So, what did I do?
I went and played paintball yesterday (yeah, you can see this is not going to be good right from the get go)
I was running (would I be doing anything else) through the woods trying to make some cover, when my right arch hit a 4" diamater wet, bark free, log that my foot then rode sideways like a rail.
I went down in a giant pile (It did't help that I was taking fire at the time, so I was not entirely concentrating on where my legs were when I fell)
Long story short, I have no idea what I did to my right knee. Forget the plan to run 16 miles today - I can't run 16 feet right now.
I am really hoping that I just smacked the interior side of my knee on the log and banged it up. There really is no problem with it bearing weight, but any sort of lateral movement, like twisting, brings a whole new world of pain. It is all on the SIDE of my knee, and near the surface (or so it feels) not deep, or under the kneecap, so I have hope.
1/2 Marathon in exactly 4 weeks, then the WDW full on Jan 9 - I have some wonderful timing