What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Side note: Maintaining my toenails constantly is a pain in the a--. They cause too many issues during races and I don't need that extra problem during my 500 mile...so, I am having them surgically removed, and acid poured into the nail-beds to keep them from growing back.
Good bye!
Seriously, I have double nails right now because they died and didn't fall out. Everyone tells me to get a pedicure before they get worse.


Active Member
Side note: Maintaining my toenails constantly is a pain in the a--. They cause too many issues during races and I don't need that extra problem during my 500 mile...so, I am having them surgically removed, and acid poured into the nail-beds to keep them from growing back.
Good bye!

All I have to say about that is GROSS....

As for me today I did 10 miles and I improved my time by 3 minutes from last week's 10 miler. Anything helps since I am pretty much turtle speed compared to everyone else on here. LOL

Keep up the great running everyone, you keep me inspired.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Seriously, I have double nails right now because they died and didn't fall out. Everyone tells me to get a pedicure before they get worse.
My toes are destroyed. The nails keep causing problems. I don't want to be dealing with that for 500 miles. I will be wrecked after that.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
In two years I've had maybe three idiots try to play "Get as close as possible to the runner." Most drivers here have been awesome and some even stop if there is two-way traffic.

Speaking of “Get as close as possible to the runner.” does anyone ever get kids who ride their bike beside you and follow as your running? It’s cute I guess, but it makes me uncomfortable. Especially if the kid bites it because then you will have an irate parent who thinks you knocked their kid off their bike.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
My toes are destroyed. The nails keep causing problems. I don't want to be dealing with that for 500 miles. I will be wrecked after that.
Well, there goes your chances of being a foot model. :rolleyes:

No swimming this morning. Kids up most of the night for some reason and 5:30 came too early and I didnt feel like I would get anything out of my swim. So, Im doing it after work today.


Well-Known Member
okay i had planed on doing alot more today.. , but i think the cooler weather got to my head... , bc on mile 1 , my head started geting this pain.. so my body shut down at 4 miles ... , and so with my body shuting down so did my pace.. , so i ended up with a 9:25 pace. , kinda sluggish!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Speaking of “Get as close as possible to the runner.” does anyone ever get kids who ride their bike beside you and follow as your running? It’s cute I guess, but it makes me uncomfortable. Especially if the kid bites it because then you will have an irate parent who thinks you knocked their kid off their bike.

OK, the first time I read this I thought you said "especially if the kid bites YOU..." and I was wondering why the parent would be more irate about that than you would! LOL. Your way makes a lot more sense!

As for me, 4 miles of speedwork on the TM: 7 reps of (1/4 mile at 8:27 min/mile x 1:30 min at 10 min/mile). This workout was surprisingly doable today. Maybe I'll have to up the speed of the intervals next time.

Getting ready to register for the November local 10K with my son, but a party invitation may throw a wrench in the works. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
OK, the first time I read this I thought you said "especially if the kid bites YOU..." and I was wondering why the parent would be more irate about that than you would! LOL. Your way makes a lot more sense!

I am glad I am not not the only one who read it that way. I was wondering why the heck anyone would want to bite you, especially while riding a bike - it seems like a difficult maneuver.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
9 miles this am on a very pleasant run. Not as cool as I expected, but it was nice.

Off to the ATL with a friend for Midtown Music festival and Pearl Jam. I will consume a few beers. Good beers too. ;)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
9 miles this am on a very pleasant run. Not as cool as I expected, but it was nice.

Off to the ATL with a friend for Midtown Music festival and Pearl Jam. I will consume a few beers. Good beers too. ;)

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Landed my right knee on a rock out on the trails. Lots of blood and swearing. FB friends can see the damage. #familyguykneehit...aaahhh

I'll add up my mileage tomorrow, but I think I hit just about 145 miles for the last 5 days. Slowly increasing and attempting a 250mi mile week by the holidays.

Have a great weekend folks.


Well-Known Member
13.1 miles at 9:58/mile. ITB was an issue at mile 2 - kept going and stretching from time to time hence the ok but not sensational time, stopping to stretch for 20-30 seconds without stopping the GPS will do that. No more Queensboro bridge running for me until they complete their resurfacing project, running a half mile on rebar was not pleasant. I used to love running that bridge...


Well-Known Member
8.17 miles with a 8:34 pace. i guess it was the mix of a nice fall day and the starbucks coffee i had ealier in the day bc i was in the mood to run .. lol.. , it was a nice 81 degrees...


Well-Known Member
4 miles this morning. Maybe the most effortless run ever. Everything was just working and the weather was perfect. 58F at launch and low humidity after the cold front.

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