with photos - somewhere. :D

Sounds like a blast. I don't know how these people do it in costumes. I don't think I could've run 26 blocks in that heavy rhino costume let alone 26 miles! Looking forward to your pics.

The link to the photo report is here - http://s224.photobucket.com/albums/dd301/MKCP/2011 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon/ - not too many good photos, but taken together they give you an idea of what the race was like

If you aren't interested in looking through the album, here are a few photos of some race volunteers. :D



and you have to love a water stop with beer after 18 miles!

The people working that water stop were wearing pajamas - wish I had taken a photo. At that point, the brain wasn't working too well. :lol:

The sweepers!

Fear not, even though you see them there, they were actually 7 miles behind me!

and post-race bling:


Well-Known Member
I have to say.. the Disney race idea is very exciting!!! I just went to Disney run and checked it out... had I known ahead of time, I could have tried to make the Champions 5K run in a few weeks when we are going back.. but I don't think I'll be able to make it..

This morning I knocked out 3.18 at 30:28.. a 9:35 mile pace.. probably one of my better times.. I felt pretty good throughout...

I think I'm going to try and "rest" a bit tomorrow and then Wednesday morning I will attempt my first ever 5 mile run!!! :eek:

Thanks for the info on Disney run.. I could totally see myself attempting one in the near future..

BTW forgive the "newb" question.. how much distance are we talking about with a half and a full marathon?

Also- weight is 192 as of this morning.. gonna drop down to 175 (will be my lightest weight ever as an adult) by May first...

A full is 26.2 miles. A half is, well, half of that.

Common disntances for races are.

5k = 3.1 miles
10k = 6.2 miles
half marathon = 13.1 miles
Marathon = 26.2 miles

The Nick (Donald Duck) daily warm up run - 100 miles.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
A full is 26.2 miles. A half is, well, half of that.

Common disntances for races are.

5k = 3.1 miles
10k = 6.2 miles
half marathon = 13.1 miles
Marathon = 26.2 miles

The Nick (Donald Duck) daily warm up run - 100 miles.

Hey man, I can't help that long distance keeps my head on straight! And it's more like 13 miles daily Dave! Saturdays are just 30 milers... Here I come Bad Water...
28 days until my 100 mile ultramarathon...nerves man, nerves...

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
The link to the photo report is here - http://s224.photobucket.com/albums/dd301/MKCP/2011 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon/ - not too many good photos, but taken together they give you an idea of what the race was like

The album is great. It looks like a really fun race. I can't believe you were able to take all those pictures while running a marathon. I think it's hysterical that there was a beer station! The big question is, did you get any King Cake at the Finish Line?! I have an associate in New Orleans who ships me a King Cake every year - nearly broke a tooth on the slice with the baby the first time, but I've learned to be careful since then! LOL.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Hey man, I can't help that long distance keeps my head on straight! And it's more like 13 miles daily Dave! Saturdays are just 30 milers... Here I come Bad Water...
28 days until my 100 mile ultramarathon...nerves man, nerves...

best of luck - you've got this!

The album is great. It looks like a really fun race. I can't believe you were able to take all those pictures while running a marathon. I think it's hysterical that there was a beer station! The big question is, did you get any King Cake at the Finish Line?! I have an associate in New Orleans who ships me a King Cake every year - nearly broke a tooth on the slice with the baby the first time, but I've learned to be careful since then! LOL.

Thanks! Miller Beer gave away 2 free beers to those who registered at the expo, so that plus a banana is what I remember having at the finish. :lol: I bought a King Cake this weekend (for my son to take back to school, not for me :lookaroun ) and they are now leaving the baby outside the cake for reasons like the one you mentioned. :lol:


New Member
Today is a rest day for me.. just going to slow walk for an hour or so during the day...

Tomorrow morning I will get up around 4:15 am.. and I am going to run farther than I have ever run before in my entire life. I am going to run non-stop for 5 miles!!!

Wish me luck!!!

Any advice for tomorrow will be greatly appreciated!!!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 Miles last night per the schedule. 70 degrees outside so my pace felt like around 7:30 but it was actually 8:00. Damn heat. We went from 30 highs to 70 high with no transition to spring. Kills the pace.

Jill, the inserts seem to have worked beautifully. No soreness this am. None. Ill continue this week running on all flat ground to give it some extra healing time.

Also, last night was the first run with my Garmin. Love love love it. Im still getting a custom to it and all the techy stuff it does and setting up how I like my front screen to look, but it is just awesome being able to just go run and not have to worry about what street/route to follow.


Well-Known Member
3 Miles last night per the schedule. 70 degrees outside so my pace felt like around 7:30 but it was actually 8:00. Damn heat. We went from 30 highs to 70 high with no transition to spring. Kills the pace.

We went from 60's on Friday to 18 and snow yesterday morning. I think I would rather have your weather change.

Also, last night was the first run with my Garmin. Love love love it. Im still getting a custom to it and all the techy stuff it does and setting up how I like my front screen to look, but it is just awesome being able to just go run and not have to worry about what street/route to follow.

I love that. I get into the park and just run around. "I think I will run this way. Oh that loop was fun, I'll do it again. I wonder what is going on down by the movie theater?" I just run in circles sometimes. I would have NO idea what distance I ran without the 305.


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